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Dr Jinx

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Posts posted by Dr Jinx

  1. Cannot see an end to this mess me like. :lol:


    The Premier League are f***ing spineless. I was hoping to watch the remaining games knowing that we’d soon be getting rid of manager of the year Stephen Roger Bruce and on the verge of going on to greater things but it is just s****.


    Quite the opposite my confidence is growing by the day think where very close. The Saudi announcement re intellectual property today feels significant.


    Everything feels significant, until it’s not.  :lol:


    So many events looked like being the catalyst to spark the final push, then it just fizzles out time again. If we’re not careful it’ll end up being a documentary on Netflix.


    “Takeover after we’ve all died”

  2. Um ... so how about what Ole is doing with these boys? Playing some pretty outrageous stuff at the minute. Lovely football.


    Against Aston Villa...


    Give credit where it’s due. He identified the player he needed the transform things and they’ve been unbeaten going back to February including a convincing win against City.


    They are going to be right in the mix next season.

  3. It’s one of those Rafa signings that just made no sense. That’s 20 million + between Muto and Murphy. We’ve seen nothing of either of them to suggest they can ever make it at the club.


    Gayle paid for his fee by the goals in the championship the first season. Got a bad injury and hasn’t quite been the same since. Probably has a chip on his shoulder about being loaned out when he saw how s**** his replacements were.


    Muto needs to show some personality if he gets any game time between now and end of season. He’s been here over a year and we know f*** all about him


    Nahhh. Muto was what, £9m?


    EDIT: Thought you meant Daryl, completely forgot about Jacob. :lol:


    Daryl was a real pleasant surprise to be honest. A bang average player but he did very well for us when it counted. Total respect for the lad.


    Again, re: my point about Muto, Jacob Murphy has basic qualities that should contribute to being a good footballer. But just seems overwhelmed by any opportunities he gets. He needs to show who he is, play with some personality unlike the robot we’ve seen.

  4. It’s one of those Rafa signings that just made no sense. That’s 20 million + between Muto and Murphy. We’ve seen nothing of either of them to suggest they can ever make it at the club.


    Gayle paid for his fee by the goals in the championship the first season. Got a bad injury and hasn’t quite been the same since. Probably has a chip on his shoulder about being loaned out when he saw how shite his replacements were.


    Muto needs to show some personality if he gets any game time between now and end of season. He’s been here over a year and we know fuck all about him

  5. Ultimately I think Steve Bruce could have us in or about the top 4/6 if he was given a massive amount to spend. Mark Hughes did it. But I also think he would come up short in the same manner when it came to winning trophies, but that’s just my opinion, I haven’t a clue how well he could do.


    Any manager is only ever a couple of signings or a couple of sales away from being brilliant or total dogshit.


    Take Ole for example. Ridiculed for much of the season. Did a shrewd bit of business in Bruno Fernandez and suddenly that conversation is a thing of the past.


    With NUFC, throw in a decent striker, a proper holding midfielder and a playmaker as well as a new left and right back and things could suddenly start looking very different.


    Case in point.


    One of Klopp’s first Liverpool XI.. how far do you think he could have pushed this lot? Top 8 maybe? If that’s all Liverpool ever allowed him to use, would that have made him a shit manager at PL level?



  6. He was a risk that’s paid off. Aside from his ridiculous pace and skill. His attitude and general attributes as a person are top rate. Irreplaceable actually. But we had no way of knowing that when we signed him first.


    Teams are terrified of him.


    He can be for us what Eden Hazard was for Chelsea. He’s already becoming more efficient with his energy and knowing when to carry the ball.


    Put some better players around him to give him more space and he’ll destroy the league.

  7. Richard Master's literally wrote to the legal counsel acting for Hetiz Cengiz complaining their correspondence had been leak into the media.


    If we never want to speak to them again, and not use this as an opportunity to build some sort of dialogue with the CEO of the Premier League beyond the takeover e.g. on other matters, then we could throw it all away for some likes on Twitter.


    But that would be very stupid.


    I'm 100% in agreement. However, playing devils advocate, how long do PL CEO's actually last? Isn't Masters meant to be out some time fairly soon?


    He's only been in the job for a few months.  The previous one was there for 26 years.  :lol:


    Yes but he’s been with the PL since 2006, started off as their head of sales and marketing before being promoted to Chief Executive.


    Before that he spent 5 years as the commercial director for the football league.


    He’s not some blow in they took off the street.

  8. Richard Master's literally wrote to the legal counsel acting for Hetiz Cengiz complaining their correspondence had been leak into the media.


    If we never want to speak to them again, and not use this as an opportunity to build some sort of dialogue with the CEO of the Premier League beyond the takeover e.g. on other matters, then we could throw it all away for some likes on Twitter.


    But that would be very stupid.


    Agreed mate and fully support the stance. Don’t mind any of the shite being spouted here or on social media. It was the right thing to do.


    It’s far more use having a trust representing the fans that either the club or other organisations can trust to have a dialogue with.

  9. Why are people up in arms about NUST?


    They have demonstrated they can be trusted to have a dialogue and not “fish for likes” by plastering it all over the internet.


    I might not matter too much to the PL but you can bet the new owners will take note of this when it comes to including them in the future.

    Agreed, too much has been played out in the media via deliberate leaked letters.  Appreciate the Trust rising above it and I'm sure will release when their legal counsel advises.


    Am almost 100% certain the response was the same boiler plate “we cannot comment...” and then some sort of personalised nicety at the end. And if it was that, it would be pointless to go public with it.


    The intrigue about the response serves the trust better to be honest. I’ve no issue with that at all.

  10. But he hasn’t commented on the takeover. The Saudi/Bein thing was there before and is a separate matter, although it clearly affects the proposed transfer. He can talk about it because it’s a separate legal matter.


    My hunch would be they are waiting on KSA to give some water right assurances (On paper) of access to their court system if such a thing like BeoutQ were to pop up again.


    Once that’s in place, the takeover will happen.

  11. This looks like an interesting article for anyone with a telegraph subscription.




    Has some interesting insights into MBS I suppose, but the article itself comes to some weird conclusions.  For instance claiming that he might not be better than Mike Ashley for the club because it's unlikely he'd spend well over £1 billion of his cash on transfers ?.


    Quite contradictory at times as far as the quotes and conclusions go.


    Aye can’t remember big mike spending a billion on transfers.


    He was going to, but then Keegan got greedy and asked for 2bn. That was the exact moment Ashley fell out of love with football. “It’s just become too commercial” he’s rumoured to have said at the time.

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