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Joey Linton

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Everything posted by Joey Linton

  1. They must be one of the longer serving league one clubs now surely.
  2. Love the idea that a club who couldn't afford to let Crook Town keep 100% of the gate receipts from a reserve game can suddenly afford Allardyce.
  3. Takes the heat out of all the questions of who owns them though.
  4. OK, back to blaming the lass for getting knocked about.
  5. Seriously. Imagine blaming the lass, the thread getting locked then coming back once it's unlocked and doubling down on your "hot take". Fucking hell.
  6. The full statement reads slightly differently.
  7. "She doesn't have to say yes" There's literally an audio clip of her pleading and saying "No" for fucks sake. Some absolute scum on here if they think that's in any way her fault.
  8. He really doesn't in this case.
  9. No way do you genuinely believe that surely?
  10. The primary difference at the minute is there's visual and audio evidence of one and not the other. Nobody knows much about the Giggs case (yet).
  11. An "agreement" was reached to make the story not be a story.
  12. And Maguire fighting / trying to pay off the Greek police.
  13. Manchester Evening News reporting the statement but not the story now.
  14. Nah. Got to go through the proper processes, but he won't be playing for them for a while.
  15. All that talk of Ronaldo coming in and being a role model for him too.
  16. https://www.readytogo.net/smb/threads/today’s-trouble-at-the-match.1570465/ Every week it's the other club's fault.
  17. https://www.readytogo.net/smb/threads/roy-keane.1570405/ Keano
  18. Also the co commentator going "its an own goal" just in case anyone wasn't sure.
  19. Whilst simultaneously pointing out that it's a disgrace the way the Saudi Regime treat women obviously.
  20. The odd time they've been on the TV he hasn't stood out at all. Always seemed a bit lost.
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