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Dr Jinx

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Posts posted by Dr Jinx

  1. I’m not worried about this at all. He was approached already and gave no indication he wanted to leave here.


    Man Utd may well be interested but nothing has changed. I think they have fuck all to write about so it’s a free hit.

  2. 4 minutes ago, Vinny Green Balls said:

    :lol: i still hope you are kidding. That is ridiculous.




    Why? It’s fairly well documented at this point that managers are getting totally burnt out by how intense a job like that is.. how many seasons can a manager give 100% like that before standards start to slip?

  3. 18 minutes ago, Vinny Green Balls said:

    How about a co-manager?

    Ha! No that doesn’t work as Liverpool found out way back when, but if I was running the club, I’d seriously look at having 2 elite managers on the books with a similar ethos in how a team should play, with some differences that would keep things fresh..


    Say give 1 manager 2/3 seasons in the hot seat and have them go all out for success. Then change things up.. have the other man and his staff come in and take over for him to do 2/3.


    While this is happening, manager 1 stays on the payroll and takes a different role with the club.. essentially doing what Eddie Howe did while he was unemployed.. become a student of the game again.. visit places and see new methods, maybe scout players. But ultimately having a rest and reversing that burn out that happens while you’re giving a job like that everything you have.



  4. I don’t want him sacked or anything like that but maybe a slight reshuffle in the back room team might pay off. Someone just to freshen things up.


    We're all over the shop currently and can’t even blame it on the energy levels now as we were still in it right up to the end.


    I think Eddie Howe is as burnt out as the players were over Christmas. What the remedy is to that is unclear, it’s not as if he can be given a holiday in the middle of a season.

  5. BDB getting a lot of hate tonight ?


    He had a shit game but he’s never been the quickest.. the issue is that overall the team is not defending as well as we did last year. The midfield isn’t as good, we don’t have Pope and our forwards are like broken glass.


    It’s a combination of events that’s leaving certain players totally exposed to look poor. Yes he did have an exceptionally bad game but cut him some slack, he’s been brilliant for us since signing.

  6. 1 minute ago, r0cafella said:

    Yeah, people have mentioned this but I just don’t view it that way. SSN isn’t a money spinner imo, it’s the ridiculously priced subscriptions which are, a quiet window won’t change that i think. 

    Also, this is temporary, once the rolling period ends we will see the market move again. 

    Even if your right, and Sky are upset ultimately they don’t get a vote regarding the rules of the league so they will have to suck thumb. 


    No but they hold the purse strings. I think you’ll find that the next bid won’t be anywhere near as much.


    Subs have to be down massively on a few years ago with how easy it is to get an IPTV account?


    Ad revenue is huge for them.

  7. 5 hours ago, r0cafella said:

    People are going to be properly disappointed when they tighten FFP further :lol:


    Like it or loathe it, the Sky money makes the premier league what it is.


    What should be one of their busiest months in terms of reporters everywhere and people tuning in.. (which feeds back into their ad revenue) is essentially tumbleweed this month, aside from Klopp. There’s been no reason for anyone to tune in.


    That conversation may not happen straight away but when they see their own revenue reports and wonder what happened, someone will point this out.. they pay enough money to the PL to have a voice in someone’s ear.

  8. 4 minutes ago, Beth said:

    On the contrary, I think City are laughing their tits off right now, it's made them virtually uncatchable.

    City are a Pep away from being an also ran.


    Some eejit in charge and a couple of bad signings and then suddenly they’re in the same boat as the rest of us.

  9. No to Ramsey, he’s had a pretty bad injury iirc.. if he was playing like he had been 1-2 seasons ago he’d be straight back in that side.


    Something amiss if he’s available.

  10. You wouldn’t know what’s going on behind the scenes.. Chelsea could be really pushing their FFP limit and the close to 30m (x3 when it comes to what they might spend after receiving that cash) could be the difference between them being able to afford someone like say Oshimen, or not..


    Or it might just be as simple that the kid is shite, but I don’t think so.. think a run in the side would see him improve massively.. but it’s not likely to happen at this point.


    He has the look of a kid that’s just biding his time until the ordeal is over.. such a waste of a year for him.

  11. Not liking Howe’s quotes on big Joe this morning.. “a possibility he’ll be sold in the summer”


    He should be on Bruno money. If that’s what he’s looking for.

  12. Tin foil hat here but the more I think of it, the more the Gibbs-White story seems to be a goer.


    Ordinarily, he’d be going for a lot more than what were rumoured to be bidding and any number of clubs could be in for him at a higher fee.. so why deal with us?


    That Chris Wood fee, or what they owe us for it could be the difference between being in or out of the FFP limit.


    So say we revisit that deal and restructure it. There’s the incentive, staying in the premier league is worth a hell of a lot more than getting an extra 20 million for a top prospect after you’ve been relegated. (Or a sale that only counts for next years accounts)


    The FFP dilemma is a two way street of course and we’re close to the limit, but maybe enough wiggle room to write off what’s owed on that particular deal?


    Getting the premier league to re-evaluate Forests accounts would probably be tough though and that’s where NDM comes in?

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