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Everything posted by Thumbheed

  1. Except this time, we're good.
  2. I really wanted us to sign this lad tbh. Not based on anything I've seen of him but by the fact that if Dortmund, Bayern and PSG (read Luis Campos) are sniffing around him, then this guy is the real deal.
  3. Newcastle United just casually beating AC fucking Milan to a signing. No big deal.
  4. Guy reached the top levels of football on pure talent alone and without ever putting in any effort.
  5. Thumbheed

    Nick Pope

    Considering we might get half of the fee back on Darlow, it's great business.
  6. I think people forget that this is a 19 year old lad who has absolutely zero attachment of any kind to our club, same with Botman.
  7. Tbf, I'd be massively surprised if there were no clauses that stopped him from pursuing Brighton players for a given period of time.
  8. At this point it makes more sense to sign this new guy than it does signing Botman. Know nothing of him but he can't he that much of a step down from Botman and more importantly it would set exactly the right tone and precedent for other clubs who'll try and stiff us this summer. Edit: After doing some YouTube scouting and reading the comments of my fellow scouts, I am now convinced he is the second coming of Christ and we should definitely sign him.
  9. Total bollocks that, like.
  10. Yeh, I think he was born in the wrong era. He'd have had teams built around him in any other era of football but barring Nice, no-one catered (rightly or wrongly) to his clearly flawed character. Shame because he's probably my favourite ever NUFC player.
  11. I'd be over the fucking moon with that. Honestly not arsed about having a perfect window. All I want it's consistent improvement window to window until we're in a place to seriously compete. If that means improving in only 3-4 of the 6 positions we need to improve on then that's fine by me. I'd hate for us to be the type of fans who take what we've now got for granted.
  12. I do wonder if ASM's unpredictability and high risk style of play impacts Targetts ability to attack. Must he really difficult playing behind him knowing he's not gonna track back if you commit to an overlap and when he loses the ball as often as he can. Should 100% sign him.
  13. Yeh what was the context of the Mourihno quotes the other day?! Why was he chatting about us?
  14. No one will convince me there isn't a top class player in there. Still no way near the levels he was but he was still very effective tonight.
  15. We are gonna be a madness with better players
  16. Pukki. Seems to be criminally underrated despite him scoring consistently for Norwich in both season he's been in the PL. Clearly a very, very good striker. Great movement, great finisher, hard worker and still young. No idea why more team aren't sniffing around him.
  17. Can understand why people might feel this way, but after seeing Schär and even Krafth transformed I'd be content with on on form Tarkowski at the heart of the defence.
  18. Schär, Tarkovski, Burn and a money signing would be incredible depth wise for centre halves. Think people forget building a squad is more important than building a first team.
  19. Mad thing we could actually be a decent window away from being in the mix going by current form.
  20. One of the best things about this club at the moment. Love the player/fan interactions angle they take too, just adds another layer to it all.
  21. So uneccessarily aggressive Yeh, I'm aware of his disciplinary problems but he's got the type of fight in him that I like in a player. He'll do well at a big club at some point.
  22. Would love us to take a punt on Morelos. Love a player who's tapped.
  23. I think he's going to struggle in a team that is going transitioning to a posession based game. Perhaps a move to a right where he won't be cutting into traffic and being able to whip more balls in?
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