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Facundo Ferreyra

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Everything posted by Facundo Ferreyra

  1. Some Reddit ITK saying Ashley's side are furious that the deal hasn't been announced yet as it's as good as done
  2. Surely other clubs can't have a say in it? They could just attempt to block any takeover if that's the case.
  3. Looking at this guy's timeline and I can't decide if it'd be better if he was taking the p*ss or not. dedication either way. I know who he is. Lived in the same street in Birtley as my mate when I was a kid. He's got a fair few screws loose. He and his family were known as the "smelly Ellys" by neighbours. Fun fact for you there. Fair. Feel a bit bad for being so amused now. The 'tb' every time tickled me. What does TB even mean? Also how long has that shiny headed shitcunt Steve Wraith been verified for? Will twitter just verify anyone these days?
  4. Did they do the same for Man City? Did they object to bein sport buying the tv rights? f*** me, FIFA has an ethics branch, and without a hint of irony releases statements like that. Pretty sure that's an independent body, not associated with FIFA. Just keeps an eye on them and raises anything they see as an ethical issue. Sterling job so far indeed
  5. Did they do the same for Man City? Did they object to bein sport buying the tv rights? f*** me, FIFA has an ethics branch, and without a hint of irony releases statements like that. Pretty sure that's an independent body, not associated with FIFA. Just keeps an eye on them and raises anything they see as an ethical issue.
  6. Do they have any proof that the Saudi government is complicit in the BeoutQ stuff? Surely they'd need that if they want the takeover to be blocked because of it?
  7. Indykaila bollocks. Probably going to tweet something along the lines of "Newcastle United sale has been agreed and the owners and directors test is underway".
  8. https://twitter.com/ManuLonjon/status/1252210781879484416?s=19
  9. Should probably lock the "New Member" functionality of the forum until a few months after the takeover is completed. Once the hype (positive & negative) cools down a little bit then open it back up. That would make it a large clique. Wasn't there a time when you had to post 20 times (or something) before you could open a thread? Or was that Toontastic? Possibly Toonchat, certainly wasn't Toontastic.net Pretty sure the post X times before you can open a thread thing is on this forum.
  10. “If someone said to me I am wealthy – OK, in theory I am a billionaire, even maybe a multi-billionaire – but in reality my wealth is all in Sports Direct shares that, as I said the other week, are the same as wallpaper. I don’t have that cash in the bank, so I don’t have that ability to write a cheque for £200m. I don’t have it, it’s very simple, it’s not there. I would have to sell the Sports Direct shares to fund that"
  11. "Like a new signing" Granted I don't think he ever said that himself, but his yes man managers did.
  12. I'm also in the "Martin Samuel is a fucking buzzkill cunt who has put doubt in my mind" camp. Prick.
  13. Won't be criticising Ashley? What was this absolute embarrassment about then? God Steve Wraith is a thick cunt
  14. Wanksplat is one of my favourite insults a real playground insult.
  15. Last time Jinky Jim made an optimism thread, everything went batshit mental within 24 hours. Now that he's done it again, I can only imagine that tomorrow the takeover will be confirmed, Messi and Mbappe will be unveiled via live stream from St James', Ashley, Bruce and Charnley will be fired out of a cannon into the sun and Sunderland will go bankrupt. Don't let me down, Jinky.
  16. This. And I hope he does. He'd just use a leaving message to tell the rest of the world how awful us horrible Geordies have been to him and how he always tried to do his best by the club.
  17. Good point that. Moral is all relative therefore one can never say that something is evil or good. Every action, deed, process, activity can be seen as good or evil, it's all in the eye of the beholder. Therefore by your impeccable logic, we cannot ever criticize anyone or anything, lest we fall in to the morally superior stone-throwing position, which you have decried. I was suggesting there was a degree of hypocrisy in taking a morally superior position without looking carefully at a lot of things. I was not suggesting there is no such thing as right or wrong. As Kevin Spacey's K-Pax character said, "The whole Universe knows right from wrong". Shame Kevin Spacey didn't :lol:
  18. Is anyone blaming fans? I thought we were discussing how happy or dubious we are to be owned by them. It’s essentially the same. I’d love for us to be taken over by a Geordie who made a global company and became a billionaire and can also invest in the city. It’s not going to happen though. Like I said, we are no longer in the position to question where investment comes from anymore. Barry Moat may come good one of these days....
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