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Everything posted by CalmintheChaos

  1. Steve Bruce ffs :lol: As if we were so soft plenty of the donnay army wanted to give him a chance too Ashley has done a right number on our fanbase.
  2. I don’t think there is a chance of a takeover and anyone who still believes must now surely accept it’s at least nowhere near close because Bruce would simply not still be here. 11 months and people still try to sell this as a matter of when not if. March is upon us and Bruce is still here and the gap is 3pts. Even if it was approved no one is going to pay £350m for a club on the cusp of relegation. This takeover is only happening in peoples heads. Now we are speaking some sense and home truths.
  3. Appoint a useless cunt like Steve Bruce then you get what you deserve.
  4. Ok, quoted and we will see. I hope you’re right and I stick by my promise if PIF ever took over us £250 to charity of your choice so let’s see what happens in the next 6 months. See you in August.
  5. Nobody does. It’s a thread for OPINIONS on any proposed takeover. Just because you don’t like to hear it and like living in a fantasy land where you think PIF are still going to buy us and we will be the richest club in the world. It’s been a year now and it still hasn’t happened. I think if it was going too it would have happened by now. As I’ve said if PIF end up buying us I will happily donate £250 to a charity of your choice. That’s how certain I am. And I don’t know what a regen is.
  6. The Saudis walked away 7 months ago. If over a year since this started and 7 months since they walked away you still think it’s going to happen then I feel for you. “If we stay up”. If they were still at the table and it was al ready to be passed based on us staying up do you really think all parties would be happy to leave a multi million pound deal in the hands of Steve Bruce ffs. Howay man.
  7. :clap: Spot on and that first part is the question I have been asking for weeks. If he was “desperate to sell” and had a 300m offer going full steam ahead as most this board seem to think then letting us drift towards relegation with Steve Bruce in charge still whilst doing nothing makes absolutely no sense, even by Ashley’s standards. I can see us starting next season with that fat c*** as owner and the other still in the dugout, 27 years of following us now makes me certain that’s what is in store for us.
  8. Ashley has pulled off a master stroke in getting this useless idiot and wanker of a man to deflect most the attention off him. Worst part is I think it is highly likely they will both be here next season too.
  9. "We deserve all we get". I don't, speak for yourself = wummery "So you think it's acceptable...." He didn't say that = wummery "PIF aren’t buying us. They walked away about 8 months ago now". = Massive wummery Some of your points are valid, some not but your posting style is pure wum. Suspect there's a very good reason you have turned up with a new account. As a general fanbase we deserve all we get I meant as we are far too soft. I don’t think many would disagree with that Also PIF did walk away. That’s fact. It isn't WUMery it is just saying what happened and straight to the point. We are soft as s*** and plenty of other clubs would have ousted Ashley by now. Again, I don't think that is a comment many would disagree with. So you believe that PIF won't buy us if they get the greenlight through arbitration or a deal, and we don't get relegated? That is correct. No chance we are becoming the richest club in the world ffs. I will happily donate £200 to the Sir Bobby Robson charity if PIF ever owned us.
  10. Is this that Fitzgerald nonce? Who you calling a nonce!? What is it if someone says something that hits a nerve they start shouting is that x y or z . Paranoid
  11. "We deserve all we get". I don't, speak for yourself = wummery "So you think it's acceptable...." He didn't say that = wummery "PIF aren’t buying us. They walked away about 8 months ago now". = Massive wummery Some of your points are valid, some not but your posting style is pure wum. Suspect there's a very good reason you have turned up with a new account. As a general fanbase we deserve all we get I meant as we are far too soft. I don’t think many would disagree with that Also PIF did walk away. That’s fact. It isn't WUMery it is just saying what happened and straight to the point. We are soft as shit and plenty of other clubs would have ousted Ashley by now. Again, I don't think that is a comment many would disagree with.
  12. Aye not surprised. Makes it even worse. I just had 42,000 in my head for some reason. But yeah the point still stands and I’m spot on even if certain people don’t like to hear some home truths.
  13. It clearly is it’s nothing ground breaking what I said just what actually happened. I don’t know why Rocker[/member] took such offence to that as I have heard and seen plenty say the same before in person and online. It seems plenty want to be all militant anti Ashley and Bruce unless it actually means taking any action. Ashley the man who everyone hates actively forced Rafa Benitez out this club. The outrage that followed was rightly huge yet 42k just trudge back in to the stadium feeding Ashley and to watch a Steve fucking Bruce team.
  14. What!? So you think it’s acceptable 42,000 turning up to Steve f***ing Bruce’s first game when there was a well publicised boycott and to stand with Rafa and stand against Ashley/Bruce. Our soft as shit fanbase nowadays couldn’t even be arsed to do it or miss one lousy game then have the cheek to moan and “cheer on Burnley” when lo and behold Bruce has turned everything to s*** as it was obvious from day 1 he would. How’s that WUMery ffs
  15. I’m just angry seeing all the comments about “ cheering for Burnley” and “Bruce is so lucky fans aren’t allowed at the stadium” Well fans were allowed for his first game when he replaced Rafa yet 80% turned up and didn’t say a cross word to him. This s*** was always going to be the outcome with Bruce. If not this season then next. We really deserve all we get.
  16. Fair enough. I just want Ashley out this club. Everything else is an irrelevance to me other than that.
  17. PIF aren’t buying us. They walked away about 8 months ago now man. It was always to good to be true we couldn’t picture it then and I certainly can’t now. Even IF it was still on why would they be going through all this hassle for a club they know has a decent chance of going down.
  18. Jesus f*** , Really not arsed I actually burst out laughing when I read it! Jesus imagine letting Ashleys NUFC get you to that stage. The club don’t give one single fuck so we shouldn’t. If we had a open and honest club who were all pulling in the same direction and if we stayed up there was hope for next season I would be with you. However it will just be more of the same shit. We deserve relegation. I still can’t get my head around the appointment of Bruce at all. I actually hope Fulham win as it might get rid of Bruce if we drop into the bottom 3 and also might reveal more about this “takeover” if it actually looks like we are going down. On what planet does someone who is “desperate” to sell his football club for 300m and needs it to retain PL status to do so appoint Steve fucking Bruce then standby and do nothing when relegation looms. Incredible really is and makes zero sense.
  19. Definitely. Instead they will rot here whilst we ruin them and they will end up at Blackpool or Kilmarnock in a couple of years.
  20. Yep. Also it is utterly rank and disgusting he was ever appointed in the first place and I can’t believe how easily he was accepted here. Should have been hounded out from day 1 yet the donnay army wanted to give him a chance. The stadium should have been empty for his first game by rights. If we go down it’s what the 42k who turned up to his first game deserve. Especially when there was a well publicised and backed boycott in support of Rafa and against Ashley and Bruce. Only 10k sided with the right man. Pathetic
  21. This! It’s really beyond me why anyone is worried or panicking. Also it’s a f***ing disgrace we are even having to have this debate about relegation again at all. All self inflicted AGAIN. Also I believe we are more likely to get a new owner outside of the PL as all these seasons in the PL haven’t shifted Ashley. It worked well for villa.
  22. Couldn’t care less what league we are in I just want both Ashley and Bruce out of this club ASAP.
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