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Posts posted by Oregon_Geordie

  1. 2 minutes ago, biggmarket said:


    Loads of ex players talk absolute shite about football.


    Shearer is an awful pundit and went right down in my estimation when he thanked Steve Bruce for his hard work at NUFC, taking the absolute piss out of the fans.


    Training about twice a week, some hard work that.





    Agree on the commentator comment, hence the smiley.


    I like to think Shearer might know a bit about playing football, maybe he's shit as well? Maybe all local lads cant cut it. Need more exotic surnames?


    The joys of a team or squad is that some players do the donkey work, some do the exotic stuff and some get's bums off seats.  But like I said, I'm not gonna knock a player that Howe has picked in all (I think) games! and we are third in the league and in a semi final a season after avoiding relegation - so many have short memories and want the world on a stick!


    Without Longstaff we'd not be 3rd, he's played a huge part, like that or not.

    And again, I do think he will and should be eventually replaced in the starting 11 in the future, but the shit he gets it beyond a joke!

  2. What would Shearer and Howe know eh...local lad who loves the club get's shit weekly shocker. Just replace Longstaff for Burn and theres a theme.

    Not exactly what some folk expect or want. One of the best defences in the world and a top 3 performing Midfield. Both need replacing asap! Mental!

  3. 1 hour ago, Cronky said:


    I'm not in the least bit surprised by that data. That was the best performance I've seen from him, particularly in the first half. He passed the ball quickly, and with positive intent. It's really great to see this previously hesitant young player put in such a confident, all-round performance. 


    Sorry, but so many on here are talking about the performance that they were expecting to see, not the one that he actually delivered today. I think we're going to be without Bruno for a few games, but this lad is ready to step up.



    Bout time this was highlighted. I've said my thoughts in the other thread.


    Do I think he'll start regularly in 2 seasons time - no.

    Is he good enough to be a squad player and play when needed - yes.

    if he a top 4 PL player? Well he currently is.


    He get's so much shit, from so called fans, he's played a critical part getting us to 3rd in the league and has also protected the best back 4 in Europe through selfless work.

    He could do with speeding up his footwork a little and learn how to hit the target more consistently, otherwise he's doing great - give the lad a break!







  4. 1 minute ago, Displayname said:

    Certainly dont mind a player like Longstaff in our team, but it would be nice if we could get one that actually is a footballer, not just an athlete.

    How exactly do you get to be 3rd in the league when you're not a footballer? lol - honestly intrigued by these comments.

    Give the lad a break! If he was called Lonstaffio, would that help? Guy was MOTM today and he's just an athlete.


    Its ridiculous man! He has limitations but he's a premier league footballer, a top 3 one currently.

  5. 1 minute ago, TRon said:


    Longstaff amd Willock always run themselves into the ground, and they are both good athletes. But they aren't top four class and it shows at times. Not a criticism, just looking ahead to where we are going with this team.

    They are top 4 right now :), I agree to an extend but he had a great game today.

  6. 4 minutes ago, STM said:

    Just to be clear, if anyone says Longstaff was poor today them I'm sorry but your wrong. Without him our midfield may have collapsed today.




    Pope 7 Top shithousery for the pen, nowt to do otherwise.

    Trippier 5 Poorest game for us, still love him

    Schar 7 Really tried to drive us forward

    Botman 7 Solid as usual

    Burn 6 Was done a few times

    Willock 6 One of his quieter days

    Bruno 7 Come back sweet Prince

    Longstaff 8 Man of the Match, tireless and got the key pass

    Joelinton 8 In great form

    Wilson 7 Still not in form but got the assist

    Almiron 7 Bright enough


    Isak 8 Scored. 3 in 4. Lush


    totally agree on Longstaff. someone earlier gave him a 5.5 lol....seems the lad cant do anything right. Other than the usual sky high shot his movement. tackling and off the ball running was one of the highlights today. credit where due.

  7. Won't knock Eddie for this. We had chances. There was enough on that pitch to beat them. Some, many are just not good enough.

    Lascelles just projects uncertainty in the back four, as does Dubravka. Both are decent footballers but not leaders. That's the difference with these top players like Tripps and Bruno, they want the ball, they are leaders. Even Joe and BDB, they never hide. 


    You add average players to that in Lewis, Wood, Murphy & Ritchie, along with Longstaff. One of these players can be carried by the above, 3-4 of these starting and you turn back to the old NUFC, weak as piss mentally.


    Squad needs strengthening asap. Howe needs some reserves.

  8. Said it a few times on here. He'd struggle playing for Ashington. I'd swap him for Windass tomorrow tbh.

    He's a cart horse, a rabbit in the headlights at a club that is too big for him. Much like Murphy. Lewis, Lascelles, Dubravka.

    Our first 11 is strong and well drilled. But this is the challenge. Replacing the average, the dead wood, the scared little boys.


    Some of these are mentally weak, they don't want the ball, they are not good enough.


    Silver Lining, might get PIF to buy now, and give us one less game to stretch the 11 we have.

  9. If he was called Jimmy Jones and was a ginger bald lad from Deckham, there would be no fan fair. Not sure what he's done other than a couple of games in his last 30 to warrant such a status.

    If he's kicked off and being a diva then best for all he moves on. If he pulls his bandages up and gets on with it and wins his ballon d'or then let's keep him. He's becoming a side show to the real event - the team.


  10. Just now, mikejaxer said:

    Baffles me people saying he's not a team player. Have we not been watching the recent games where he's been subbed on?


    Watched them all. Looks like he's trying, but with no much idea of what he's actually doing. It's alien, and unnatural to him, and tbh it looks like he doesn't really understand it himself.


    Granted, he's trying more.

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