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Dr Jinx

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Posts posted by Dr Jinx

  1. We’re not selling anyone to Liverpool. Wishful thinking on their part, or red journos.


    We're obviously in need of reinforcements but you have to admire the confidence in the longer term plan.


    There’s zero risk of being relegated and the second half of the season is a free hit essentially. We may get a European place, but equally it might suit us to have a proper go at Champions League for next season with a much improved squad.


    Whether the manager will be the person to take us there is a different debate but for the here and now he has confidence in the overall squad to turn things around.


    It’s also safe to say that as a fan base we have a much better knowledge of how football finances work now.. so knowing that next season will ultimately be a far healthier position, it’s probably best not to get the hopes up for any major changes this month.

  2. All this tactical analysis is a bit pointless as it doesn’t really address the catalyst which is fatigue.


    We're conceding most of our goals after 70 mins so let’s just assume that with the right energy levels out “flat midfield” is actually fairly effective.


    Not so much when running on fumes.


    Post game and post training recovery needs to change/improve as it’s not working. Can’t really lay all that at Howe’s door either. His sports science department should be able to give him data that backs up what we’re all seeing on the pitch and make recommendations based on that.

  3. I’ve been very negative on him in the last few weeks but thought tactically we got it spot on first half. We were dangerous on the counter and hurt them repeatedly.


    Was same old story though second half. No energy and we shrank like we’ve done so much this season. Fitness levels have been poor this season for possibly multiple reasons.


    If a squad ever needed a holiday away to a warm weather training camp it’s now.

  4. We either take a baby step this month and then again in the summer or we hold off until then and make a giant leap.


    The financial picture for next season is going to be very different unless we do something dumb that takes a short term view.


    I still think we get a loan in, possibly 2. 

  5. 19 minutes ago, gbandit said:

    We desperately need to be matching Brighton’s transfer model but was that more down to their owner than Ashworth?

    That’s a good point. Brighton’s success has to be more than what Ashworth contributed in his short time there.


    They have an excellent scouting department and an owner who backs clever recruitment.


    I’m not really sure what our blueprint is yet

  6. Overall Bruno is more of a complete midfielder but Cabaye was so effective, just as progressive with forward passing and his goal threat was much higher.


    Until we have others in the side who can shoulder that responsibility of getting us winning, we shouldn’t even be considering selling Bruno but a younger player similar to either him or Cabaye would go a long way to having a continuity plan for when players do get sold. We just don’t have that currently.

  7. Kid is a beast for his age, excellent at breaking up play etc.. but would be play ahead of established players.


    We're looking at a lot of “for the future” type players. Which is great but some balance is needed.

  8. Anyone who thinks we’d cope well by selling Bruno needs to have their head checked.


    Yeah we’d make a healthy profit but how much would a replacement cost, even if you could find one?


    Weve got a solid 5 years of prime Bruno to look forward to. He never had all that much pace to start with so he’ll continue as is.. just become more efficient and experienced.


    I wouldn’t sell even for 200m

  9. 6 minutes ago, Upthemags said:

    Getting a fee for Longstaff makes almost too much sense

    There’s plenty I’d sell before Longstaff. Not quite as important as he was last season but his drop off also coincides with the team dropping off. When he’s on form he’s very effective.

  10. 1 minute ago, TheBrownBottle said:

    I reckon any lower half club would be on him straight away - or a newly promoted club with money to spend.  He’s an excellent centre forward - when fit. 

    Oh no doubt he can finish, he’s just made of glass. It’s such a shame really as he has a 25+ goal season in him based on ability.

  11. 3 minutes ago, aussiemag said:

    I would be looking to sell Wilson for 20 mill in the Summer. Yes hell be 32, but he guarantees goals when hes fit. All teams outside the Top 8 would be keen to have him. 

    I could see someone like Spurs move for him.

  12. 11 minutes ago, Miggys First Goal said:

    Where do they put the race course?

    That was my first thought as well. Training complex is where everything happens pretty much and as such needs to be locked down from general public, including the horsey types.

  13. 13 minutes ago, duo said:

    We may as well flaunt FFP and do the same. If you can't beat them....

    It doesn’t quite work that way though, although we have more sway than say, Everton, we’re not in a position to just go ahead and do that. No competitor (ie the other PL clubs) are sleeping on us like they were with Man City.


    We've announced a couple of big deals and am sure there’s more to follow, it just needs to be built up gradually to convince those clubs we’re doing it in the right manner.

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