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Fantail Breeze

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Posts posted by Fantail Breeze

  1. 4 hours ago, neesy111 said:

    He wasn't at fault for the Wolves goal, great header at the worst place for a GK.

    Agree. Looks easy to save on a slowed down replay but the reality is it was a great header.

  2. 10 minutes ago, Dr Jinx said:

    Relegation is 99% unlikely to happen at this stage. I don’t think that’s an issue. If Fulham lose their next game and we get a point I don’t think they can catch us. I think we pick up another 6 points too

    The issue as has always been is clearing the way with the PL, events over the last 2 weeks will have moved the goalposts slightly. Whether that puts us in a stronger or weaker position I do not know but can imagine NDM will be reacting to this and forming it as part of a strategy.

    Overall I’d imagine the PL will just want this to go away quietly so they’ll have to reach an agreement.

    Here is a question though, the arbitration is focussed on how the PL applied its rules in respect of the wording of director or person of influence. So my understanding was that if we get a ruling in our favour, the test would go to the PL to complete, essentially adding more time to the process.

    Am I wrong on this though? Is the arbitration to decide the outcome of the full o&d’s test?

    You’re right, I think. Although I assume the O&D test would be a formality in the event that we won arbitration.

  3. On 02/05/2021 at 11:34, joeyt said:

    Seems to be a load of coverage about Ramadan and footballers having to fast during it. It's great that it's getting coverage but not sure why this year it's getting a load more than previous years.

    Remember Demba Ba really struggled in his first couple of games for us when it was Ramadan

    There seems to be an article about allowing Fofana to have a drink and snack every game. I mean yeah, that’s great, but do we need to have a new article every match about it? :lol: 

  4. 4 hours ago, Big Geordie said:

    In the mean time, the FA and PL have done bugger all to punish the big 6. What they tried to pull off simply can't be swept under the carpet as if nothing happened.

    Of course not and they knew they wouldn’t be punished - which is why they tried it in the first place.

  5. 2 hours ago, UncleBingo said:

    Why do the Trust need to organise things? There were plenty of well publicised protests organised by the Magpie Group but 90% of people did fuck all.....although I'm glad that a sizeable chunk seemed to have walked away.


    Were you involved in the protests two years ago by the way?

    I was involved in them. I’ve been involved in most of them, apart from the Cardiff game as I was on holiday.

    As I’ve repeated many times, it’d be best managed by the Trust because they have the resources to organise a successful one.

  6. 3 minutes ago, UncleBingo said:

    Nail on head.

    Too many people bump their gums online but when push comes to shove, can't be bothered to get off their arses and do anything. And then you've got the absolute bellends who went out of their way to attack and belittle the Magpie Group for anything they tried.

    Until that changes, Ashley will continue to treat the club's support with utter contempt.

    As I said earlier, the Trust would only need to encourage 10% of their members to attend for a successful protest.

    That’s even before you consider how many others a professional and well organised event could attract.

    I also think the fanbase have moved on significantly since previous protests. Rafa leaving, the Saudi takeover and Bruceball have broken a lot of camel’s backs.


  7. Just now, InspectorCoarse said:

    Yeah but their trust is miles away from what ours is about . You can ask ours to organise protest all you want but they will run away

    Well that’s exactly my point - our Trust should start being more reflective of the present day and their membership rather than serving their own interests.

    Is Greg still a ST holder like Alex? That’ll be the biggest pinchpoint. None of them want to do anything constructive that’ll see them banned.

  8. 4 minutes ago, InspectorCoarse said:

    But protest  doesnt need all the accoutrements  you describe - it doesnt need costumes , banners , people dressed as vicars etc - it just needs people who believe in the justness of their cause . 

    I didn’t say it needed those things at all. What I was pointing out was NUST has great resources (16,000+ members, a load of money in the bank and links to local media and NUFC legends) to make something of it.

    An organised protest using those resources will obviously be much more effective than 5 blokes on Twitter trying to do it on their own, as you’ve suggested.

  9. 4 minutes ago, InspectorCoarse said:

    Why would anyone need costumes etc in order to protest ? Did the Man U fans have much in the way of that ? No , they just got up off their arses and did something . 

    I don’t disagree. I was just explaining the Trust with their membership and resources could make it bigger and better than anything seen before - which would encourage people to show up.

  10. It infuriates me more that I think about it. They have a great platform to launch something from, literally have most of the NE sports media available to support them.

    What do they do with it? Launch a fucking ridiculous pipedream which will do absolutely fuck all but satisfies the board’s desires to stroke their own egos.

    How fucking easy would it have been to organise a peaceful protest outside SJP? They have 16,000+ members ffs. They’d only need 10% of them to turn up to make it worthwhile. Huge amount of money sitting in a bank account doing fuck all. Imagine the banners, the leaflets, the costumes etc that could have been organised?

    They don’t represent their membership at all. Their members have told them time and time again what they want. They don’t fucking listen and waste opportunity after opportunity to get something done.

  11. I mean they literally built most of their membership on the back of false promises regarding protests when Rafa left.

    They can’t protest though, that’ll affect Alex’s chances of getting to sit in a posh box at a match.

    Why worry about the current state of affairs? What has happened in the last couple of years to get upset about?

    It’s much better to build a friendship with some chap in the fan engagement team who has no authority to do anything. Also great to buy 1% of the club in 6 years to do absolutely nothing with. Pissing in the wind that project, when we’ve been screaming for action for years.

  12. 1 minute ago, Stifler said:

    How many times do you have to be told that the NUST isn’t a protest group and why they aren’t?

    And you have the audacity to call me a thick cunt.

    When have I ever called you a thick cunt?

    And you’ve completely missed my point, but okay. Man Utd don’t have many protest groups, but they also don’t have any ‘trusts’ representing their paying fans who actively work against action to force change.

    Good job the Trust are building such a good relationship with the club to get the Leazer’s bogs and Alex’s reputation sorted though.

  13. Neville and Keane supporting the fans and almost encouraging further protests/demonstrations in a calm and measured way.

    We have Shearer telling us how great Bruce is and the Trust telling us it’s impossible to protest (but pay us please).

  14. Just now, Stifler said:

    It would be for smaller clubs, I’m not saying for us, but certainly down the leagues it would be.

    When has that ever happened due to a fan protest? Show me one example.

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