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Joey Linton

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Posts posted by Joey Linton

  1. 9 minutes ago, geordie_b said:

    NUSTs proposal to club for the distribution of Season Tickets




    Depending on the amount in each pot i think its a pretty sensible solution to a very difficult situation

    Couldn't disagree more with the pot thing. Those who have had them and given them up shouldn't get preference over general sale. 


    They've an absolute mess to sort out with the ten year deal thing though. No idea what the solution is there. 

  2. 4 minutes ago, Beth said:

    Yep I was wrong, but lets get real here in reply to all the other posts as well. He's done well, but he also had the biggest transfer outlay in January. Top 5 of the PL managers this season, yes. Manager of the season, no chance.

    OK marra

  3. On 15/04/2022 at 12:17, Joey Linton said:

    Three months yesterday since the membership vote closed on the future of this and the decision was made to distribute the funds to charity. 




    And also a reminder that its four months this weekend since the decision was agreed to give the funds to charity. Four months. 

  4. 7 minutes ago, Dancing Brave said:

    He'll have a word with his heroes on rtg who will treat him like a returning warrior. Then he'll sup some blue pop and come back fighting.

    Excited to see who he was. 

  5. 3 hours ago, TeddySAFC said:

    We are in a unique position whereby teams come to the SOL and don't even look to attack, making every home game an absolute struggle to get through, likewise all away games are tough as we are a scalp at this level.

    Here's the thing..... This misconception that you're something unique at your level is part of your problem.


    Like it or not you're a run of the mill League One club at the moment. You're not a scalp for anyone when they are visiting to play you in a half empty arena. 


    Your support love to talk about "deluded mags" but you've demonstrated exactly that trait since you dropped out of the Premier League and continue to do so. 

  6. Just now, arnonel said:

    Personally not a fan

    It's like.the Internet. You can use it to communicate with loved ones one a different continent. You can also use it to sell drugs etc


    Does that make the Internet inherintly bad? Nope. It's all how it's used


    NFTs are a great innovation but has led to a lot of exploitation. Understand it has given it a bad name. 


    Will try explain where I am using tomorrow.

    Pissed after work drinks and don't want to get suckered into unnecessary online arguments ??

    Will look forward to reading it. 

  7. 1 minute ago, brummie said:

    Mings's problem is that he's brilliant 80% of the time, and fucking awful the other 20%. Great example of that tonight.

    Like the inverse of Lascelles then. 

  8. 8 hours ago, arnonel said:

    Its very difficult to have an good debate on the topic in this thread. People have already made up their mind. 

    I for one believe in the utility. Cant paint everything with the same brush as "Why would you spend £££ on a gif ???"


    Enlighten us. 

  9. 1 minute ago, Sima said:

    Is Richarlison not getting investigated for throwing a flare back into the crowd against Chelsea?

    Same as Ronaldo hitting that kid. Will just be forgotten about. 

  10. I see the reason their displays aren't as good is obviously because they are more concerned with retaining their status as the classier club. Mental gymnastics should be an Olympic sport, RTG would clean up. :lol:

  11. 7 minutes ago, Super Duper Branko Strupar said:

    Their mixture of superiority complex and forever victims is vile.

    Don't like the "forever victims" thing after what happened at Hillsborough where they will be genuinely forever the victims, but "offended by everything, ashamed of nothing" is them to a tee. 

  12. 6 minutes ago, Froggy said:


    I can understand rivals of Liverpool not wanting them to win it, but Liverpool are a proper football club. Neutrals wanting City to win the title over Liverpool is baffling to me. 



    You can have those Suarez t shirts for starters. Liverpool are a rancid club. 

  13. Just now, Sima said:

    Come on Michael, no one likes these cunts.

    Was saying this to one of my mates today, despite everyone hating the way City have bought their success I don't know a single neutral who wants Liverpool to win the league. 

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