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Fantail Breeze

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Posts posted by Fantail Breeze

  1. 5th place will now almost certainly get CL qualification, no?

    Chelsea and Man City both look fairly certain of qualifying through league position and meet in the final.

    But it doesn’t seem to be part of the conversation when spoken about in the media?

  2. Liverpool are so weird this season. They create enough chances to win every week, but somehow miss them and end up cocking it up.

    They’re not even half chances, they’re relatively straightforward. I just don’t get why they can’t score :lol: 

  3. 24 minutes ago, Dokko said:

    It's dirty tactics. That's the stage we're at. I think time is running out,, they want this sorted over the summer ready for next season so putting all their cards on the table.



    I agree with this. It’s pretty much now or bust with this. If we’ve not changed hands in the next 2-3 months, this is never going to happen.

    If it doesn’t happen, I don’t know if I can stomach another season of Bruce. Thankfully every match won’t be on TV anymore, but even those that are I might not watch.

  4. 1 hour ago, Shays Given Tim Flowers said:

    So the sanction of non-disclosure is that the party who doesn’t disclose can’t use the document. But it appears that if a party chooses not to disclose the trial Judge can draw inferences from that failure.

    So if I say I need to see something and you refuse to provide it then;absent of any compelling reason, the trial judge may well think I have something to hide.  

    That’s if they’re requesting a specific document which is known to exist, right? I assume a fishing exercise of ‘show me all your emails from Daniel Levy’ wouldn’t stop a few going missing, if nobody knew about them?

  5. We’ve been getting results but it’s similar to last season, individual players performing well/opposition gifting us goals rather than tactics or proper management.

    Willock has been sensational and ASM/Miggy/Wilson will always cause problems.

    If we had a fully fit team all season, we’d comfortably be midtable despite Bruce. The problem is, this team with a proper manager could be challenging for Europe.

    Funny really. We’ve been told all season how shit the team is, when in reality it definitely isn’t.

  6. 13 hours ago, neesy111 said:

    Didn't realise Leicester's remaining fixtures are pretty hard, still got a job to finish in the top 4.

    West Ham and Liverpool have a really generous run-in by comparison too. Chelsea’s is a bit grim, which could work out even worse for Leicester as it’s likely Chelsea will need to beat them.

    I’d make West Ham favourites for a top 4 finish if they beat Everton. 

    Tottenham also have a bit of a chance, they play Leicester on the final day and will only be 4 points off them if they win today.

  7. 17 minutes ago, Super Duper Branko Strupar said:

    0. Cant say I'm excited about next season, though


  8. I’m increasingly dubious that Keith is just being used by NUFC to keep the story alive/keep fans interested by flogging a dead horse.

    Interesting isn’t it... how MA is coming out of this looking like the saviour, fighting for NUFC to become a powerhouse. All whilst there is no protests, no disgruntlement about his ownership despite the club still spending fuck all, money and assets probably still disappearing and a donkey in charge leading us to another relegation battle.

    I have no doubt Keith is connected to the club’s lawyers, but it works very well for them to have a massive gobshite peddling it to the fans 24/7.

  9. 9 minutes ago, B-more Mag said:

    It might not be. But arbitration usually isn't a thing that gives tons of clues along the way about whether it's going well or not. It's fight it out (put on your evidence and make your arguments), put it in the hands of the arbitrators, then find out if they agree with you or not. Yeah, there are extreme cases on either end, bad or good, but most cases aren't near those extremes. And yeah you can also pick up a a sense of where it may be headed. But I can also envision circumstances where you might say, regardless of where the arbitration's at, let's see if we can do something in a different venue that may expand the scope, be faster or slower, more in the public eye, etc. I could also be dead wrong and the club's fucked in arbitration.  

    Thanks. Final question - from what you’ve just said, do you think it’s a possibility this is being progressed to ‘threaten’ the PL that it’ll air their dirty laundry? As is also being suggested in the positive thread.

    That seems to make sense. But then Jacob’s tweets also seem to make sense that say the complete opposite :lol: 

  10. About two weeks ago, Luke Edwards said he had heard something he was trying to verify which was bad news for the takeover and said it’ll be over.

    Could quite easily be the court papers being served. Bad news because it’s an indication arbitration has failed, or will fail, to get the desired result.

    Jacobs seemingly on the same path/idea too. 

    I mean, going to court seeking compensation and an injunction doesn’t scream “this is going well”.

  11. 6 minutes ago, Interpolic said:

    Mate, he's been a copper for 24 years man :lol: he's not a 24 year old with 24 years life experience like you keep saying :lol: this is why I posted the spiderman thing. 

    I’m not having that :lol: There is no way a serving officer reckons he could walk in and “kick his head as hard as you possibly can using every ounce of strength you can muste”

  12. 2 minutes ago, ED209 said:

    So you think the 1/2 days of training given to most front line cops a year on self defence/restraint makes them experts and able to handle no violent situation like some kind of ninja master?  

    I despair I really do, you strike me as the time who does their probation then looks for a job in an office working day shifts where you spend a lot of time applying hindsight judgement to how cops have dealt with fast moving situations at 2am when you were safely tucked up in bed. 

    :lol: The 24 year old expert with no experience, telling me about my own career. All of which is completely inaccurate, but based on your other posts, not a surprise.

  13. 6 minutes ago, Shays Given Tim Flowers said:

    You'll struggle because it is a jury matter which means it's hard to get appellate cases that consider the issue. The Court of Appeal has held that using a knife on an unarmed assailiant is prima facie capable of being self-defense. 

    The Atkinson case is an example of it being possible to argue. If it was not possible for kicking in the head to be capable of amounting to a defence in Law the Judge would not let it go before the Jury. The Silk's opening would simply be a kick to the head is never lawful and therefore the officer is guilty of at least manslaughter, don't pay any heed to self-defence it doesn't exist in law.  

    Again at Law there is no requirement to use the minimum amount of force in self-defence. 

     Lord Morris in (Palmer v R 1971 AC 814);

    "If there has been an attack so that self defence is reasonably necessary, it will be recognised that a person defending himself cannot weigh to a nicety the exact measure of his defensive action. If the jury thought that that in a moment of unexpected anguish a person attacked had only done what he honestly and instinctively thought necessary, that would be the most potent evidence that only reasonable defensive action had been taken ..."

    The conversation is getting lost between the acts of a police officer at work and those of a member of the public. I’m not arguing a member of the public could define it as self defence, but it would be different for a trained police officer at work.

    But, the scenario where it genuinely is a act of self defence in any case are very low.

  14. 3 hours ago, joeyt said:

    Pep is obviously a fantastic manager but no other manager in the world has been able to have a blank cheque book every year to try and fix their defence

    I'm not even sure they were going to sign Dias if they hadn't got thrashed by Leicester earlier in the season

    In reserve tonight he had Cancelo, Laporte, Ake and Mendy. A whole back 4 of players who cost north of £40mil. Luxuries no other manager has had



    Shouldn’t have spent that money and just bought in Big Sam.

  15. #wait, good news is coming in January, February, March, April, end of the week, end of May, end of the summer, maybe next season.

    It’s all starting to look even more silly now. I applaud those who still have faith in this but how many times can the same people move the goalposts on when good news is going to appear?

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