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Facundo Ferreyra

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Everything posted by Facundo Ferreyra

  1. Supreme tinfoil hattery that like
  2. It's 100% as legit as they come. There's documentation verified by Pinsent Masons in the filing history. They're not going to doctor that kind of thing.
  3. That's it..strung both us and BZG along until they were done using it for their benefit. Served no purpose for them to speak before now. The Chronicle have been saying no bid since the story broke though. They know fuck all. And Downie has apparently been told by both NUFC and the Premier League that BZG haven't shown proof of funds - haven't they both maintained their "no comment" stance since the story broke? What a load of bollocks. Can't wait for this fucking statement, if it even happens.
  4. Keith Downie now tweeting to say that BZG haven't actually provided proof of funds. The fuck is going on man
  5. Twitter WUMs at it again. Claiming there'll be an announcement at 7pm tonight. I really wish these sad cunts would stop trying to wind up other Newcastle fans. It's gonna be a long weekend if there's no statement tonight....
  6. Nolan has the face of a man who would literally say anything for his next drink. His face was ridiculously red during that interview. Maybe he was trollied while on air
  7. They said it had been drafted but the contents were unknown (no shit, thanks Shields Gazette)
  8. I'm not sure sending a sheikh by fax would work
  9. It is the planes Hi Odin. I thought that was Odin too. He’s definitely here under a different account the rat Noticed that Odin's username has been changed to Odear and his custom title is "photoshop pro"
  10. If it was off, wouldn't the club announce it? Surely Ashley would love to be the one to tell us it's fucked.
  11. *activates gormless chump mode* well you see they would make a statement that it's off but Keith Bishop has one of their daughters held hostage in an secure, undisclosed location. The ransom? Keep schtum until the window closes and Ashley appoints another stooge then regrettably announce the deal is off. At that point she will be returned unharmed. :lol:
  12. Why do I keep reading this thread, the NUFC subreddit takeover thread and the NUFC hashtag on twitter? My productivity at work is fucking ruined! Wish BZG would hurry up with this statement. Even if it's to say "Sorry lads, that fat cunt fucked it", at least that's closure and we can get on with things.
  13. Christ, I hope not. The twitter conspiracy theorists will have their tinfoil hats on, spouting off about how convenient it is that a takeover update statement was released on the same day as the season ticket renewal deadline.
  14. When it's official and nobody has done that yet. Wait for an official statement from the club, BZG or joint. As someone posted a few posts ago it came out about both Staveley and Kenyon. You can rant, say garbage all you want but you haven't a clue what is actually happening and until something comes out (and it will soon) everyone is in the position of not knowing. This. So many people saying it's bollocks, likely just to soften the blow when it falls through. I still think something is going on, and while I'm not 100% that a takeover will happen (obviously), I am cautiously optimistic. Idiotic, I know....
  15. That says it came from Abu Dhabi, not Dubai.
  16. It's like Ashley and Charnley have sat down and devised a plan to fuck us as hard and fast as possible. I could take Rafa and Perez leaving if a takeover happened, but that's looking less and less likely by the day. Season's ruined before it's even started. Classic.
  17. "#ShieldsGazette has had word from our sources that there has been over 10 thousand season ticket cancels for the next season. If you haven’t already please cancel your tickets don’t be that guy who is known as a Ashley lover. #nufc #nufctakeover" Definitely a shit talker.
  18. I legitimately know someone who works at St James' Park. He knows fuck all.
  19. Why would a company worth billions need to borrow to buy a football club for £350m? Obviously I'm clueless when it comes to this sort of thing, but that doesn't sound right to me.
  20. I thought the same, that I'd missed an announcement that the deal was done and the server crashed with all the people trying to talk about it
  21. The Little Waster[/member] Why are you adding stuff from back in May? He’s desperate for this takeover not to happen so he can be proved right Im backing up my statement about the radio bloke being full of s***. There is no takeover ... but keep deluding yourself ? Ben Jacobs and Peter Redding are different people. You would think so wouldn’t you? What with their names being entirely different If people are going to attempt to be smartarses then they should probably get their facts straight.
  22. The Little Waster[/member] Why are you adding stuff from back in May? He’s desperate for this takeover not to happen so he can be proved right Im backing up my statement about the radio bloke being full of s***. There is no takeover ... but keep deluding yourself ? Ben Jacobs and Peter Redding are different people.
  23. I do like realiable sources. That's like a combination of real AND reliable! 100% guaranteed to be legitimate!
  24. Plenty of "screenshots" doing the rounds on twitter of Midhat saying the deal is off. I very much doubt he'd say that to random people on WhatsApp given how little information he's given out up to this point. Wish these sad cunts would get a life. Maybe it's Odin, at it again.
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