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Fantail Breeze

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Posts posted by Fantail Breeze

  1. 3 minutes ago, HTT II said:

    Well done Man Utd fans having the power to call a game off, more power to every set of fans the country over, let’s reclaim what’s ours, our sport, our game and our clubs. Fuck the Glazers, Ashley, ESL the lot of them. My respect for MUFC fans has just shot up 1000% 


    Managing to coordinate in a few weeks what we should have done a long time ago. Puts us to absolute shame, but good on them.

  2. 12 minutes ago, midds said:

    If we turn this lot over tomorrow then the gap between the 2 sides will only be 7 points. Considering the absolute pigshit we've played for months on end that's a damning indictment on Arteta and Arsenal in general, they're a shadow of what they used to be and falling further and further behind each year. Bless them. 

    Will be completely ignored if they win the Europa though. A European trophy and CL qualification would be seen as a good season for them.

    Mad that they’ve not been in the CL since 2016/17.

  3. 2 hours ago, Dokko said:

    Theyve got £60m to spend if they go up. 

    1. They won’t go up.

    2. Even if they do, they’ll not be spending £60m.

  4. 1 hour ago, Jinky Jim said:

    Although i agree with your sentiment, i somehow would get the jitters if we needed a result against Sheffield U with Bruce in charge,

    With Wilson, ASM and Almiron on the same pitch we could have Micky Mouse in charge and I’d be confident of beating Sheff Utd at home.

  5. 2 hours ago, midds said:

    Yeah I get that but if he doesn't catch him with the follow through then Vardy has a chance of getting to the loose ball and getting a shot off? But he doesn't get that chance because he's caught with the follow through. 

    How can it possibly be denying a goal scoring opportunity if he makes a good tackle? Which is what it was.

    Otherwise every tackle where the player wins the ball and then wipes out the man would be a free kick. 

  6. Just now, Whitley mag said:


    That may be your opinion but some of us like the craic around the takeover.

    In the politest possible way if you don’t like reading it fuck off and don’t. If Keith wants to talk about it fucking great, you won’t dictate to anybody what people want to discuss. 

    Do you yourself a favour and tune in when it’s announced and do the rest of us who enjoy this thread a favour.

    This goes for some of the other tedious cunts who have infested this thread in recent days.

    Oh aye, it’s absolutely lifting craic. Well done Keith for making it like Coronation Street.

    The utter, utter irony of you calling people tedious cunts :lol: 

  7. 5 minutes ago, TRon said:

    They'll all disappear and we'll suddenly get an influx of joyous 'new' members. :pow:

    I don’t think there is a single person who doesn’t want this takeover. Of course everyone does.

    What people can’t be arsed with, is fake ITKs and false hope. We’ve been fed absolute crap for 16 months now and still have no change in ownership. People are rightly fed up with it.

    If Keith is involved in anyway, great. But keep your gob shut and get on with it. Constantly sprouting his guff ‘look at me, look at me’ and dick measuring/arguing with fans on Twitter is pathetic.

    Same with NDM. I couldn’t care less about subliminal messages. The only message that counts is the consortium taking over.

  8. 8 hours ago, 54 said:

    My math may be wrong, but at the current rate, the 1892 pledge will have raised £1M in a years time.

    £760,356 isn’t it? If all donations are reoccurring at the same rate and nobody loses interest.

    Just over 4.5 years to get 1% of the club, to do an unspecified thing with. Again, assuming all donations are reoccurring at the same rate and nobody loses interest. Also assuming the owner at the time will be willing to sell the 1%.

  9. 1 minute ago, et tu brute said:

    Mind the amount of injury time in that league is crazy

    Not a surprise when every time the ball goes out of play they have to collect it from the car park.

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