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Everything posted by Pancrate1892

  1. The FA are a bunch of cunts. This is why I don't follow the national team Take a step back and look how Newcastle, forest and Everton have been treated to them cunts who tried to leave the league to satisfy their own greed....one of them with 130 dormant charges that will be expunged
  2. I get it, so we jump in and buy the land in Birmingham?
  3. All excellent points. The WIF still won't work which is a good thing, we don't want cunts looking at their phones during the game like that wife watching the only way is Chelsea during the PSG game
  4. Such an opportunity lost with the brewery site, not so much to build directly on the site, but to actually move the ground away from leazes terrace and the conservation area. A slight adjustment of barrack road further west towards the site would have worked well. Even if the council had plans you'd think the clubs relationship with the brewery would have given them some options. Theory-wise we are looking a horseshoe arrangement at an astronomical cost of redeveloping the gallowgate with a new east stand that will be modern but no additional benefit of increased capacity. There's also the cantilever option over the metro option (shepherds casino project) for a very large gallowgate but undesired look to the stadium and make the east stand look even smaller. A third option is an Aviva type bowl that sweeps around the four stands which would give us a bit more in the corners but would need major work on the leazes and milburn as well to fit the overall design. All 3 options are now looking inferior to moving into the leazes conservation plot or even castle leazes......
  5. Aye, went through there recently and you realise that it's bordering on fantasy. It's probably 60-70 metres from street level to the metro platform. I know one of the reasons the mackems ground was so cheap is that they didn't have to do that, I think they actually dug down for the pitch? As much as I want it to happend the cost for an extra 8000 seats is off the charts
  6. Ideal scenario is for him to gan to arsenal for something stupid and we get a big sell on fee, and we keep isak
  7. We are just moving it, like Lego, brick by brick
  8. Well I suppose it's full of long haired, jobless, save the planet types Aye, the royal arcade....was that where the roundabout is? 55 degrees north? Fuck knows what it's called now
  9. I'm actually in the middle of a project putting together their whole history season to season with players, grounds and famous matches. Another connection with NUFC is that rangers second home after SJP was the same Dalton st ground in byker that was East ends home for a few seasons. It's weird seeing St James' park mentioned in 1880 as just grazing land. That bastard leazes terrace was there mind
  10. Yes they were. They were only the 2nd association team to be formed in Northumberland and Durham after Tyne. They very likely named the patch of the leazes 'st James' park, and a lot of their players moved to East end when they folded, so they have a strong connection to the club despite their short lived existence
  11. I would hope the club could persuade Bruno and isak to do one more year and if it doesn't meet expectations on a club and personal level then they have the clubs blessing to go the season after. But if we get our act together in terms of recruitment and keeping players fit (lessons learned you'd hope) then we make it harder for them to leave.
  12. When you say it like that it would be actually hilarious. We could use our old contacts with mike to help them set up a sports direct in the fucking dump. We could even lay mats outside the ground after the game to wipe your feet on, on the way out
  13. St James 52,000+ SOS 49,000 Riverside 35,000 Darlington arena 25,000+ Gateshead international 12,000 Kingston park 10,000+ Daft ones Murrayfield 67,000+ Elland road 38,000 Any others? Maybe we could rename ourselves 'newcastle rangers' for a couple of seasons and go on a tour around the different venues
  14. It makes sense. Mind, I think it would cause an uproar on both sides. Some of our lot (me included) would absolutely hate venturing in Sunderland every 2 weeks and sitting on their red/pink seats. They'd probably go on the next 100 years how they bailed us out in aid of our super project. Be interesting to see the results of a poll on whether you would be willing for Newcastle to play there for 2 years.
  15. It looks like the Scouse could hoy another tier on the Kenny dogleash stand and realistically they are done at 70k. The kop is hemmed in by a major A road, they could rebuild it but it would look odd, a bit like that stand at the old dell at Southampton where it was high one one side and lower on the other. Whilst it's possible to build over there will likely be major restrictions. There is also some buildings in close proximity however history suggests they are good at getting people to move.
  16. Shit. my dream has just been destroyed
  17. I agree. It would probably be more economical (but by no means perfect solution) to build 2 stands at Gateshead behind the goals, whether they be temporary or permanent structures. Maybe the club could develop a relationship like we had when we had reserve team football there and help upgrade their facilities a notch.
  18. Hey...the flag is wrong
  19. It's a very good point about west ham, despite all the negative press about their new home, they've still bumped up to over 60k by the simple fact that the space is there to be filled. The club will simply adapt to the new platform like we did from 36k to 52k and probably again a new average attendance of 65k
  20. Shite. And I thought that was a good idea
  21. I reckon take out a couple of rows of seats and have a man driving a tram fuckin thing with a stall on it. He has ready made pints and burgers and you just flash your card and passes you the shit. If your sat away from the food and drink monorail your basically fucked
  22. It won't happen. They know they'd lose support. I know things change but Newcastle moving out of the city is the same as Milton Keynes dons for me. I'd rather just go to the bars in town than traipse to some industrial estate or backend of neewhere.
  23. I reckon there's only 2 options for most people. 1. Stay at st James park. 65000 max 2. Move to castle leazes/town moor for a 70000 stadium with potential to expand further. Either is fine by me. Fuck that shit on the arena site, we need the castle on the hill.
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