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Everything posted by nufcnick

  1. They only got away with the UEFA case because of an out of time clause, PL rules have no such clause
  2. They have never disputed that the emails are real, they dispute how they were obtained and that they are taken out of context
  3. Wow reading the emails sent between club directors, they knew what they were doing was against the rules, the bottom one made me laugh Etihad sponsorship of £67m per season only £8m was provided by Etihad the rest was paid by the clubs owner
  4. You can have related party sponsors, they are adjusted to fair value, mancity tried to get round this by cheating
  5. It’s not a problem getting sponsorship from related party’s, the problem with what city was doing is they overinflated the deals massively
  6. Because we didn’t sign a midfielder, which means one our targets wasn’t available
  7. And we didn’t want to waste money just for the sake of spending money, when none of our targets were available
  8. The problem with miggy is he’s so scared to even try using his right foot and that’s why he will be replaced(top players will use both), he got into some positions yesterday and just wouldn’t swing his right foot.
  9. Absolutely this, if we insist on playing ASM we might be better off using him as a replacement striker
  10. Absolutely this, it’s like the idiots have forgotten the last 14 years
  11. I don’t see Murphy starting on the left though, he’s always miggys replacement, so unless he’s going to move miggy over to the left I don’t see him starting
  12. If he doesn’t start ASM(I’m not his biggest fan) tonight when there is clearly a space for him, then there is absolutely no point having him on the bench for they rest of the season as he will without a doubt down tools
  13. Exactly, this stinks of people that didn’t stick around during the shit times now crying that they can’t get a ticket during the good times
  14. This is why I think we’re releasing so much merchandise, if Castore can’t get it out in acceptable numbers then they are in breach of contract and can be terminated
  15. No way he plays for the mancs again, they will ship him on as soon as possible
  16. We all heard the tapes and recordings, and we all know the cunts a dirty rapist
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