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Everything posted by McDog

  1. Gordon's overall game has risen to some crazy heights.
  2. Burn playing out of his mind these days. Great stuff by him at least.
  3. That's what they do. They are business men, first and foremost. To be honest, they all are. If I paid a shit ton of money on a business, which is what clubs are, I'd want a return. A super rich guy who just loves the team, different story sometimes I suppose.
  4. Here is the bloody thing though. It's extremely hard for people outside the place of employment to really judge. The dynamics of each staff's remit at different clubs is something we don't know. I have no idea for the reasons that I just stated. Not having a go, just it's way easier judging players as you can actually watch them, although you don't know what they were told to do on any given match film (tactical instructions they received for that match).
  5. McDog

    Tosin Adarabioyo

    Or the gaffer. Mid table and lower table. Terrible mistake.
  6. I see why you asked the question. A quick google search reveals nothing which surprises me. I *think* June 30th.
  7. Sounds like he realized the spot he was in and the spot he put Newcastle in and manned up to the FA. Glad he took responsibility.
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