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Dr Jinx

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Posts posted by Dr Jinx

  1. Two important contributions this season, there was that free kick to get us level and then the cross for Lascelles. We’d already be in the bottom 3 if it weren’t for him.


    You could argue that he’s had as much impact where it counts as ASM.


    Needs to start against Brighton

  2. However I do think he’s not fit enough either. That’s definitely a factor. He’s never going to be a great footballer but I don’t think we’re seeing the best “Joelinton” that he can be.


    Rafa would sort him out, all the extra training, he’d shed a few pounds and gain an extra step, we’re not talking massive gains here but something noticeable at least



    Being fit is no excuse for not being able to kick a football properly. Honestly amazes me the amount of excuses are put forward for this utter donkey.


    Oh I quite agree with you, I’m done with offering excuses for him but the fact is we’re stuck with him for the foreseeable. We should try and get the best from him until he can eventually be peddled for an “undisclosed fee”

  3. However I do think he’s not fit enough either. That’s definitely a factor. He’s never going to be a great footballer but I don’t think we’re seeing the best “Joelinton” that he can be.


    Rafa would sort him out, all the extra training, he’d shed a few pounds and gain an extra step, we’re not talking massive gains here but something noticeable at least

  4. I have a mate whose wife speaks Portuguese and has got to know Joelinton and his wife a bit. Apparently getting settled here has been tough and they haven’t felt well supported by the club there. Hardly surprising really.


    His £80,000 per week should take the edge off a bit, you'd think.


    Not as easy as that. He was on his own for quite a while. Lockdown for most of it too. You can have all the money in the world but failing to adjust can have an adverse effect on performances in a game of such marginal gains.


    Mind, its not an excuse as to why he's absolutely s*** like. Just more evidence of the club being ran at the bare minimum.


    No he hasn’t, he’s got his lady living with him and a whole troop of pals hanging around his gaff. As per his Instagram..

    He knows he’s not gonna succeed in this league, he doesn’t have the pace for it, or the mentality to use his strength to really give defenders a hard time. Sure he can do the odd nice touch on the ball but he’s a fucking Brazilian..


    He’s earning more here than he ever did before, I reckon he’s just going through the motions and doing what I would do in that situation which is fuck about and have fun. He knows he’ll get another gig in Germany when this fiasco is done with

  5. You’d think if we lose to Villa he’ll have to go. I don’t think the compensation figure was ever an issue, it’ll be about 2 million.


    The problem is, what was he 13th choice? All those candidates who said no before, they’re hardly going to step in now. The only ones who would take a job like that would be the same level as Bruce, a Sherwood or someone equally dismal. Nobody that could save us, so it’ll be Graeme Jones, and he’s already here..

  6. About 2 weeks late to a story that they still get wrong.


    Italian football isn’t worth nearly as much as the exposure from the PL. Spanish football is even worse as far goes a closed shop and French football isn’t worth the hassle to compete with PSG.


    I think the Saudis would have gone for Man Utd if they’d been available and maybe they would have if they were still outside the top 4 but revenues will be good for them this season and next.


    We’re the only other option really. If they still want a club to compete in the PL we’re the best available option.

  7. If the buyers could have a word and were also of the persuasion that Steve Bruce was the right man for the job, you’d have to question what sort of owners they’d be.


    I think getting the club for 80 million cheaper and not having to go through the PL owners bullshit might be an acceptable plan b for them.


    You can be sure Mike Ashley will time it so he can pocket the parachute money before any transaction is completed

  8. Playing for a 0-0 is about as best as we can hope for. We’re toothless up front.


    Part of me just wants the team to crash and burn because I want Steve Bruce to have another relegation on his cv. But actually when I think of it, he’s going to have a list of excuses why it happened, none of which “were his fault” - injuries, Covid, the fixture list, social media abuse, a media agenda etc etc.


    Things which only conspired against him of course, not the teams who will pip us to safety.


    The idea of him slithering away from any criticism makes my blood boil. He’s the worst of them, someone who plays the Geordie card but actually despises his roots.


    I’m struggling to comprehend how he has so many “friends” in terms of ex players and media folk. How can they not see through his absolute self pitying horseshit persona he’s cultivated.


    And then I remember “football people” aren’t all that bright really.

  9. ?‍♂️ Wouldn’t surprise me if it’s accurate. Would explain why some of the more senior players look like they couldn’t give a shit, Lascelles in particular.

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