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Posts posted by Oregon_Geordie

  1. 1 minute ago, TorchyTBB said:

    I really don't boo players.  If you really think Lonstaff is premier leagure quality, maybe it's not me that needs to give my head a shake.  It's my opinion and I most definitely stand by it.  We are all entitled to one and you are entitled to disagree.  That's life...

    Lol I trust Howe over you or myself, he seems to rate him as premier league quality. I guess he's playing in the Premier League my chance. Maybe he won a competition.

  2. Comical man! Guess your the type that boo the players too.

    To Pata's point, short memory. Football is often about players who do the  dirty work - I agree he wont be a starter in 2 seasons but your point is actually foolish, as we are 3rd in the league and he's played a huge part in the team getting there.


    GIve your head a shake :)

  3. 1 minute ago, TorchyTBB said:

    Works his socks off, but is no where near premier league quality.  Unfortunately.

    Not premier league level???? lol Not even top 3 premier league level - that's bs! He's clearly PL level, just has limitations. Knee Jerk central.

  4. Beautiful beautiful stuff. Say it again, but I love how this team plays for every ball. If any fan base loves graft and desire it's ours Howe is a legend for what he's done to this group.  Joelinton is a beast as usual. Maxi just does not give you what he does for the team, or goals right now. Lovely stuff, worth the 7am start.

  5. I like Maddison, but does he suit our style of play and intensity without the ball?

    It's the reason I don't see Maxi staying much longer. Maddison is a little one paced, no?


    Maybe thats just my view. I'd rather add more legs in the DM role and push Bruno forward and get Diaby / Mudryk...

  6. What a fucking win! I love how we are talented and composed, but also get stuck into teams, I could not think of a playing style more suited to a cold night in the Gallowgate.

    I love this team! every one of them going in like they're one of us. Full hearted, giving 150%, special mention to Longstaff, Big Joe and Botman. Energy levels!


    Fucking Brilliant result and fairly controlled.



    Onwards and upwards! HWTL

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