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Dr Jinx

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  1. Dr Jinx

    Alexander Isak

    I'd very much like it if he stayed here until he was into his 30's but we also need to be realistic. If we can't hold onto him then we need to sell when his value is at it's highest. Is that now or one more epic season? I think we can get 175m for him that would help the club massively. We're so dependent on him because our other options are so poor. If by selling him we can bring the averages up, it will soften the blow a bit. My gut feeling is one more season or.. if we end up top 4 then all that goes out the window.
  2. Also seems the players thought in exactly the same way as the supporters. We're light years from that terrible place now.
  3. 3-0 down.. "i told you i don't do tactics.. put your boots on and work hard" Absolutely stealing a living that chap. You have to admire it.
  4. Dr Jinx

    Will Osula

    Love the way he picks up Willock.. mad as a brush this lad! Seems very popular in the squad already.
  5. Dr Jinx


    The deluded minds still think their club is some way relevant. The previous couple of derby games is where we were literally at rock bottom. Worst shape the club has been in the modern era and beating us at that point in time is their peak as a club and city. Forever in our shadow.
  6. Dr Jinx

    St James' Park

    Hopefully Sunday has added another 5-10k seats to the agenda
  7. In the bleekers in Dublin, home away from home. Packed with black and white. Balled my eyes out for a good 20 mins. Is this real? Did we actually do it!? Fuuuuuuuuuckkkkkk
  8. Yes! Bunch of paranoid cunts, they have their whole forum on private.. afraid of outsiders mocking them etc.
  9. They are the most arrogant bunch of cunts.. up there with Man Utd's supporters. You should see their forum.. playing the victims already saying our midfield are going to get away with murder etc.. and "we'll probably get booked on our first tackle"... absolute shite. Oh and it's a complete echo chamber for those who like to virtue signal.. like the whole Saudi thing.. as fucking if they'd be out protesting if they had bought their club instead. They are our bogey team.. no question about that but we can beat them..
  10. Dr Jinx

    St James' Park

    It all depends on how capable the design team are. For a brand new site, why couldn't the build take under 5 years? Spurs new ground didn't take more than that iirc. Everton's the same. Modern building techniques can take a lot of time off total construction time. It really depends on what the unique selling point of the stadium will be. Sustainability, energy efficient, multi purpose etc. The more bells and whistles will add time.
  11. Dr Jinx

    St James' Park

    5 years should be the maximum amount of time. Even the Bernabau got done just under that amount of time (during Covid, whether that's a plus or minus) 75k is the magic number
  12. We've been waiting for PIF to flex since they came in.. will it happen this summer?
  13. I think it's safe to make an assumption that Anderson or Minteh may not have been sold if there was strong interest in any other players like Targett, Lascelles, Longstaff etc. We may have had to sell one of them to bridge the PSR gap, but there wasn't the interest. No bid or indeed firm interest stays hidden.
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