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Dr Jinx

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Posts posted by Dr Jinx

  1. Just to be clear, we all reckon the Saudi government were indeed behind BeoutQ though?


    I don’t. I just think they did f*** all about it because is wound up Qatar.


    Yep this. It’s totally small time in comparison to how they earn their money. But a couple of geeks running a pirate box that would hit BeIn’s profits hard is not something they would have given every resource into stopping.


    The more I think about this, almost every bit of negative press has probably come from Qatar influencing folk in the media to do their bidding. They definitely have been sending the PL a mountain of nothing in paperwork to waste more time. They are literally desperate for this to not go through.



  2. I would imagine Saudi have had a few years to make a legal case distancing themselves from the BeoutQ thing.


    I mean, how much could a service like that actually be worth compared to what they make a year with oil and other ventures. What would be the point in it.


    It’s a frivolous claim at best. Pure political manoeuvring from Qatar who have been isolated since 2017 when the big fallout happened.

  3. His twitter dealings basically over the last two or three years is posting some bullshit and then in the comments, all nufc supporters posting pictures of chimp hands or calling him a hairy nonce.


    He has a touch of the Mike Ashley about him.. he’ll say it’s water off a ducks back but inside he’s seething and built up a massive resentment for the club and it’s supporters.


    If Saudi decide to bid for the tv rights in the near future, he’ll be out of a job too. This whole situation couldn’t be any better to be honest.

  4. John Stones and Ross Barkley... yeah good players and all but really? That’s who he’s bring in to solve our woes?


    Pure bullshit that article. He’s currently busy planning a pre season in China.


    I’d love to have him back but one, he doesn’t break contracts.. not for us and not for Liverpool either. If he agrees to do something he will do it, as his seeing out the contract under Mike Ashley has shown. And two, I think there’s more to the link with Poch to be honest. Not terrible either btw.


    We know for sure that he would improve on Bruce but if it didn’t really click then we could always go back for Rafa in 2 years time.


    I’m fairly sure his next job will be his last job, what a way to end his career by building something special here.

  5. Yedlin













    They can go.








    They can have a season to try and improve alongside better players.


    The rest could/should stay for at least a year or two.

  6. Caulkin is being diplomatic when he says that about no shortlist. If you listen to his podcast he’s got Steve Bruce’s number and phones him up regularly enough.


    I’m sure they’ve spoken about the takeover but Caulkin hasn’t reported that once. Just as I’m sure that he’s privy to information from the buying side that he’s also not talking about.


    He’s not going to alienate either of his sources and for what it’s worth I think he likes Steve Bruce so he’s not going to publicly rubbish him by writing pieces about us having shortlists of better managers.


  7. One thing I like with Ashley's tenure. He sacked Fat f***ing Sam instead of having to hire him. Thank God.


    Sounds good until you realised he then messed around Keegan, tried to get Sam back and even told him it was a mistake to sack him.


    Fed up of even talking about him, Ashley that is. I hope all his future investments crumble and SD go down the shitter. And even then, that won’t even make up for half of the 13 years of absolute despair he’s caused.


    He’s had enough of our mindshare. Fuck him, he’s all but gone

  8. I don’t think he said he wants to live in London. He said he’s living in London at the moment but is open to anything, even a different country.


    I don’t think he’s been approached yet, but he’s basically saying to whoever, sell me a project to work on and I’ll listen.


    I’d be delighted if he came in as manager but my first choice is Rafa all the way. To see what he could do with a proper budget..

  9. all great until you read this bit and even if 5% true my heart sank.


    "However it is understood the buyers have a clear and detailed five-year plan to overhaul and modernise Newcastle and will back Bruce, at least until the end of the season, with the 59-year-old also given every opportunity to remain as the club’s manager beyond that."


    They’re hardly going to say he’s going to be sacked in the summer time. Wouldn’t be good for motivation if they do manage to play the remaining games of the season

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