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Everything posted by WillingtonMag

  1. Even more confident after that display against Everton, In between two champions league games too. Really fancy us.
  2. Fair topic when four pundits just laughed at the suggestion we are on par with Everton like.
  3. We are a bigger club than Everton not bothered what they say.
  4. Well that's just made me want them go down even more ?
  5. Probably the most dislikable player in the football league.
  6. ??? worth watching through all the shite
  7. Worst game I've watched all season this like
  8. We have better keepers who are also in better form, if he starts it's a disgrace.
  9. Pickford ? if this buffoon starts for England at the world Cup Southgate wants sacking
  10. Had a feeling this would be a let down.
  11. Everton doing what they need to do and it's going to plan up to now. A draw would be massive for them here.
  12. Wtf is the commentator going on about we've seen them given
  13. Jamie Carragher must have the worst voice in the country.
  14. Everton looking alright up to now tbf
  15. Haha that's fair enough mate ?
  16. Be a full head of hair before end of season
  17. Burnley playing some good stuff tbf getting rid of Dyche might have been a master stroke.
  18. Aye win on Saturday and catching Wolves is on ??
  19. Get in Burnley you lovely tramps
  20. Desperately trying to promote and push it while knowing its absolutely shite is hilarious.
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