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Dr Jinx

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Posts posted by Dr Jinx

  1. If you listen to him on podcasts, he's just sick of answering the same question.


    True, but he's only getting those questions so much because Staveley told him she was gonna pass the test imminently, nearly 3 weeks ago now. So he should be annoyed at her surely  :lol:


    There is no definitive proof that Staveley is his source or that he does even have a source


    It's just about obvious that she is, she's done an interview for him previously.


    My biggest concern with Caulkin is that his source previously led him down the garden path with the BZG deal which george nicely described afterwards as 'bollocks from the start'.


    If a source has previously given information which turns out to be false or incorrect I would not be so quick to use any future information from them


    Eh? Didnt Caulkin pretty much dampen that one from day one. He was fairly consistent. Also, it's not the same source FFS.


    Its clear AS is confident. Whether she should be is a different story entirely.


    Yeah I'm not sure Staveley was involved with BZG (I was under the impression she wasn't) - but she was his source for her 1st failed attempt that played out very publicly. She is very confident, I just think some caution is required given the history of the source.


    He’s speaking with Staveley directly. Like he’s been in her home more than once, I’m sure they are on speaking terms without him having to harass her every second day to ease our worries.


    He’s correct in saying that he wasn’t on the BZG bandwagon. In fact he poured cold water on that within 2 days of the story leaking. And I think what he did say was that all he was aware of was another interested party who was trying to put something together. It’s obvious now this was Staveley who took a year to get the big guns involved.


    If he’s saying this week that they are still confident, it means they haven’t contacted him to tell him otherwise.



  2. The real political pressure on the PL will be to approve the deal. Everything else is just noise and an opportunity for certain people to stand up on the soap box for a brief period.


    With everything else going on I just can’t see how they’ll derail it.


    Can anyone seriously imagine the Khashoggi widow (I know they weren’t actually married) chaining herself outside SJP and going on hunger strike when the new PL season eventually starts?

  3. PL has a lot on their plate for sure. Also think they know the optics. Either way the more time they take the more it looks like they are taking it very seriously. Tedium.


    Daily Mail now rehashing more crap (thats been floating around today) about 10 clubs grouping together to block the sale. Let it end. I am sure the PL want it done and out the way as quickly as possible at this point.


    The key word in their article is “could” ie made up bollocks.



  4. It’ll be in the hands of the lawyers. The PL’s legal/compliance departments asking for info from the buyers, but will be in contact with whoever Staveley is using, and then they will be in contact with the legal teams of the Reubens and PIF separately.


    I’d imagine Staveley is getting on with her life until she gets the call from her side to say it’s going ahead, but with so many different players it’s probably taking quite a while. I’m sure she’s getting updates on a daily or every second day basis.


    At the end of the day, the PL can only act within the guidelines of their own rule book. It hasn’t changed yet so they could be in quite a lot of bother if they turned this down without good cause.


    My hunch is that the restart date or if at all debacle is probably taking up most of their resources at the moment and would present a far more serious legal implications than this deal happening.


    As GC has said, he’s been told there have been no red flags.. and that’s after nearly 5 weeks of this process happening..


    I’m sure it’s close.



  5. Noticeable that Caulkin has not said a peep so far not sure if that's a bad sign or a good one. Seems like a few journalists (i.e. Graves) are saying their not commenting on the takeover until it's announced one way or another as obviously they're getting suck of all the hassle and questions directed at them.


    Switched his phone off earlier. Was out dogging. He’ll be back on the case tomorrow

  6. New post on Rafa's blog this morning: http://www.rafabenitez.com/web/in/blog/difficult-times/135/


    An update and insights on preseason training - half of which he did in China and half in Spain as the pandemic was hitting its stride. As you'd expect from Rafa, he is ever-inquisitive and, as a result, has thoughtful insights on how different places are handling the pandemic. Argh, I miss him being part of the Club so much.  :smitten:


    The idea of Brucey even thinking to pay attention to the things Rafa talks about in depth (in a second language!), let alone learning from them, or, Hell, even cobbling together one coherent sentence on the subject . . . .


    He sounds rather ingrained in the whole life there. Maybe that ship has sailed as far as nufc is concerned.

  7. This sub seems to have its regulars and anyone who pipes up with anything just gets slagged off and brushed off as a divvy.


    That is possibly why the thread is constantly being browsed but no participation outside of the (cool) club is made that much.


    Loads of ass hats in here. Shame really. Because this could be a good thread if it wasnt for a select few.


    The Skunkers Sub calls for a Fatwah on this wum

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