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Everything posted by Joe1984

  1. Yeah I just looked into it myself. Apparently he wasn't sacked. ? But they are looking into signing a replacement due to Roy's ill health.
  2. That's what the title says Ben. Yes he was.
  3. Joe1984

    Anthony Gordon

    I quite like de bruyne actually...
  4. Haaland needs to go back to the garage for maintenance.
  5. Wouldn't have got 30. Fair Market Value. We didn't for ASM.
  6. Joe1984

    Anthony Gordon

    Jackson did similar just before for chelsea. It's going around.
  7. No reasonable arguments allowed either! ?
  8. No one wants your common sense! Mass hysteria and overreacting only please.
  9. Jackson misses an even bigger sitter. Should have shot first time.
  10. Burn out. Miggy out. Dubravka out. Wilson out. Howe out. Have I missed anyone?
  11. Yep. Refs are untouchable and they know it. No accountability and at worst, a demotion for a week. No incentive to be good at your job, no punishment for being crap. Must be nice.
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