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Everything posted by My Silent Face
It's almost like it's a massively complex and detailed legal process involving multiple parties occuring during a totally unprecedented international health crisis. In that case why was it supposedly done and ready to announce this week then? I bet it's still going on in 2 weeks time which will show it was never close to been done this week
Surely the longer this saga drags on the worse it is for us? If they were going to approve it then surely that would have been announced by now. There must be some major issue for it to still be going on. Maybe I'm going mad but I still think the uncertainty around whether football can come back safely has a lot to do with it as well. It's certainly played some part in this dragging on for so long already hasn't it. What if they restart and then have to cancel again as players keep getting the virus. It's not beyond the realms of possibility as things stand that football could be cancelled until if and when a vaccine is available. If it restarts safely in June then maybe that will reassure everyone to conclude it. Time will tell
I’m guessing those people aren’t sweating all over each other, going in for challenges etc etc. Or spitting on people. Yeah it's not ideal at all but that's the situation they are in now unfortunately, the harsh reality is it either has to be got on with or if not then they wait for a vaccine. That seems to be the only 2 options.
Fair point but knowing everyone on that pitch with you has tested negative must be fairly reassuring still. A lot more reassuring than a lot of workers who will be coming into contact with dozens of strangers on a daily basis. If they don't come back next month then I reckon that means it's finished for a long time. As the situation will be no different in September for example with no vaccine. The game would implode if it was away for a year or more it's just not sustainable. That's why it has to come back and it will in the next 4 weeks or so
I dunno like... safer, probably. Doesn't mean they should be happy to start doing it... especially considering the amount of false results the tests give. I agree with you about not been happy about it. I'd say safer most definitely. They may not be happy about it but it's the same for everyone going back to work. Most of which are at higher risk than young fit athletes
They're supposed to be essential workers though. Football isnt essential. Not anymore. It's not just essential workers at work now it's anyone who can't work from home. Also football has a big effect on the economy it's a mass employer of all kinds of people for starters
What a moron Danny Rose. He's getting paid 60k a week as his job is related to the nations morale and a billion pounds and lots of jobs hinge on it. It's far safer for him playing against 11 negatively tested footballers than it is for shop workers and factory workers coming into contact with dozens of strangers every day
Of course they shouldn't. But surely if the other 21 people on the pitch with you have tested negative that's a lot safer than someone going into work in a shop or factory with 21 other people where 0 of them people have been tested and potentially any or all them could have it. Football seems safer than what millions of people across the country going back to work will face
Isn't football vital for the economy as well though? Just as much as re-opening shops, garden centres or greggs for example. Surely loads of jobs would be lost at the likes of Sky and BT with no football or sport to cover, not to mention all the support staff at all the clubs. They will all have mortgages and families too. It's their job and a massive amount of money and people's livelihoods riding on it restarting as soon as possible. I don't get how people are having to go back to working in shops, catering, factories, public transport etc, many of who will be over 50 year old. Also without them or anyone they are working with getitng tested, as well as all having to put themselves at risk for peanuts compared to what footballers get. Footballers who will also all be tested and everyone they play with and against will also be tested and who are also young fit athletes. I just can't grasp how someone who is in their 50s has to go back to work with no testing in place for them or anyone they are in contact with whilst it's proposed footballers get to stay at home earning a fortune in relative safety.
Every single time isn't it. I can't think of any other club who this has happened too. It's been all over the media and the amount of other clubs fans talking about it as if it's already done. If this falls through then god how are we supposed to even feel anything the next time a circus like this starts up
This are the premier league going to keep delaying for every fu#%er who sends a letter in. If they weren’t found guilty in a French court of law, I very much doubt premier league lawyers are going to come to a different verdict. They’d have to be very sure it would stand up in a court of law, because that’s where pcp would take them. That's our best hope in this that there's got to be like drawn somewhere. It's already been 5 weeks ffs is it just going to go on and on for months with a new letter or issue every week
I don't see the issue in players been regularly tested and finishing the season from next month behind closed doors at every clubs own stadium. All players to be tested the day before the game and just all stay together as a squad the day before games. That's still a damn sight safer prospect than millions of us are facing in having to go back to work isn't it.
Aye he seems sound to be fair and never comes across bitter about anything Newcastle related.
Mad bob on RTG is quaking in his boots about this takeover The bitter auld bastard
The difference been that was the best we could hope for until we got rid of Ashley and our club back. To them that is their utopia and end game
Shearers testimonial 14 years ago today what a night