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Posts posted by AsprillasShinPad

  1. My current pet hate has been absolutely ruining games over the last couple of years and is now ubiquitous.


    I've always hated diving, including exaggerating contact and would love to see referees dishing out more bookings for non-fouls where players throw themselves on the floor and feign injury.  However, there has been zero effort made to cut cheating out and I'm now resigned to the fact it's tragically here to stay.


    My specific pet hate which has really taken off is the common tactic where a player who has the ball realises he's going nowhere. They then shield the ball and as soon as the defender tries to tackle, the attacking player throws themselves forward to the floor throwing both legs out. Rolling around in agony holding the lower back is optional.


    Referees seem to fall for it 100% of the time, meaning it has become a staple part of the game.


    Tackling is now no longer part of the game, which saddens me.

  2. Did they ever make peace with the Sugar Puff Monster


    Aye, posts on their forum now as Puff in Peace.

    :lol: That probably isn't beyond whoever is behind there 'X fan in peyce' posts.

  3. Brighton are one of the three teams I think we might be better than man for man, but they are now six points ahead of us. Plus in Murray they have a proven Premier goal scorer. Not a great result tonight.


    They must be absolutely gash to be worse than us man for man.  There are pub teams that our 'forwards' wouldn't get a game for.

  4. You and me - and a load of others - would happily fade away with anything above a million. But he's not like us. He's driven. Richer, richer, richer. Tread and s*** on everyone. He doesn't care or give a s***. Make money. more money. Destroy our club. Pay his staff f*** all. Treat people like s***. Make more millions. Be a c***. He will go on and on and on and on. And then he WILL implode. I promise you. They all do. One day, please god let us be soon. Very soon. So we can all watch him burn. And smile. And put more petrol on the fire.


    The dream is spitting in his begging bowl outside Eldon Square when the rancid cunt is sat there in his tatty Lee Cooper shite without a pot to piss in.

  5. Unpopular opinion alert. Always find it bizarre where fans can lambast players, managers, chairman and the like, call them every name under the sun and throw anything at them verbally or literally (in some cases cabbages), yet if any of these people do the slightest thing back, the fans go up like it’s the crime of the century.


    I don’t care if he swore at a fan a journo or whatever. I care about the fact he’s running the club into the ground and doesn’t give a f***. This strikes me as another huge case of misdirection. Everyone is so concerned about the lack of respect he showed by sticking two fingers up, it’s overshadowing the years of lack of respect he’s clearly had by the decisions he’s made at the club.


    I’d probably have more respect for him if he’d clearly stuck his finger up and told the fan to p*ss off for shoving a camera phone in his face.


    What in the living f*** is that ?


    Careful, he’ll join the clique haters.


    Rage against the Clique.  Fuck the Clique.  Stick it to the Clique.  Etc.


    Justice for the Dinho.

  6. In my mind, there are 4 scenarios where Ashley goes:


    1. He dies. Not against that option.


    2. Relegation followed by not going back up. I think he'd dump us at cut price if there was no TV money on the table.


    3. A higher offer for the club is put forward. The dream option.


    4. SD massively piles in and he needs to sacrifice the club to save SD. Not a bad option.

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