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Joey Linton

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Posts posted by Joey Linton

  1. 58 minutes ago, reefatoon said:

    Strange how Joey Linton never seems to post in this thread yet always pops in the other thread to let everyone know how it isn’t happening. Wonder why that is? Hhmm 


    Posted in that thread twice today so far. My previous three posts to those ones were actually in this very thread earlier in the week...... Carry on making stuff up though.

  2. 3 hours ago, Jinky Jim said:

    Oh good its the wind up merchant

    The only wind up merchants here are those telling you the takeover remains likely to be concluded. As you'll see in the coming weeks. I appreciate that's not going to be popular which is what leads to the personal abuse. 

  3. 27 minutes ago, Hhtoon said:

    But by winning the legal action the sale could go ahead. Why do you think PIF have changed their mind? After sinking millions in the process.

    Did you read the paperwork coming out of the most recent case?

    Because they couldn't / refused to satisfactorily answer the questions concerning the control and ownership. What do you base your assuredness of the club / Ashley winning the legal action on at this stage, other than more blind optimism obviously? 

  4. 16 minutes ago, Whitley mag said:

    You should get on the blower to Mike and save him a fortune in legal fees. I’m sure the tight cunt hoys away millions on the back of blind optimism all the time.

    Mike is annoyed that they've cost him his sale, that it's gone. Finished. Hence the legal action. Absurd that people don't realise this still. 

  5. 1 hour ago, STM said:

    Boo hoo, someone suggested that the takeover might not happen. Did I ruin the fantasy world that you lot are creating?

    Its not even about the likelihood of a takeover, its about you lot burying your head in the sand and ignoring the truth because it makes you feel a bit better about life.

    If I'm wrong and the takeover goes through, great and if there is an "I told you so" thrown in my direction, fine but I'd suggest that says more about where your priorities lie than mine.

    Ban me from this fantasy thread if you like. Couldnt give a shite. Its about as close to a thread on reality as a thread about Harry Potter or Qanon. 


    Just change the thread title from "Positive Optimism" to "Blind Optimism" and it'll be fully fit for purpose. 

  6. 1 minute ago, et tu brute said:

    All the info including negative sources is that the buyers are still there, I do agree with your second point though nobody knows how the arbitration will go. Just hope it’s sorted in the next two months so everyone can move on full stop.

    There's no actual evidence of it though is there? Other than a few accounts on twitter with an interest in keeping the story running for various reasons. 

  7. 2 minutes ago, Hhtoon said:

    What do you know of the PL and our respective legal arguments to decide it's daft?

    That neither involve any buyer, because the buyer very publicly withdrew from the process. 

    There's nothing to indicate that our dispute with the PL would see the return of the buyer. Nothing at all. And that's before you consider that the PL may have an acceptable argument. Too many people simply assuming the club will win the legal dispute. 

  8. Been for a walk with my dad this morning and he asked question which I said I would post on here. 


    Before Ashley came in my dad had a couple of hundred quid's worth of shares in the club, but he reckons when Ashley took over he was able to buy them under some compulsory rule because he owned so much of it already. He also paid less than my dad paid for the shares when he did it? 


    If new owners come in and decide they dont want to work with the trust will they be able to do the same with the Trust's 1% and buy them for cheaper than the Trust paid? Or is there an agreement that they can't do that? 

  9. 1 minute ago, Greg said:

    2000 people who say they would be willing to give you £25,000 each is very different to actually having the money in the bank.

    Didn't say otherwise. Still it's an indication of interest that existed last time around. Maybe means the £3m isn't as impossible as some people think?

  10. 3 hours ago, CalmintheChaos said:

    Surely we could raise that in say 5 years then as we will have a far bigger fanbase than hearts. Or going off that surely we could 15m in 8 years time.

    if we are a championship club in 8 years time then 15m could be about 12% of the club 

    They had £50m in pledges within a matter of weeks last time they did something similar. Wonder if they've still got the details of those people as obviously they'd be able to clear the £3m pretty quickly. 

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