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Everything posted by GWN

  1. GWN


    These dead yet ? Anyone know that Andy H is the Newcastle fan living on that trash site , fuck me he’s on all day trying to have dialogue withe heathens, looking like a bugger tbh.Dont know why folk go on there , you will never be agreed with unless they are sucking up to the melts.
  2. Being back to work keeps ya mind off this ,just caught up on this and even after one days read you can tell the desperation on here to get it done. It’s tough to read.
  3. GWN


    I’d get over the derbies , they absolutely hate us and I’d guess 90% would want us to go bust. Sorry as I’ve said fuck them , I’d feel nothing in truth .
  4. Who uses the term "ass hats"? Anyway, what point have you been trying to make which people are slagging you off for? Not sure he's saying he has been slagged off mind. I kind of agree, there's been a few on here mention something they've heard, been slated and basically branded as Odin mkII I don't get it, if someone says something, take it with a pinch of salt, even if they're right, it means nowt until it's announced officially anyway. That's because almost every single one of these pieces of "info" are absolute bollocks and people are tired of it, tetchy, and bored of being fed lies from every single direction. You can't expect people not to get annoyed when another piece of ITK crap appears and turns out to be, yet again, a load of old horseshit. Spot on, sick of the speculation and the so called ITK , complete dreamers and bullshitters
  5. See Caulkin's tweet above. PL checks still not officially completed. He's one of only one or two worth listening to. Yet you want us to believe you
  6. DM them mate. They'll get back to you They probably will. That’s not what I asked though...I’m asking why people are excited about NUFC.com reporting the same stuff we already know? Are they a good reliable source? To even ask that question shows how much you dont know. Well no s*** ? Hence the f***ing question. I’ve been on NUFC.com loads over the years, but they’ve never particularly appeared ITK or particularly reliable with this kind of stuff, to me. Hence me asking why people are all of a sudden excited when we already know everything they’re talking about, from other reputable sources. I was reacting to your question, my response is you shouldn’t need to ask it man, which everyone else agrees with from what I can see. Bit of why do you believe them and not me going on with you, because you are just a nobody on an Internet forum.
  7. DM them mate. They'll get back to you They probably will. That’s not what I asked though...I’m asking why people are excited about NUFC.com reporting the same stuff we already know? Are they a good reliable source? To even ask that question shows how much you dont know.
  8. There is zero chance anyone on here “knows anything” that’s true and are just putting guesses out. Can I 100% back that up? No, just like the so called ITK can’t as currently they haven’t backed up the claims they make.Fucking annoying.
  9. I said "if".... Plus how do you know or are you just guessing ? I know for a fact that, as of Friday night, the PL checks were still taking place. Course you did I do know that for a fact, actually. I spoke to one of this forum's favourite journalists about it. They said they spoke to the buyers side on Friday afternoon and everything was still with the PL. Course you did OK. I'm not entirely sure whether you're joking or just being difficult for the sake of it, so I'll let you mistakenly believe that the takeover is done. Enjoy. Again , the poster didn’t say that, you seem to mis quote posters , please stop it. Neither I or quoted poster said it was done, if we did please post it.You come across as a forum ITK dreamer .
  10. I said "if".... Plus how do you know or are you just guessing ?
  11. If it was done, today would be a good day to announce it. Just saying
  12. Any new owner at anytime we can do little about, Ashley can sell to who he wants, they then have pass the fit and proper test , something again we cant influence.
  13. GWN

    Transfer rumours

    Agree, Stones is overrated yet when I first saw him live when Everton played us he was very young but fucking terrific
  14. GWN

    Transfer rumours

    That’s him out of the equation
  15. GWN


    Nah, “6 in a row marra, we will always have that over yas “
  16. GWN


    Shall we start a just giving fund for them?
  17. Used to like Shola , cheers lad but now you can fuck off.
  18. GWN


    Cheers methhead now run along....as if
  19. Quiet day expected in this thread and over the weekend. Next week COULD be the biggest in our history .
  20. GWN


    Pretty much with the rest of yous, cant wish nothing but oblivion on the lot of them, quite missed the derbies but that aside their bitterness and feeling that everyone like them is f***ing laughable. The level of bitterness will go through the roof when this takeover is announced, they will hide behind the human rights slavver but if the shoe was on the other foot they will be lapping it up. Let them go bust, f*** them.
  21. I definitely think behind closed doors will just widen the gap between the good and the shite
  22. I don’t think Man City peddled the then manager straight away did they?
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