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Posts posted by Oregon_Geordie

  1. 1 minute ago, gbandit said:

    I like Maxi but fuck me, his reading of the game and anticipation of where his teammates want the ball or the space they’re going to move into is shit. He’s also terrible at not using his body to come towards the ball, often teammates make a good pass to him but he just waits for it to come rather than moving towards it or putting his body in the way. It’s infuriating play. Also, if he’s not on his game then we’re essentially carrying him considering he doesn’t press like the rest of the team and chase back 



  2. 2 hours ago, bhoywhonder said:


    Never trust a man who buttons up his suit. Proper red flag that, dodgy lawyer vibes. 


    Apart from that, Welcome aboard lad!


    Especially one, two sizes to small! I'm with you!

  3. 15 minutes ago, et tu brute said:

    He would totally transform us onto another level and is only 26. We need a midfielder and the Bruno scare should have made the owners and Howe take notice also. Also our problems with breaking down teams lying deep should not be underestimated. 


    not to mention a player who can shoot from distance, if defences do decide to sit off, worried about our pace behind...

    just go and get him!


  4. All jokes aside....





    I'm right behind him, I think his energy, running, directness and pressing, not to mention skill will be great for Eddie and the lads. Bellamy springs to mind.

    He's a kid. Trippier, BDB and the likes will turn him into the model pro by March.

  5. Not my first choice, or seventh. But weirdly these days I trust the club and manager 100%. If he can turn us into a defensive powerhouse, and Joelinton into prime Yaya Toure, I do feel he turn Gordon into a quality and important part of the team. Excited to see where it lands and how he starts to mould him into a player we'll all probably love in a year or two.


  6. 1 hour ago, Ikon said:

    Bruno is more or less alone in midfield when it comes to proper overall  top football ability. We have work horses around him that lack in technical quality and end product. Willock is very good at carrying the ball and when we are in transition otherwise he also lacks ability in some areas, especially when teams sit deep. Good players around Bruno but somewhat lacking. Joelinton is very good but we need others to not get too one dimensional. Joelinton offers a lot but there a clear lack of creativity to balance the hard workers.




    This! We have a superb water tight defence. We have legs, stamina, the attitude, we have strikers and decent wingers for now, we need someone who can pick that final pass, to change the game, add some magic and also shoot from distance! Maddison looks like the man we should go out for.


    He would take the burden off Bruno, help bring our wingers into play with more imagination, and help our strikers when team play a low block.

    If not Maddison, then someone who can run at the defence with skill and ability to play off the striker, Beardsley-esque - god knows who that is. I agree Wilson looks quote isolated at times.

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