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Everything posted by sushimonster85

  1. True, but some players confidence is more fragile than others, and can vary wildly. Then you have mentality monsters like Ronaldo for whom confidence is never an issue. I do feel confidence/mentality is one of the (only) areas where xG is a little blind.
  2. xG is very useful, however I feel the role of striker (and keeper to be fair) is the most confidence based position on the entire pitch. Things like a players confidence, or overall general mentality, can be really hard to quantify with raw data. Now xA on the other hand, there is a useful stat. Pascal Gross at Brighton was the best example of club looking past initial numbers to find a real bit of diamond in the rough. He never posted huge assist numbers at Ingolstadt, however his xA was consistently through the roof. He was constantly creating good chances, they just weren't being finished.
  3. Actually becoming a somewhat modern football team.
  4. Whilst I do totally agree that Sky/BT have a top 6 bias when it comes to how they cover games, I actually think that instance it was probably fair enough. Arsenal's CL hopes going up in smoke was a much bigger story than how good we looked in what was a no stakes games for us.
  5. This is going to be the most prepared offer of all time judging by how many times Spanish outlets have reported that we're preparing an offer.
  6. Absolutely. If we sign Henderson and he plays regularly (and assuming his arms haven't turned to jelly after being sat on the bench for a year), he & Ramsdale between them should relegate Pickford to third choice for England.
  7. Man U have an official noodle partner.
  8. I think a lot of peoples view of the Henderson/Dubravka issue is clouded by their feelings towards Dubravka. It's only natural to feel a certain level of bias/affection/full on man love for a goalie who has had such a huge hand in keeping us in the division for the past few season. I'm in the same boat. However, looking at it objectively, I'd say as a shot stopper there isn't much separating he and Henderson, which is Dubs main strength. Henderson is so much better with his feet, and only 25. If you look at in unemotionally it's an easy decision. Especially if he does end up costing under 20m.
  9. It's also important to keep in mind that we don't know if the figure they have heard is accounting for amortization.
  10. The three north east teams all being in different leagues makes this a bit of pointless exercise. Surely it should just be the most regular Newcastle 11. Made more sense when we were all in the PL.
  11. I know people don't like Edwards on here, but he clearly has some connections. When I saw the Diaby stuff yesterday I didn't give it much thought, became way more real to me when Luke stuck his neck out about him today. Wasn't the first to mention him, but (so far as I'm aware) was the first north east journo to mark him as one to watch.
  12. Yeah, everyone's heart was in the right place. If the real account had posted that you know it's happening.
  13. That's a fake Ornstein account.
  14. To be honest, outside of City, Liverpool and Chelsea they'd improve any starting 11 in the league. Would be a huge statement of intent. The existing team with those guys slotted in would surely be targeting top 8/6.
  15. I want a live reaction shot of Max when Conte starts to explain to him how he is going to be a wing back.
  16. Based on links that are starting to firm up, looks like it could be: Henderson (GK) Botman (CB) Lodi (LB) Diaby (RW or LW) Which would be some window. Still could do with backup for Wilson
  17. Comfortably. I know Scott Wilson mentions in his tweet we will go close to our transfer record for Diaby, but in reality we will need to break it to get him. £50m at least.
  18. Believe the Commissioner Gordon thread turned around to make some melancholic remark about the Joker's latest rampage, and when it turned back the Botman thread had vanished.
  19. Totally agree that that will be his role going forward. But much in the same way Howe had to step up and play a much more direct role in recruitment in Jan than he is normally used to, I imagine that will also be the case with Ashworth this Summer. He isn't going to come in and immediately have everything in place. And to get everything in place during a transfer window is going to be very tricky. As Chris' tweet suggests, whilst he won't be involved in identifying players, I imagine he will have a large hand in direct negotiations with other clubs. After the Summer is when he can start his job proper.
  20. Imagine he wouldn't mind being backup at Man Utd. Genuinely pretty shocked they want him.
  21. Definitely. Don't think that will actually be his long term role. Read a very interesting piece on him (The Athletic I believe) where he has mentioned rather than having any one job, he sees himself as the centre of a wheel, with multiple different departments that branch off and report to him. Scouting, recruitment, data analysts, academy, first team coach etc. But think this Summer he will be in a similar position to the one Howe was in in January in pitching in very directly with transfers.
  22. Can you give me an example? I am genuinely struggling to recall a moment this season where we have tried to set an offside trap and been caught out.
  23. Same. Really hoping we get him (and a chief exec) sorted ASAP, ideally before the window opens on 10/6.
  24. Think the Lodi links have been around the longest, so I'm betting it's him.
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