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Fantail Breeze

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Posts posted by Fantail Breeze

  1. 1 minute ago, Thumbheed said:

    That is literally the same thing as saying the PL are correct. 

    It's just mental gymnastics to support a position you can't really back with anything other than supposition. 

    "Realist" though.

    Are you okay? I don’t see how you can’t understand it.

    I’m not saying the PL are correct - I’m saying they’re corrupt enough to have covered their own arses sufficiently for the case to not be proven.

  2. 4 minutes ago, Thumbheed said:

    I mean, for people to beleive that it won't happen means they think the PL acted appropriately and are correct. [That is literally their legal opinion]. It means they're aligning themselves with the likes of Luke Edwards ffs. 

    Where's the evidence to support the PL's standpoint? 

    "Realists" though. 

    That’s not true. I don’t believe the PL acted fairly, but I also don’t think it’ll go through.

    Reason being, the PL are unlikely to have left themselves open to lose in court. I suspect it would’ve been done very privately.

    If the PL believed they were open to lose in court, they wouldn’t be challenging it and we’d have new ownership by now.

  3. 2 minutes ago, Menace said:

    Fair enough you don't believe its happening (I don't either tbf), but why are the same posters always in here spouting the same stuff? If you're convinced its not happening why are you still posting here? There's other threads...

    I wasn’t posting about the quality of the evidence or case in here fwiw.

    It was Whitley trying to engage people into a discussion about the evidence.

  4. 2 minutes ago, BergenMagpie said:

    Love how you wrote this as if you are somehow justified for sitting on a high horse [emoji38]

    To be fair, I didnt watch the show in full and skipped right to the evidence part. I also was a bit concerned by the magnitude of importance Keith put to the evidence he presented, but it didnt take long to realise that this is the least impactful evidence they got, and Im happy they included it along with Keys deleted tweets. It seems that they have collected everything that has made this saga feel unjust for the fans/buyers/seller, and if that is somehow not enough then at least we will get some closure. 

    Also, whatever evidence our legal team has probably done its job already by justifying the lawsuit. The biggest pieces of evidence, if there are any, should be in the hands of the premier league. Hope they are nervous as fuck now

    I don’t think anyone is sitting on a high horse. Most people, me included, would love Keith to be right. We’d love the takeover to go through in any way that gets the job done.

    People are just sick of tired of being strung along in some kind of soap opera, where it’s played out in public, Keith trying to sell merch, twelve different podcasts a week with nothing new and the same old crap we knew a year ago.

    We’ve been led along a garden path by Caulkin initially, followed by Keith, now supposed subliminal messages in bread by a leading QC - it’s all just totally pathetic. People are rightly frustrated and anyone who tries to play it out in public or drag people along with their own hope/ideas make it more frustrating in the long run.

    Keith was telling us all a few weeks ago of 11/10 news. What was that news? Well according to him it was good news if it never came out. Then the news was apparently the court submission. Well is that bad news now it’s come out? Was that even the news to begin with?... “tune into my podcast to find out and buy a t-shirt”. It’s shit like this that rightly rubs people up the wrong way.

    It’ll either happen, or it won’t. So far the indications over 16 months are that it won’t. Maybe that’ll change, hope so.  

    As I said earlier, we were told the importance of Qatar/KSA relations and the switching off of piracy in KSA. This still hasn’t been forthcoming and when the biggest snag in this takeover is piracy, it doesn’t look promising.

    Since the takeover collapsed, there has been nothing of substantial news. The failed court case to change the arbitration panel and the submission of this second case - other than that, nothing has happened. Yet we’re told on a monthly basis to wait for January, February, March, April, May, start of next season, end of the year. It’s not helpful and pisses people off.

  5. 16 minutes ago, Whitley mag said:

    You seemed confident interpreting the evidence that Keith presented last night as underwhelming. I just figured you must have a level of knowledge to come to that conclusion ?

    Weird that you keep avoiding the question :lol:

    There’s a difference between having an opinion (which is the whole point of forums) and claiming to be an expert. I was fairly clear in the fact I have no idea, but like everyone else, I have an opinion.

    You’re detracting from my initial point and I won’t get drawn into a discussion re: the evidence otherwise everyone will get upset it’s not a positive opinion in this thread.

