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Fantail Breeze

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Everything posted by Fantail Breeze

  1. Demba could probably still do a job for us up front.
  2. Can’t wait to see what happens when we don’t win the league next year.
  3. I don’t think it’s too much to ask a Supporters Trust to engage with it’s own members and supporters before making decisions.
  4. I think a lot of people want him binned before Sunday because they rightly want a fresh start and don’t want anything to downcast what should be a day of celebration. I’m fairly relaxed now and as long as he’s gone by Sunday, I’ll be pleased. If he’s still there though, it will be a disappointment and a missed opportunity. That said, I think it’s fairly obvious to all it’s only a matter of time before he does get canned.
  5. Greg might be a sound lad and I have no doubt he has been involved in some good things previously, but NUST under his leadership has been an absolute shambles. He’s not above criticism and he’s rightly getting it.
  6. No idea. Assumed it wouldn’t even be possible to do what I suggested so didn’t think that far into it
  7. Maybe a proper thick question, but can we not demolish SJP in it’s current form and rebuild it in a way which has a bigger capacity? Would of course leave us homeless for a season or two though.
  8. It’s definitely not a boys club though. Although the current Chair was a previous co-opted (handpicked) member by the previous Board, and Chair, who is now a co-opted member. These same jokers will keep getting voted in or voting themselves back in and will continue to achieve nothing. I like how they keep saying Alex has done a good job. The Trust has failed for years and achieved nothing. Alex’s grand plan has also flopped, as everyone expected and will shortly be wound down. Treat the supporters with the same disdain as Ashley did. Referring to the fucking rules of a Supporters Group to justify their ridiculous decision. “Well we’ve not broken any rules”. It’s not about that. It’s about allowing someone who has taken the piss out of other fans waltz straight back into the fold because he wants his five minutes of fame now a takeover has happened. A Supporters Group ‘for the fans”: - Want to recruit your mate back onto the Board? No need to ask the fans. - Want to set up a ridiculous scheme? No need to ask the fans. - Want to start selling crap to earn a commission? No need to ask the fans. A pointless survey every week will keep them engaged. As long as they all tell one another they’re doing a great job though.
  9. I’m sure Greg will tell us all when he finishes work.
  10. Rich people being spoilt brats, what a shocker.
  11. Same complex as the mackems and Everton. Small man syndrome. Stuck in the shadow of their rivals, always have been and have to lash out at everyone else. Bless them.
  12. Still have a slight bit of hope they’ll sack him on the pitch, live on Sky, moments before kick off.
  13. That’s been reported for years with no real activity, hasn’t it?
  14. Is there a rule about how members of the board should act? Does it include guidance on alienating sections of the membership or attacking female fans on social media?
  15. From my experience, you don’t even get a response.
  16. Fantail Breeze


    A decent manager and we’d have already won something by now. It’s the same argument as OGS at Man Utd. He may be treading water purely by the quality in the squad pulling a rabbit out of a hat most weeks, but this will always inevitably happen. He’s not good enough. Talks well, seems a nice chap, but he’s tactically inept.
  17. Greg might be there for the right reasons but the Trust has been pathetic under his leadership. Achieved nothing. No direction. Further divisions in the fanbase. Criminal. It is evidently still run by Alex and he’s got a hand firmly up Greg’s arse making him sing a song.
  18. Alex has just sent a statement to members: “Dear NUST members/peasants, I just wanted to confirm my re-appointment as Chair of NUST. Sorry, I mean in a position on the Board. I didn’t mean to post those tweets alienating fans and attacking that poor lass. I was testing my eyesight and had to compose a series of tweets to make sure my eyesight was in fact okay to proceed with my usual bullshit. I have spoke to Greg and told him I should be re-established in my rightful place on the Board and I have therefore been co-opted until January 2098 with immediate effect. I can’t wait to get started. I have tons of new ideas which I’m sure we’ll be able to implement without asking you all. Without regards, Alex”
  19. Fantail Breeze


    Same reason Southgate has Kane playing on the halfway line. Absolutely dreadful football and scared to attack. We’ll win fuck all despite having a class squad.
  20. I thought he was removed after alienating sections of our support (the members) and attacking a young female fan online. Probably easier to re-write history though and pop him back in. His whole life has been built around that day out in the posh seats, he can’t miss it. Only way they’ll learn is if people cancel and fuck them off. What’s the point if they’re quite evidently only here to serve themselves?
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