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Joey Linton

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Everything posted by Joey Linton

  1. Who are all these new people?
  2. Mag behaviour that marra.
  3. I imagine they'll think how lucky they have been to have two weekends on the drink in Newcastle in one season.
  4. That poster over there who deliberately can't spell gets them constantly raging.
  5. All against the backdrop of loads of them wanting the manager sacked every couple of weeks despite being second in the table. Then the rest of them having the temerity to call it "mag behaviour"
  6. I'm still far from convinced we are going to stay up, but I really don't know how they will cope if we do.
  7. Yeah it's just football content at the end of the day, you either watch it or you don't.
  8. Plays with a smile on his face though.
  9. His "bright start" was basically him being enthusiastic. He's been largely terrible.
  10. He's been an absolutely terrible signing.
  11. Just a heads up for anyone who isn't a Trust member but has pledged money - you need to become a paid up member of the actual Trust to have a say in the vote deciding where the funds are donated.
  12. Nor do I, but I'm not sure that's the point when people have parted with their own cash.
  13. 87% of those who voted were in favour of winding it up i believe, rather than 87% of all members voted. Would be interested to see the actual numbers though, given how short the voting window was.
  14. The most consistent thing about him over the last five years is him being injured.
  15. Not just Alex to be fair. People have been told exactly the same when they've made suggestions on here.
  16. It's a wonder that they've spent 4 years in the third division with them having so many players who would attract 8 figure transfer fees.
  17. The two day thing is a very short period of time for the vote, especially when they've opted not to even tweet about it over the last two days.
  18. Who knew jedward were seeeysun ticket holders?
  19. One of my mates who is a member has done today.
  20. Would be a nice touch if they organised for a couple of random Trust members to be pictured handing over the cheques to charity rather than board members doing it.
  21. https://platformlondon.org/2012/06/26/blowing-the-whistle-on-sunderland-fcs-oil-sponsorship-deal/ "Last month Tullow were on the backfoot again after a Corporate Watch investigation found that the killing of six Congolese by the Ugandan army next to a shared Tullow/Heritage exploration block was triggered by Heritage straying across the border illegally. Only following the release of the report – a full five years since the deaths – has Tullow promised to investigate what really happened. "
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