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Fantail Breeze

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Posts posted by Fantail Breeze

  1. Just now, WillingtonMag said:

    Because the justification for the investment is the finances in the mens game and the amount of money it brings in, womens football needs to prove to have a level of sustained financial viability before just throwing money at it in my opinion.


    Are you seriously trying to suggest the men’s game has financial viability? :lol: 


    A quite frankly ridiculous post.

  2. 24 minutes ago, WillingtonMag said:

    Thanks for proving my point, it will get turned into a gender equality issue when it isn't really fair to do so in this field. No one said anything about oppressing them, of course they shouldn't have the same level of facilities as the men who play at the highest level in world sport in the most popular league in the world when they aren't even full professionals.  They won't even need those facilities at the minute the money would be better off invested in grass roots women's football gaining exposure and getting more lasses playing in the first place.





    But surely investing in our women’s facilities will do exactly that and “get more lasses playing” at a better level with better facilities and therefore enhancing their game?


    If Gateshead built a new state of the art training facility after receiving huge investment, should they be told off because that’s not their level? Or would people be happy at their aspirations to improve?


    Your justification of “give them class facilities and they’ll expect more” is mental. Even if they did, so what? 

  3. 1 minute ago, iklgizmo said:

    I don't 'need' the facilities that the gym at work has, but shockingly, work still let's me use them!


    I hope you’re a full award winning body builder if you’re using those facilities.


    Anyone with a dad bod hoping to achieve something better get themselves in line and realise they shouldn’t be using those facilities yet. Need to lift the baked beans at home first.

  4. 3 minutes ago, WillingtonMag said:

    I'm not sure but I can see it happening further down the line.


    So we should oppress them now, in case their game becomes successful and they start to expect better facilities and pay?


    Makes sense tbf. Let them vote and now they’re playing football. Whatever next.

  5. What other sports get the same coverage on TV and people don’t complain about the difference in quality?


    Tennis, for example, people can watch both male and females play tennis and not get upset by the difference.


    I can’t really think of any others. What makes tennis such an outlier to everything else?

  6. 38 minutes ago, RodneyCisse said:

    More they get in the better, players aren’t used to having crowds like that and the venom when they get beat will be glorious.


    “As Sheffield Wednesday scored their third goal inside the opening 25 minutes, a cluster of crisp packets floated past the goalmouth and the bewws began.”

  7. 3 hours ago, sushimonster85 said:

    We're safe. But I get worried when people talk about a 19 goal swing in three games. Sounds huge, but do remember Man City are trying to close/beat Liverpool's GD edge... not saying they're going to hump us 19-0, but 4 or 5 isn't beyond the question. 



  8. 4 minutes ago, ManDoon said:

    This will absolutely become a meme. They never learn. 


    It only took 13 posts for someone to say it’s Mag behaviour :lol: 

  9. 8 minutes ago, ManDoon said:

    I don’t see why it’s conspiratorial, it’s been written about plenty. Football considers itself clean for some unknown reason, when every other sport suffers with drugs issues. 


    As for Leicester this might interest you?



    lot of shady involvement with cycling scientists and Ranieri. Fuentes was also heavily implicated in football.



    Cycling is an individual sport though, you can’t legislate winning everything of your doping. There is too much nuance in football. My issue is with their seemingly unending stamina, and like I said the Russian team reminds me a lot of them. It’s the elite level of sport, huge money on the line, they already ram them full of painkillers








    I’ve not read that thread in full but will tomorrow. The problem with those gossip pages is stuff like this, which can be proven to be bollocks immediately:


    “there's even quite a few clues regarding Ranieri's success, including Leicester players, when asked to explain their success, mention "a few italian tricks" the coach taught us..”


    Google that quote, not a single Leicester player can be attributed to it.


    That’s the problem here - rumours become ‘facts’ very quickly with no evidence base behind them.


    One example of many I’m sure I’ll find when looking at that thread more closely.

  10. 6 minutes ago, ManDoon said:

    They did yeah, and that’s a fair point, but they’ve largely avoided it this year despite competing in all comps.


    They do get drug tested and it’s not that simple In practice. Lance Armstrong never failed a drug test. Not a single one in his career lol. 

    I think most high level clubs are to a degree yea, but like I said similarly to cycling the most committed and extreme will win. Pirlo brought it up in his book, a good read btw. I don’t know about Chris Wood, but I know I see shades of that Russian team here. Even then people were laughing saying they were not doping. 







    I’ve seen enough Newcastle games to know there is not a chance any of our lot are on anything to enhance their performance :lol: 


    I just think it’s a typical conspiracy theory that always gets trotted out whenever someone/a team performs to a high level.


    Were Leicester on drugs? Or did everyone else stop taking them that year?

    What you also forget is Liverpool’s team is huge. They can make 6-8 changes and still walk all over us, because they’re better in every single position. Top managers and teams rotate more than ever and can afford to shuffle the deck.


    As I said, I don’t doubt there are cases of it, but there is so much irregularity in football to make it as wide spread as you are suggesting. 


    Armstrong won everything in cycling so consistently for a reason.

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