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Everything posted by WillingtonMag

  1. I think intent always needs to be taking into account with any comment really, he clearly isn't a sexist and last thing he'd want to do is upset his players or have a negative impact on the women's game. I think women probably are more emotional in general in all walks of life but dont see anything wrong with that. Possibly down to biology or hormones or even learned behaviour I don't know. But don't really see it as a hateful comment or belief to hold.
  2. He's been involved with the women's game for years now and has worked wonders for Northern Irelands women's team, its an observation he's made from his experience in the game and he backed it up with stats etc. The players have came out in support of him straight away and seem to love him. He's done nothing wrong.
  3. He's right though and the players support him, don't see why everyone wants people to loose their jobs over anything these days.
  4. Would happily scrap VAR for everything not even being able to properly cebrate a goal Is fucking ridiculous tbh, even worse for the fans In the stadium who haven't got a clue what's going on.
  5. No reason we can't get top 6 like if we have the money to spend.
  6. Of courses there is some benefits to it however it isn't worth it because it is making watching the sport worse.
  7. Who cares though if it's 1mm offside it's not what the rule was designed for it's sucking all the enjoyment out of the game, the forward had no advantage at all.
  8. You can't even celebrate a goal in a massive game man, it's even worse for the fans in the stadium.
  9. Pathetic this football is ruined can't even celebrate a goal ffs.
  10. Easter next weekend might do somthing for him then.
  11. Brilliant don't want Liverpool winning anything.
  12. Really wanted Everton to go down but let's be honest non of the current bottom 3 would be missed like.
  13. Aye that had crossed my mind as well to be fair.
  14. New centre forward,Right winger/forward, another centre midfielder and a centre half. If we fill those four positions with quality we can challenge for European places next season.
  15. It's not what that rule was made for is it, the forward hasn't gained an unfair advantage.
  16. VAR for offsides when it's that close are ridiculous in the Arsenal Brighton game man, they are literally struggling to tell if its off or not. It should just be given.
  17. I agree but he's hardly be inspiring has he and the whole thing of appointing a caretaker was ridiculous giving the attitude of the players, unless they were just happy enough to write this season off to wait for Ten Haag.
  18. No improvement what so ever under ralf shitenick like.
  19. What if we finish 1 point behind them but do the cup double?
  20. We'll finish above them next season.
  21. What ever new manager comes in they need a massive clear out and new signings to compete like.
  22. Was an absolute blatant penalty can't believe its even being discussed.
  23. Can just start enjoying the relegation fight now and hopefully start by laughing at Everton getting thrashed today.
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