    It’s just a bit odd for a grown man to be pretending to be someone else on the internet and praising himself in third person.

  6. 1 minute ago, Whitley mag said:

    Oh dear, one of the forums experts in competition law decides to drop into the positivity thread.


    Can’t say I’ve ever described myself as an expert in competition law - quite the contrary in the real takeover thread.

    Just wondered why you keep pretending to be someone else.

  7. 9 hours ago, Whitley mag said:

    C’mon Jinky these folk know how to interpret evidence better than a leading QC and someone with vast experience in competition cases ?. He stated in advance of show he would be highlighting how evidence already in public domain could be used. 

    Is it not really weird talking about yourself in third person? :lol:

  8. Just now, Scotty66 said:

    I know what you're saying but in my opinion it's blatantly obvious masters is being pushed by the big 6. He does what they say, and that was stop the takeover. (Also by Bein)

    Secret meetings before everyone else working out how to stop the deal, and I believe this is what will be proven. It's not how the process should go and should well be classed as anti competitive. 

    I don’t believe the PL’s refusal was due to the big 6. I think the PL genuinely don’t accept/like the piracy and that’s the key factor in this. You could argue it’s a legitimate issue too.

    I think BeIN are more influential than the big 6 in this case.

    Worth nothing the planned peace talks leading to Saudi shutting off the piracy/switching on BeIN hasn’t happened yet. A key issue most journalists said.

  9. 1 minute ago, Scotty66 said:

    I'm sure there is more. Regardless, Bein should not be involved anyway at all in the takeover pricess, the fact they have made themselves involved goes in our favour. 

    Also Masters can't really describe them as a company and then deny a takeover because they're not a company. You just can't do stuff like that in his position. 

    It's not massive evidence but I think that gives an indication that Bein and masters have massively influenced our takeover. That simply is not allowed. 

    Masters isn’t the sole decision maker. Might not be his opinion that PIF are state run. He might be pro-takeover but the other two on the PL board (or however many it is) may be the problem.

    Complete guesswork, but if we’re just theorising, I mean it’s possible.

  10. 1 minute ago, HaydnNUFC said:

    Aye. We've always had the players capable of producing good, entertaining football but he's actively chose not to across the last two years.

    Because of his own limitations. He knows he is unable to strike a tactical balance between attack and defence.

    We go forward like today and we concede 3 or 4 goals a game (saw the same at Leicester, where their attacking deficiencies saved us).

    Or, we go all out defence and try to scrape a 0-0 but end up losing 2-0 without crossing the halfway line.

  11. Keith has released two of his pieces of ‘evidence’ :lol: A letter from BeIN we all already knew about, which said they don’t like KSA.

    The second piece, a letter from Masters that refers to PIF as ‘a company in Saudi Arabia’. Wew. That’ll be that sorted then. Other than the fact it’s factually correct and not inferring ownership.

    Oh, Richard Key’s deleted tweets are apparently important too, somehow. 

    I hope he’s got some fantastic pieces held back and this isn’t a sign of the quality of evidence he/the club apparently has.

  12. 1 hour ago, samptime29 said:

    Tbf Bielsa should have won, winning at City is clearly the best result but we did have a very good month. 

    Ah, didn’t realise Leeds’ results in April were so good. Yeah, they’re definitely better than ours.

  13. 1 hour ago, gjohnson said:

    Got to be wind up surely? 

    In what magical land does the cabbage end up being manager of the month?

    I dont pay much attention to scores anymore as my interest has been pretty much killed, but surely it should of gone to Tuchel for making Chelsea good again, or Pep for actually winning the league?

    To be fair, Tuchel got pumped 5-2 by now-relegated West Brom in April.

    Our results in April were good (unbeaten with two draws with Liverpool and Spurs and two wins from West Ham and Burnley) it’d probably be a reasonable decision if he wasn’t so detestable. 

  14. Kinnear is nowhere near as bad as Pardew or Bruce. The bloke should’ve been in residential care, it’s not his fault Mike pulled him out.

    Bruce is worse than Pardew imo. At least Pardew knew he was a cunt, didn’t play the victim as much nor pretend to be ‘one of us’.


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