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Fantail Breeze

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Posts posted by Fantail Breeze

  1. I love football rivalry and think it’s so unique to football it’s class. Nowt better than a stadium full going back and forth with class jibes etc.


    Can never understand why anyone would want to boot someone in, purely because of the team they support. 


    Same goes with how much anti-NUFC they are on RTG. Desperate to not be ‘Mag-like’, so much so they’d rather watch their club sink into administration than take any action.


    Just bizarre, tbh. 

  2. 5 minutes ago, Lush Vlad said:

    Takes a massive step across Matip who barely touches him. Then chucks himself to the ground and there is an almighty tangle because of it. 

    The first was a dive, he dives all the while. I don’t think this was. I thought it was him trying to be clever and you would say you see those given. But it would have been soft as fuck. 


    When TAA got booked, it looked a nail on foul but the replay showed ratface jumped over him, no contact was made and he threw himself to the floor.


    Thick as fuck too, he was in if he hadn’t have done that. 

  3. 2 minutes ago, triggs said:

    First time seeing that and that's a pen IMO


    In usual case I would say it is, but he’s a diving little cheat and for no reason initiates the contact himself, literally reaching backwards to tussle with Matip.


    It’s one of those that is always given outside the box, but never given in it. Happens every game.


    Ratface has completely lost his head, sharing a video of himself diving (via a dodgy stream) to criticise the refereeing decisions.


    Surprised he’s not been told to take it down, for various reasons.


  5. 4 minutes ago, Newcastle Fan said:

    That Allan stat is mad, 73 minutes on the pitch as a midfielder and not one pass completed, i guess they were so frighted of Liverpool's press they just decided to surpass the midfield.


    The whole Everton team only completed 90 passes during the whole 90 minutes.


    3 of which would’ve been kick offs. Also periods of just passing it around the back four.


    An average of 8 passes per player :lol: 

  6. 8 minutes ago, North Somerset Gas said:



    Sadly no magic from Billy yesterday, he was nullified for the first time in the quarters by the league leaders who spent the afternoon diving and trolling around, and subsequently got the point they came for a got promotion to L1 yesterday.




    You must have some chance at promotion based on the games left?


    Both Northampton and Port Vale with Exeter to play and what seem like two straightforward games for you?

  7. mackems lose on Tuesday vs Rotherham and Sheff Wed draw their game vs Fleetwood, all four teams battling for the 3 play off places will be on 80 and it’ll be decided on the final day by who wins by the biggest margin :lol: GD’s of +25 (mackems) +25 (Plymouth) +24 (Sheff Wed) and +23 (Wycombe).


    That absolutely needs to happen.

  8. Modern day football fans.


    Man Utd penalty at Arsenal yesterday, how many phones in view? Just fucking enjoy the moment ffs. 

    I hate videos like that in general, you can’t properly understand the scenes of celebrating a goal, it doesn’t capture it at all.




  9. Just realise Burnley play Watford away before Everton play next.


    Will be psychologically huge if Everton go into that Chelsea game 5 points adrift imo.


    A Leeds win tomorrow and Burnley next week and I don’t see any way back for Everton. 


    Leeds and Burnley have too many relatively straightforward games. Even Leeds who have a tough run coming up finish the season against Brighton and Brentford. Both are also on a good run of form.


    Over the last 25 games, Everton have got 12 points less than Leeds and 13 less than Burnley. They’re below them under every form table (5/10/15/20/25 games). That’s staggeringly shit form - I just don’t see how they could improve so much to overcome that.

  10. Just now, Neil said:


    You seem really irritated by us mate, you alright?


    I’m grand mate - really pleased.

    Weird post to pick up on btw, as that was a criticism of the media rather than you (but I have posted loads of that too, so don’t worry).

  11. Just now, toontownman said:

    How on earth is Richardson not sent off?! 


    What is the point in VaR honestly. Likewise the amount of play acting and diving. It needs stamping out of the game, much like Richardson did at the end.


    Clear red as you’ll ever see. Mental.

  12. Chelsea and Leicester better fucking deliver the goods man. They’re both capable of being absolute tossers and gifting Everton points.


    Need Everton to go into that Watford away game with zero confidence and slightly adrift.

  13. Insane the difference of reporting of this Everton performance to us under Rafa, or Atletico the other week.


    Everton were disgustingly bad today. Sky saying what a fantastic committed performance it was.

  14. 2 minutes ago, AyeDubbleYoo said:

    The commentator said it’s a ‘feather in Lampards cap’ if he keeps Everton in the premier league. Odd. 


    They were miles clear of relegation when he took over. Love it how the facts have been changed so that Rafa had them bottom of the league on 0 points.

  15. Can hardly blame Liverpool when Everton are playing the worst anti-football I have ever, ever seen.


    Worst than anything we produced under Rafa. Look forward to the pelters at HT for Tory boy.

  16. Just now, The Prophet said:

    Burnley's interim manager has them playing some better stuff.


    I didn't see them staying up under Dyche, but Jackson seems to be getting a tune out of them.


    Said it before but it’s no surprise they suddenly look a better team after ditching him. So overrated and one of the worst styles of play going.

  17. 1 hour ago, Miggys First Goal said:

    Top 8 and a proper cup run finally next season will do me thank you very much. 




    We should make the League Cup our priority, imo.


    So many top clubs fuck about in it, would love to see us go all out for it just to get a trophy on the board.

  18. 1 hour ago, ponsaelius said:

    You could hear them on the stream I was watching. We were guessing which one was gonna be sung next. Lovenkrands, Ameobi, Shearer, Colo, Gutierrez etc





    Reminded me how much I loved the Colo song.


    Also another reminder of how bland our current songbook is.

  19. We spent a similar amount as McClaren under Ashley, when we last went down.


    If you consider the Summer/January windows combined, we’ve only spent about £20m more this time round. Considering that was six years ago, inflation probably makes it about the same.


    You could also use other metrics, like the value of our squad vs those below us (including Everton).


    But lets not let facts like those get in the way. Newcastle have survived by spending a hundred billion of blood money.

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