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Everything posted by sushimonster85

  1. You can tie as many support ID's to your account as you like, meaning (so long as both ID's are members) you could log in and buy a ticket for each member at one time.
  2. Agree. Bruno's winning goal v Leicester highlighted both the good and bad of Willock. Bags of running, especially against already tired legs. And a good idea of what he actually needed to do, but still, he was lucky his cross deflected perfectly into Bruno's path. Could've gone anywhere after hitting the defender.
  3. Feel like there was a good chunk of time between Bruno being called 'done' by the media, and actual confirmation from the club. Chill lads, people like Romano would be all over it if it was going tits up.
  4. Can't tell if the 'very worrying' posts are for real. Given how transfer season is don't you think any sort of major hiccup would've leaked by now?
  5. Guessing everyone on now sees the same three sections available, but when clicking in it says no tickets available?
  6. Pre-takeover you'd have no trouble getting one without being a member. From jan onwards that was pretty much impossible.
  7. My number is 9858 and I am still waiting now. You may have been in the 'refresh and hope for the best' crowd.
  8. Yeah, appeared sold out for a good 5 minutes or so, refreshed and suddenly I could click buy. Assume someone had it in there basket and it timed out or something.
  9. Very true, a sliver of hope remains. I bascially got a hold of a PS5 when they first went live this way.
  10. They had to come up with a way that prioritised actual fans, rather than alienating them. Putting criteria in place that basically only made it possible for a tiny number of the hardcore fanbase to get a hold of a ticket would just have pissed more people off. I say that as someone who is essentially in the same position as you.
  11. Now over 1500 people through the queue with no sell out notifications from the club or rumbling on Twitter.
  12. Almost 1000 people through the queue now. Should get an idea soon of just how many people are purchasing. Sold out could come any moment.
  13. lowest I have is 9858, highest is 26637.
  14. Sounds mental but you could try explaining the situation. Wouldn't have had the guts myself in the same position, but knowing my manager the way I do now I know he would have absolutely understood and told me to go for it.
  15. Different on the two devices I am using.
  16. Aye, I feel the same. I hope my number is either super low, or some daft 25,000+ number so I know where I stand straight away.
  17. Thought they said it was one per eligible supporter number?
  18. Pass that crack pipe when you're finished with it.
  19. It would be cheaper to just buy a membership and go game by game surely?
  20. Aye, as someone already mentioned. Don't be too disheartned if you're give a high (over 1000) number. Should thin out a little before it gets to you. That being said, if I have a number up over 20,000 it's probably curtains.
  21. Anything under 500 and I will need the kleenex.
  22. Nice. So assuming it is 1000 tickets should be pretty obviously immediately how much of a chance you have. Anything up past 1200 and it's not likely. Worse case scenario is any number close to 1000. Relying on people missing their slot, having a last minute change of heart, or just being there for the shit show.
  23. It's really pointless being sat in a queue/at a black screen now when they will randomly assign a queue number to people at 10. You could be say there for 3 hours and someone could hop on 9:59 and get a space ahead of you.
  24. I'm actually glad they're using this random queue system. At least means I'll know straight away from my queue number just how fucked I am.
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