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Dr Jinx

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Posts posted by Dr Jinx

  1. A small sign but still a sign that PIF are still here waiting.



    The legal update last week indicated that they were still at the table too. That’s the part I’m not doubting, it’s the rest that I can’t see any other way around. But that’s also why I’m not a high paid sports law professional. We lose the case and I suspect it’ll be all off at that stage, either way I’m sure we’ll know within 2/3 months

  2. You take Wilson out of this team and it’s not even half as talented as the one that got relegated in 2016.


    Relegation is a certainly. In fact, a good opportunity to double your money while it’s still evens with the bookies.


    Even if they sacked Bruce in the morning I think it’s too late, they don’t have anyone else lined up, and what on earth would another less than ordinary coach do with this shit heap of a squad?

  3. Here’s the question I’d love to ask any or all of those pundits who keep claiming Bruce is a good manager and he’s “doing a great job”


    Of all the clubs he’s managed, name one set of supporters who speak highly of him and would have him back at their club?

  4. The idea of the club burning to the ground doesn’t scare me. The fanbase and the city will always be there, ready to go off again like a petrol bomb under the right conditions.


    Aside from all the obvious faults of Mike Ashley the thing is that even if his heart was in the right place and he was interested in success, he literally can’t help himself by making wrong choice after wrong choice. He trusts whoever is giving him advice far too much.



  5. No team can shoulder the injuries Liverpool have had. There’s zero trust there in that back line. The midfield dropping deeper to try and give them protection which leaves basically world class forwards looking as effective as Jacob Murphy or Ryan Fraser.

  6. I believe we need another three wins and two draws to be safe, and I have no confidence in the current squad to even get that. It is looking bleak.


    There’s absolutely no chance of that happening.


    Villa at home we might get a point and Sheffield is another where they will already be relegated by then.


    I see 4 point maximum. We have a disgusting run in.

  7. Looking at the fixtures. We maximum get 4 points from the remaining games. Is it enough?


    No :lol:


    What’s the lowest ever survival total, out of interest?


    34 and it was West Brom who just stayed up. New records perhaps this season.

  8. The theory that this was to put pressure on the chair is just bonkers.  It's not your mate Terry chairing the local meeting of the rat and parrot dominoes club, it's one of the most senior QCs in the country.  The bloke's been a lawyer for 50 odd years, a QC for 40 or something and was chosen by two retired judges who are also Lords, this isn't gonna rattle him.


    Agree 100%, I think it’s got more to do with creating a narrative the supporters will buy into. If or when arbitration goes against us, it’ll be as we were. Not rejected but the buyers won’t come back to the table.


    I was joking when I mentioned the possibility of getting relegated on purpose but actually, the more I think of it, it’s probably the likeliest way it can actually happen. (The takeover)


    The EFL won’t apply even close to the same rules and then when we return to the PL, well the deal is already done. They can’t do anything about it then.

  9. I’m not bashing anyone for being optimistic, we need some hope to cling on to, otherwise it’s utterly depressing but can any of you hopefuls tell me how on earth the club are going to make a better case that the KSA are not in control of PIF than what the PL have submitted to show why they think they are?



  10. I’d call what’s going on as a game of chess at the moment by the legal team.


    They might have expected to lose today’s verdict, the victory might be that the information is now in the public domain.


    Things inevitably leak out. If the PL have been dishonest in how they’ve conducted themselves there might be more to come out where they will eventually decide it’s not worth playing all of this out, as even if the proceedings are not going to be public, the ruling will be.



  11. We all need to erase the concept of "separate entity" from our heads -- that's not the issue, and by all accounts KSA and PIF are "separate entities" that have distinct legal identities. The issue is whether the EPL's provisional decision that KSA could be deemed a director, due to control, violated any of the standards I quoted earlier. (PIF and KSA can be  separate legal entities with KSA still having sufficient control to be a director.)


    I don’t believe the PL have accused the buyers or the sellers or violating the rules of the o&d’s test.


