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Dr Jinx

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Posts posted by Dr Jinx

  1. Very hard to make out if it’s him or not but can’t imagine the club will be too happy with him if it is. They don’t need any bad press, the usual suspects will have a field day.

  2. Our game plan for changing things up simply can’t be.. Wilson and Barnes on.


    I’m still angry about this today.


    Even before they scored, we’d already retreated back.. they changed something and we were totally oblivious to it until it was too late.


    He was out-thought by Klopp as the game wore on and it didn’t look like we believed we could or should win.


    He deserves plenty of time to get that right but it’s the first alarm bell I’ve really had with him as a coach with us.

  3. It's an opportunity to bring in a CB who can cover both sides. If Botman is out for a month we need to act.

    Burn or Lascelles at CB are not an option if we want to stay in it by end of September.

  4. So if it was Eddie Howe picking a side and someone let him down massively, that player would be dropped.


    No matter what has happened in the past. There’s no room for sentimentality when you want to achieve something.


    He has to be fair game when it comes to a match like that. Total inability to adjust to having an extra man and/or taking advantage of it.


    Shocking subs which made the side weaker.


    He needs to do better.

  5. Love how they name check us with some vague descriptions of things that are obviously nothing to do with us.


    Sela deal? PL signed off on it. Adidas deal wouldn’t fall under same criteria.


    The Saudi league isn’t anything directly to do with us and even the Maxi sale was intentionally low I reckon.


    PIF are playing 4D chess right now and are several moves ahead. Clubs like Spurs and Liverpool are feeling the squeeze.. it’ll be the others turn in a season or so. Eventually they’ll turn attention to City but they’re years ahead in terms of development right now.

  6. Every time I feel confident before playing these, something always goes awry.


    We know what they’ll do. Direct, pace down the wings and middle.


    We need to be smarter in terms of who we push forward and when as they’ll look to catch us out.


    These are a bogey side for sure and we need to get that monkey off our backs so we can finally push on. Think we’re all desperate for it.


    The team need to take the emotion out of it though. These can be beaten if we play the team and not the occasion.

  7. I must say I liked Fraser, he was never all that good but he had a few decent games for us and always seemed a decent sort when being interviewed.


    But whatever went on must have been poor if it came to that, I can’t imagine it was all about money either. Football is a weird sport for a grift.. like there’s suckers in every single team in every single league. Fraser would have gotten those wages elsewhere.


    If he was leaking stuff to the press I’d say that would have been enough for no road back.. they run a tight ship now. Pure speculation though.. 

  8. Solid window. 8/10 for me. Upgrades pretty much all round however I don’t think we’ve signed a transformational player but I’m also aware that players like Willock are a lot better than we usually remember.


    We don’t know what our most effective first 11 is yet and probably won’t until next month at some stage.

  9. If you watch boxing you’ll get the reference but I liken the way City play to how Usyk fights.. his footwork is so good he can literally just wear out opponents by keeping them moving about and trying to guess where the attack will come from.


    His opponents over commit to attacks and again, the footwork is so good he’s rarely there when they do attack so they just waste more energy.

  10. Man for man I think we can compete. Tactically they were one step ahead of us and they have the ability to unleash players like Foden in areas of the pitch that will hurt us time and again.


    We're not quite there yet. We gave them almost too much respect. Seemed to snatch at any half chance we got instead of playing how we usually can.


    Mentally the players need to step up and not be intimidated by games like this and the manager also needs to come with a better game plan. In hindsight I would have started with some of the players who came on late and unleashed “first teamers” when the game opened up a bit.

  11. They had a spell where they looked like scoring and that’s what happened. We’ve been pretty well disciplined and it looks like we can hurt them if we relax a bit more on the ball and stick to basics.


    Annoyed at those yellows. It limits us.


    Keep AG on for a while though.. he’s the only one who can cope with their pace on our left side.

  12. 17 minutes ago, christ said:

    Appreciate this will go down like a fart in a phone box, but we can’t get on our high horse about shit like this when you have the owners that we do.



    It’s not even in the same ball park, that comparison like.


    In recent times we’ve had players who have run afoul of johnny law.. Barton, Ranger spring to mind and especially the latter despite not being associated with the club in what must be 10+ years, gets NUFC named every time alongside every misdeed.


    You’re talking about an absolute entitled little creep here who couldn’t get that bint knocked up fast enough. I think he’s absolutely fair game for anyone to have an opinion on.


    Is it as bad as Adam Johnson? No probably not, but there’s no way he should have an opportunity to play at this level again. It’s mental that it’s even being discussed.

  13. The fact they still "haven't made a decision" makes them an absolute scummy club up there with the Mackems who also had full knowledge of AJ's actions while continuing to play him.


    It sends an awful message to young girls about where they stand when it comes to big business, at a time when womens football is improving massively.


    They're probably waiting for the womens world cup to be over so it won't be a linked story while female players/ex players are doing so much media currently.

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