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Everything posted by sushimonster85

  1. Saka isn't going to happen. Right now the only team in England who could get Saka are City. Maybe 2/3 seasons down the line.
  2. One of the fun ironies about being a mackem. Any time you have what you would consider to be a big game 9 times out of 10 you have to get there via Newcastle. Seems like the rest of the country is happy to be as cut off as possible from that shit hole.
  3. If we are operating with a more conservative budget then I totally think they'll sign Tarkowski and leave it at that. Means you have Schar, Burn, Tarkowski and Lascelles. First the three to fight it out over the starting slots, Lascelles is fine as backup. Save as much money for a striker as possible. I reckon (given we have a solid 8th/7th/6th finish) we will go out and try to get a highly rated, younger (likely European) CB.
  4. I imagine Man Utd are fucking about with the fee at the end of the loan. That or Ten Hag actually likes the look of Henderson.
  5. Tonight feels exactly like the kind of game Everton will lose.
  6. I actually think Gillespie is a perfect third choice. Will never rock the boat as he is just happy to be here. Would say it's far more likely this means the end for Woodman (as well as Darlow).
  7. It's the same sort of problem Chelsea have with Kepa. Your backup keeper shouldn't be on more £100k a week. Henderson is on £120k per week, De Gea is on £375k pw. They're paying £500k a week just to their goalkeepers.
  8. He was pretty fantastic in Sheff Utd's first season back in the PL.
  9. Darlow seems to have almost moved to Boro for 3/4 windows in a row. They're linked again so wouldn't be shocked if that finally happens.
  10. He has to manage expectations. Don't get me wrong, I'm in the camp of people who think the talk of a somewhat more limited budget is partly an exercise in ensuring we minimize agents/other clubs trying to take advantage. But it's also has to be take somewhat seriously. Look at Everton. Do you want to end in a scenario a few seasons down the line unable to improve your squad because you fucked your FFP up. I also think a spend of 100m will see sufficient progress made. It will mean almost £200m spent on the squad between the Jan and Summer windows. Alongside Howe (and his teams) coaching/preperation, I think 80-100m spent well this Summer could push up towards 8th/7th territory.
  11. Smart. Like that collars seem to be making a comeback. Will look good on Thursday nights.
  12. One of the more low key fun aspects of our takeover was watching Inter twitter melt down. They were (and remain) convinced that the PIF were going to buy them.
  13. I could be wrong but I think a lot of clubs are starting to realise the goldmine that is selling retro tops, and are clamping down. I know we now sell Score Draw retro tops on the club site now.
  14. Yeah, he is a bit of a bellend. Made worse by just how fit his missus is. Not sure how his has managed that. Absolute Radio's Sarah Champion to save people a Google... Or give them the correct thing to Google.
  15. Not familiar enough with Targetts game before he joined us to say if it affects him one way or another. I do think it dictates the type of fullback we play on that side though.
  16. Are people actually taking Marca seriously? They've had a rep for unsubstantiated, 2+2=rhino type bullshit for literally decades.
  17. Absolutely. Though that being said, there is that paranoid part of my mind that will breathe a little sigh of relief when we cross the 40 point mark next season. Will probably take a couple seasons to fully 'un-Ashley' myself.
  18. Saka is fantastic. Put him in the City squad and a combo of Peps coach and actually being able to be rotated and get a rest and he becomes a world class wide forward/winger in 2/3 years.
  19. Likely Lascelles for Burnley then. Can't see Howe playing someone who hasn't trained all week.
  20. sushimonster85

    Jacob Murphy

    Couple of months ago I would've agreed with you re Almiron, but his recent improvement makes his a useful squad player for next year for me.
  21. Honestly think he is captain material. Probably wouldn't get past Trippier when it comes to picking a new captain, but should at least be in the leadership group if he isn't already.
  22. Desire to finish as high as possible vs my desire to see Everton go because I hate them vs my desire to see Leeds go because I want Phillips (maybe even Raphinha) on the cheap. Tough call.
  23. Said this for a while, outside the top 4 there are few/no number 9's better than a fully fit Callum Wilson.
  24. Likely at some point in the next few weeks after the final game. Would usually have been unveiled by now, and potentially even worn in the final game, but change in sponsorship likely means they can't unveil till Fun88 are done at the end of the season.
  25. I honestly think if that rumoured £15m fee is correct then we should sign him up. I know the fee talked about for Lodi seems to be between the £20-£25m range, which is also a good price, and I do think Lodi is likely the better attacking full back. But Targett is solid, and I don't think Lodi is £10m extra better than he is.
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