    Also at this point I don’t even believe they rejected it out of hand. The sticking point was getting KSA (or MBS) listed as a director. It never moved on from that point.


    Any NUFC fan trying to reason that PIF is not under control by KSA is clutching at straws and to be honest, Mike Ashley probably was too by hiring that legal team, they are basically arguing semantics. If they win it’ll be on the technicality of wording.


    Or, and again tin foil hat time, the other two on the arbitration panel, both have political ties, NUFC’s nominee Lord Neuberger was brought in by Conservative Ken Clarke whereas the PL’s choice was brought in by Jack Straw. Some lobbying by KSA/PIF could be useful, corrupt yes but that’s the game they’re playing.

  12. I think today this has cleared up a few things, I think the need for two threads is pointless at this point. Can they be merged, or the other deleted?


    If you read the full rulings, there’s 50 times more info to digest than all of the Twitter itk bollocks on the other thread.


    It’s good news that PIF are still at the table, De Marco couldn’t be arguing on their behalf if they hadn’t given some input. So there is optimism.


    The bad news is that the establishment are conspiring to block this still. That’s the reality.


    I think both can live on the same thread?


    I don't personally interpret it in that way; strictly speaking, the O&D Test which was applied to our takeover ceased to continue when the Saudis withdrew. So, at present, there's nothing that the establishment can 'conspire to block'.


    What I still don't fully understand about arbitration is with regards to what it's actually seeking to achieve. Are NUFC trying to prove that the EPL were influenced by external pressures and/or used delay tactics, and therefore acted unlawfully? Or are NUFC trying to prove that the EPL has no good reason to dispute the arguments regarding separation of PIF and KSA? Or both?


    If the latter of those two contentions was determined in NUFC's/PIF's favour, then the takeover would presumably be wrapped up, regardless of which way the first one went.


    Having read the email exchanges between Beloff, Bird & Bird and the other arbitrator put forward by the PL, it’s clear that the advice given by Beloff in 2017 contains something they do not want revelead at any cost. In fact, the information that comes to light in this case cannot be made public at all. It does appear that there is more at play for the PL in this than just the takeover.


    It’s an odd thing for the PL to argue so strongly for unless there has been some sort of collusion. If it’s as open and shut as they claim it to be, what on earth could come out that would be so damaging to them?


    And based on today’s learning, the arbitration is about the conclusion of naming KSA as a director. NUFC want this resolved so that the rest of the test is carried out. Basically if KSA is named, the takeover will not go ahead as it opens the test up to all sorts of other issues.


    If they can prove that PIF are a separate entity, everything becomes very straight forward. In fact, the only thing blocking it would be relegation and even that’s up for debate.

  13. I think today this has cleared up a few things, I think the need for two threads is pointless at this point. Can they be merged, or the other deleted?


    If you read the full rulings, there’s 50 times more info to digest than all of the Twitter itk bollocks on the other thread.


    It’s good news that PIF are still at the table, De Marco couldn’t be arguing on their behalf if they hadn’t given some input. So there is optimism.


    The bad news is that the establishment are conspiring to block this still. That’s the reality.


    I think both can live on the same thread?

  14. De Marco's first loss ?


    If course it isn't. He hasn't lost cases, but he'll have lost judgments as part of cases he ended up winning. What do you think he is like Mr Perfect?


    Could also be argued this is simply a manoeuvre, which is backed up by the fact its been made public.  The chairman now has the question of bias hanging over him, not just in proceedings but publically.


    The HUGE problem people seem to be ignoring is the fact that it's pretty obvious that PIF are controlled by MBS and piracy is still an outstanding issue. People who claim "as if he'll be ringing the manager telling him to drop the left back" are completely missing the point.


    Until piracy is resolved this is going nowhere.


    I agree. And to be honest, it’s hard to argue against the reasoning for the PL to include KSA as a director (or person with controlling influence)


    What they should have done all along was to set up a separate entity that PIF invested in that had its own board. They were a bit naive to think given everything going on that this would be waved through.

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