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Dr Jinx

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Posts posted by Dr Jinx

  1. Burnley were one dimensional. Dyche would go on to be hated if he were manager here, no doubt about that.

    Once we figured out not to leave that right back role vacant like we did in the lead up to their goal, they were left with lobbing long balls into the box for the rest of the game. I’d be furious if I were a Burnley supporter. We were rank, totally there for the taking. Should have been out of sight long before ASM and Wilson came on.

    Good win though, not quite safe yet but Fulham must be fearing the worst now,

  2. 43 minutes ago, Geordie Ahmed said:

    It would be 8 points in it, so City can still afford to lose a couple more games

    I stand corrected, but yes, I think they will lose a couple more games. Man Utd’s only real test is against Liverpool. It’s a tall ask but not quite the impossible one you’d have thought just a few weeks ago.

    Certainly worth a tenner punt at those prices 

  3. If Man Utd win both games in hand the lead is down to 6 points. City arguably have the tougher run in. The amount of games they have to play too, could catch up with them.


    66/1… ?

  4. 3 hours ago, Ben said:

    Ashley has done an unbelievable job of splitting Newcastles fan base, it seems to be about 10 groups of fans with totally different opinions of the club and each other with a load of long timers just giving up altogether 

    That’s nothing to do with Ashley, it just took “some” people a lot longer to get up to speed with the internet

  5. This will get the media off his back now until the next horror show.

    Its occurred to me that these (rare) team performances this season have all been against sides that either have major problems or just had an off day, not because we played so well, just something missing in them that allowed us to be more than we are.

    When we play a team that’s playing to their ability we get stuffed

  6. 51 minutes ago, Pons Alias said:

    Personally, I've always felt that for one, Shearer's love of the club has been massively overstated.

    I wholeheartedly agree, sure he sacrificed trophies, but how long would he have lasted at Man Utd, certainly not being still the top dog at the club into his mid 30’s.

    He was happy to see out his career here and earn a shedload of money.

    Am not shitting on him btw, before anyone gets offended. Something he supported became his job, ever talk to a sound engineer about gigs they’re looking forward to?

  7. Wilson won’t allow himself to be rushed back if he’s not ready. He owes no loyalty to the club, he’s clearly one of our best players and should be somewhere challenging for success. Why would he risk serious injury when he’d be a certain transfer target as soon as the season ends.

    I suspect/hope he is though (ready) and they are just keeping Spurs guessing.

  8. So Luke comes out of his mini Covid hiatus to run a story about Bruce when his only source at the club right now is Bruce.

    Payback for the results of that mean poll.

    Don’t believe a word of it. The board and Steve Bruce are not on the same page

  9. 2 hours ago, Yorkie said:

    If PIF walk away I'm convinced someone else will be along very soon after. They might not have the riches or ambitions of Staveley & Co, but I genuinely believe we're close to a post-Ashley world. 

    Well officially they have, and there has been nothing to stop anyone else from coming in during this season to make an offer to Ashley. Perhaps they have, but I believe his loyalty to making a deal with the Saudis goes further than just the sale of nufc, there might be some sort of agreements which could further his reach with “Fraser Group” in the Middle East.

    He’s been over there quite a lot in the last few months.

  10. 21 minutes ago, hakka said:

    The key constant is Ashley is thick as fuck when it comes to owning a football club. He will believe we still can stay up and be dumbfounded if we get relegated again, but still think we can come back up with modest investment after selling certain stars post relegation. He deserves missing out in coming back up first time and taking on a second year in Championship to really hurt him. Else its just a minor inconvenience he will hope to avoid for another 5 years if we come straight back up. As long as we are in the PL we will be over priced to those that can pass PL owners test and buy us. He will only sell if it's a massive loss to him owning it. Few years in Championship might be what does it, better than another decade of shite managers and flirting with relegation and going nowhere in the PL.

    Don’t confuse being thick with pure spite. He hates the club and especially the supporters. The thin skinned cunt.

    You think those chants that he pretends to laugh off didn’t get to him?

    He’s got the offer he wants. 100%

  11. 36 minutes ago, Candi_Hills said:

    How does relegation simplify things? I thought it meant renegotiating with our infuriatingly awkward, unscrupulous, lying fat fuck of an owner. When has that ever been simple?

    I think it’s already been agreed. “We’ll wait to a point if the club remain in the PL, assuming the legal case goes well. But if the club is heading for relegation, don’t prevent it and we’ll move forward from there”

    He’ll get what he’s looking for.

  12. 17 minutes ago, Kanji said:

    has arbitration even started?

    literally have lost all hope it's going to happen. 

    No it hasn’t. Nothing happens quickly at this point.

    Just remember as long as this arbitration takes, that doesn’t suddenly mean we’ve passed the o&d’s test. It just clarifies one small section of it.

    The PL will have to conduct another o&d’s test if and when the consortium put themselves forward again. Or pick up from that very early stage they were at before. You’d have to imagine in the unlikely event that we stay up that this will still be dragging on into next season.

    Relegation really simplifies things.

  13. 30 minutes ago, gjohnson said:

    This whole situation is Charnley doing a massive bottle job. If reports are to be believed he is in  charge day to day.

    Even without any football knowledge at all, any company/director should be able to see that a 10% ( 2wins in 20) success rate is poor even ignoring competitors who are doing better. 

    Regardless of his title, it's clear that he does not have the real power of a CEO. I don't believe anyone could be so oblivious to results to see that things arent working...

    So what is it? Fear of Ashley, overridden by Barnes? Incompetence?

    Assuming its a fear of being sacked himself for having to make a large compensation payout, then why is he not afraid of costing the business a few hundred million.

    As much of a tool Ashley is, given his money driven nature there's no way he would want a loss of the magnitude relegation would bring


    Unless it’s all been agreed on behind closed doors with his legal team and the people representing the consortium.

    The club have been actively trying to pave the way for this takeover to happen, why when he’s this close to getting the payout he wants, would he risk stopping the whole thing? It doesn’t make sense.

    Bruce has probably been begging to be sacked but they say no because he’s the right man to take us down

  14. 42 minutes ago, Stifler said:

    From what I can find, they were found guilty of paying players illegal payments. No idea how that is possible, but they were.

    I don’t think it would look good on the EFL or FA if the Premier League turned around and said our owners are not fit and proper when the EFL approved them. However Rick Parry is in Liverpool’s pockets, so it’s not a given that the EFL will approve them either.

    That may be the case but they simply don’t have the framework in their o&d’s test to do what the premier league have done.

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