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Joey Linton

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Posts posted by Joey Linton

  1. Just now, Fantail Breeze said:

    Fucking thick cunt, what an absolute whopper.


    There’s a small minority of idiots following every team, shouldn’t be a surprise, but it’s still infuriating when they do something like that.


    Could we organise to replace the flowers and get the statue cleaned, at least?

    Not without it being called sportswashing we couldn't. 

  2. 23 minutes ago, Sima said:

    I see the organiser of their flag display is insinuating that WF isn't entirely fan-funded.


    Probably an angle for them to use to claim that ours is 'cringey' and theirs isn't.




    It'll be taken as gospel by the morning. 

  3. 15 minutes ago, Armchair Pundit said:

    I can't see Mitro being any different in the Prem this time than he was last time tbh. As seen before, it's one thing scoring week in, week out in the Championship but another thing entirely in the Prem. I suspect there might be an initial push but it'll probably fizzle as the season gets underway.

    When he starts to struggle the discipline issues will inevitably return too. 

  4. 1 hour ago, Neil said:


    That is such a misunderstanding of how odds work that I can't rationalise a response, but we'll leave it there.

    That is such a misunderstanding of how bookmakers work...... 


    They've enticed you to bet on something that won't happen by setting the odds at a level which captures your interest. You're exactly the sort of punter they are looking for. 


    Feel free of course to let me know how much you win. 

  5. 9 minutes ago, LFEE said:

    Slightly surprised Alex would chair again. Fair enough if he steps forward and no opposition. If so he needs to be grilled regarding his u-turn. 

    Also is there a limit to how many times someone can be re-elected? If not there should be to avoid cliques forming.

    Have you not been paying attention since the new owners came in? :lol:

  6. 1 minute ago, Heron said:

    The point about an online presence/popularity contest is very fair imo. I only got on because people know me from the match because I stand, shout and sing and have previously protested, etc. In doing so, I've been a familiar face. I ended up letting people down in the end because I was perhaps, not what the trust needed. Or was what they needed but needed to bide my time more...


    They didn't want to use my best asset and didn't appreciate my ideas, they didn't have the same fundamentals or priorities and I felt entriely alienated. Thus decided I wasn't going to waste my time. 

    You didn't let anyone down at all. Absolute nonsense that. 

  7. 10 minutes ago, Heron said:

    With the fan led review they absolutely are relevant. That's why it's paramount they reconnect and re-engage for when that motion comes into place and increased engagement from clubs is a larger pre-requisite

    No doubt they should be more relevant, but with the current set up they really aren't. 

  8. Will keep it in this thread, but I see they are claiming our women's team have been sportswashed. Literally their answer to everything Newcastle related now. 

  9. On 30/11/2021 at 10:31, Plastician said:

    We should create a new thread for the U15's etc. U12's on that basis- they are also playing for the 'club'. 


    People who force interest of Women's football onto other people are the worst of the worst in the football community as far as I'm concerned.


    Mass majority couldn't give a fuck - unpopular opinion to say, but nobody gives a rats ass about Women's football - it's shit. Standards shit. People who watch football, enjoy football;  but I don't think you can like both...


    People who watch Women's sports watch the  2nd Court at Wimbledon and know by name who the up and coming child Chinese gymnasts are. 


    Likely worded this wrong, but still I know many will actually read this and understand - I wish I never heard the term 'Women's Football' ever again. I'm not forced constant updates about Polo, Basketball or Badminton. 








    22,000 people gave a fuck today. 

  10. 3 hours ago, LFEE said:

    He was about to step down but Alex Hurst beat him to it. Then Heron and one other left overnight so he delayed announcing his intention to stand down. Alex Hurst then returned to help Greg iirc. Wouldn’t be surprised if this is Greg’s last term.

    Why did those two decide to leave though? 

  11. 2 minutes ago, Mattoon said:

    I'm still all in on Everton, probably just wishful thinking, but leave me to dream. Literally nothing to like about them whatsoever.

    Even if they do stay up this year, there's absolutely nothing to suggest they'll be able to solve their problems over the summer. 

  12. 7 minutes ago, bowlingcrofty said:

    Aye, Greg is sound as fuck. He’ll be the first to admit the Trust have made mistakes but I have no doubt whatsoever he’s done absolutely everything with the best intentions.

    He might well be "sound as fuck" but the Trust has been absolutely terrible under his watch. Some of my mates are sound as fuck, no chance I'd ever want them in charge of anything. 


    I'll look forward to him being the "first to admit that" though, after all we've only been waiting six and a half months so far for the detailed explanation which he suggested was needed and he promised as to why Alex was coming back on board. 

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