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Everything posted by Abacus

  1. He'd just sign it and send it back.
  2. Was thinking the same. More chance of him being appointed and fired, before Charnley springs into action and starts calling round on his special animal noises telephone. "What's that Mr Moo Moo? I don't understand. Can you start a week on Monday or not?"
  3. Caulkin gets criticised for his takeover stuff. But, it seems to me from what's come out that he was passing on what he was told by several parties, and that there was a very late swerve by the PL to block it. So it seems. I can't really blame him for that, and since then, he's been pretty circumspect, always making clear that confidence in one or other of the parties can be unfounded. The Steve Bruce stuff is harder to understand, for me, if they really are friends. Shearer gets criticised for not laying into Bruce on MOTD, due to him apparently being a friend. And it's true I have lost a bit of respect for him for that. But at the end of the day, Shearer is a pundit - a talking head. One step above the rentagobs on Talksport etc, but ultimately they're all there to generate clicks and in a similar role. I am disappointed when the professional journalists feel conflicted by personal friendships as well, though, or can't see it clearly. That's not what they're paid for, Newcastle fans or not. Quite why there is this wall of protective rubbish about Bruce and his training methods, his totally dreadful and consistent record over his 999 games, his persistent out of touch with reality excuses, his blaming everyone but himself, is beyond me. And that's just the start with Europe's fattest man, his gigantic sleeves and his meticulous system of unimprovements. Why, then, are more journalists not holding him to account? Too pally? If that's the case, just admit you're conflicted and then go report on someone else for a bit.
  4. Bottom 3 again now. I think that's the only time Ashley actually pays attention.
  5. The trouble with Luke Baldwards is that he's anything but fair and balanced with that summary. He's declared there's a slim chance of success, but he has nothing to base that on. Why is he waffling on about a 'burden of proof' in an arbitration case? He's already decided that the PL are right, if that's the case. Also, the aim of the CAT case is just to 'embarrass and expose' the PL? If they're squeaky clean, what could there be to expose? And why should they be embarrassed? As usual, just a joke of a writer, I won't say journalist.
  6. I didn't read it that way. Funny that on the other hand the PL were keen to say the deal was still on, if we were successful at arbitration. Because if so, then there'd be no financial loss, and no basis for the case to proceed. Which is what they were trying to argue in the first place.
  7. I really hope we've got the A-Team in place, if we have found them. Got that theme tune running around my mind in a loop now.
  8. We should have zinged that slimy Lewis with that one as well.
  9. We've the best legal team, the world has ever had...
  10. That's having cancelled for a while now, rather than just threatening to cancel.
  11. I keep getting a 'limited time' offer for £9.99 a year, or £14.99 a year depending on what day it is, to rejoin them which keeps popping up on my Facebook.
  12. I feel Lewis will ask for a one hour delay whilst he finishes his sandwich. A motion backed up Charnley on Teams.
  13. Ah, I see. I haven't been watching it, just following it on here.
  14. If SJP Holdings is really a director, has it been assessed as such under the owners and directors test, as is supposed to happen to all directors annually?
  15. Personal view, if the court has jurisdiction, it's a win that will scare the horses. If not, we're done and arbitration goes against us too. I base this personal view on very little of substance. You're welcome.
  16. I like how rattled Luke is by even the words "wheeling out", hence using those quotation marks. He knows he has no response to the actual point made so instead responds like a cornered rat at even the suggestion he's defending his mate, by saying he's only passing on what he's heard. As if MA could even care less about playing entertaining football to start with, and he's the only one making the decisions. I can only assume Luke's 'source' is a photocopied butter-smeared fan letter written by a Mr Jonjo Shelvey, and personally signed by a certain Stephen Roger Bruce. Leaving all that to one side. Given we've run out of other candidates. Let's say you get a call some Sunday from a desperate Charnley who has tried all the other buttons on his special animal noises telephone, would you take the job?
  17. I agree with the Eddie Howe bandwagon. Keep Jones on as a coach under him, perhaps. He's the best you could hope for under Ashley, and someone who could hopefully keep us afloat until Ashley is gone at least. Whoever thought Bruce was the answer to anything in the first place, except dealing with the European butter mountain, needs to be formally wedgied throughout the length and breadth of the city.
  18. There's only man for this job. Flash Gordon.
  19. The kebab shop reference is such a deliberate dig He's right though. Two poor teams can still play an entertaining game. But what everyone can see is a complete lack of purpose, organisation or structure.
  20. Clearly, no-one or their family should be threatened. However, we only have his word for this and he makes things up or exaggerates for effect, as well as deliberately antagonising people. The whole "I'm allowed to have an opinion" view makes him a thicker grade Katie Hopkins clone. Boo boo, go to the police if you're genuinely under threat, but if you write for clicks don't then try and take a few abusive messages and claim there is an agenda because of your awful understanding of sport and because your so called quality of journalism is being questioned. His lack of hair is neither here nor there.
  21. It's an awful thing for any human being to suffer and still less for the people around him. So, no stupid jokes from me, wish them all the best with the journey they are on. On a separate note, I'd recommend that Terry Mac autobiography on Kindle. There's probably nothing new in it for most of you, but it kept me entertained, a bit like a Roy of the Rovers book.
  22. Stop it, I'm still daydreaming. Shay Given in goal, Albert and Woodgate in defence, Venison right back... Enrique left back? Wake me up when the horror ends.
  23. I was going to say KK, but then I expect he'd have played them both together, probably alongside Ginola and with Beardsley at no 10, with Gascoigne as defensive mid. Plus an exhausted Alan Shearer knocking in all those chances. I am now off in a pleasant daydream.
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