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Arsenal 2 - 0 Newcastle (Carling Cup) - 25/09/07

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Cliché ALERT


I'd rather Martins was getting into the positions in the first place to miss them than not getting there at all, like Shola. He'll score some of them.


I'd rather we got someone better in and people stopped trying to kid themselves that this lad is anything special.  Seriously, there are people that think that this kid is a TOP talent.  It's f****** ludicrous.


Not having a go at you btw Dave, it just astounds me when I watch this kid play, the reputation he has with some of our fans.


Were his 17 goals last seasona fluke then? Playing alongside Sibierski and Dyer? God gove me strength. You go and have a look over the goals he has scored for Newcastle and come back and tell me he can't finish.


His situation reminds me of Adebayor's situation at Arsenal. All my friends who support Arsenal kept telling me he was crap and just like Shola and I kept telling them he just needed to play regularly and I would happily swap Shola for him anyday. They always laughed at me about it.


This season they're wetting themselves over him the twats. Pisses me off something propa.


I don't need to hear about the conversations you have with your mates at the back of the special bus tbh. :razz:


Funny guy.


I just don't like fickle people. Had either Drogba or Adebayor come to Newcastle you would have been the sort to run them out after their first season. Both similar players to Martins. Speed, athletic ability and power, but not the best touch or awareness. Surround them with the right players and play them often enough and they will be very productive though.


Simple as that. We have no choice but to play Martins everygame now. Let's see what happens with him playing alongside Viduka regularly then. We'll talk about this again in aaround four weeks.


So now he's as good as Drogba or Adebayor, it's just that he's playing with the wrong team mates?  By the way, Adebayor's touch pisses all over Martins'.  Please don't embarrass yourself by trying to say that Adebayor and Drogba "don't have the best touch or awareness" in an attempt to defend Martins.


You really must be illiterate. Get a fuckin degree man! Can you read?


Never said he was as good. Never said his touch was exactly the same as Adebayor's touch. However, what I did say is that they are all the same types of players and not players of the same ability. You obviously didn't see much of Adebayor's touch when he first came, and even now at times.


Like I said we will talk about this again in a month or so. Hopefully you would have started taking reading lessons by then. Goodness me!


:lol:  Do you really want to play who's the most educated/qualified?  I read what you wrote.  You compared Martins' situation to that of two players who are in a different league to him.  The comparison doesn't work because of that.  Do you understand or do I need to knock something together on MSPaint?


Put those qualifications to use then. Interesting that you still haven't understood the post.


I understood it.  You fail to understand the implication of comparing Martins to Adebayor and Drogba though. 




This is getting really long now so if you can just do one thing to help me understand you, we can then put this to rest.


Point out exactly where I said he was as good as Adebayor and Drogba please. Thanks.



zzzzz....you made the comparison.  I cannot be arsed to hold your hand and walk you through how comparing very good players that maybe didn't start their time off at their respective clubs all that well, to a decidedly average player who scored a few goals last season but ultimately is not a very good player is a comparison that doesn't work.


Ask your mates about it tomorrow on the big red fun bus.  I've got a reading lesson in the morning and need to get to bed.



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It's often shite. It's often fine.


:lol: So it ranges from shite to "fine".  You couldn't quite bring yourself to say good, could you. :lol:


"It's often shite, and it's sometimes..........alright....ish." :razz:


Your sole purpose in this thread seems to be to remind everybody how shite Martins is, despite the fact you couldn't provide a better alternative to start when Owen's not fit (which is quite a lot of the time tbf). I don't know why Martins is coming in for so much stick on a night we could have lost by eight. We were outplayed and unless Martins was alone playing in a 0-0-1 formation, I don't see why he is getting so much stick.




It's not my fault that he's third choice striker at the club, is it?  If he carries on missing open goals, I'd start Smith ahead of him up front though, but at present I'm assuming Smith is starting in midfield.


How far do you have to go back for Smith to tally 17 goals in a season?


In fact fuk that, lets just go back to 17 competitive goals ago.


It would probably see Leeds back in the Champions League!


Against Portsmouth 08/11/2003.


So as far back as Leeds then?


I wonder how many bookings he's picked up in the same time?




tbh. :lol:


Baggio:  That Alan Smiff eh?


TT:  Whozat then?


Baggio:  Blonde bloke.....never scores...


TT:  What, the one who gets booked a lot?



Where as that picture the Fish posted of you on toontastic has you looking like Gonch Gardner from Grange Hill.


Oooo Baggio's getting feisty. 


Not really, just bored of your shit craic.

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Cliché ALERT


I'd rather Martins was getting into the positions in the first place to miss them than not getting there at all, like Shola. He'll score some of them.


You can blame Allardyce for Martin losing his touch. The amount of time he's been warming the bench while we wait for "White Elephant" Owen to blow up again.....

Besides - I said it would be Arsenal Reserves 2 Newcastle 0.


:lol: He "lost" his touch in customs on his way over from Milan tbf.  That's assuming he had one in Italy.


Sorry Gemmill, but that's an absolute load of s****


His touch is f****** dreadful.  Even some of the people that claim he's class will concede that.


Its quite obvious that he was talking about his scoring touch not his first touch.


As for your opinion on Martins, I'm basically speechless...  :idiot2:

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Cliché ALERT


I'd rather Martins was getting into the positions in the first place to miss them than not getting there at all, like Shola. He'll score some of them.


You can blame Allardyce for Martin losing his touch. The amount of time he's been warming the bench while we wait for "White Elephant" Owen to blow up again.....

Besides - I said it would be Arsenal Reserves 2 Newcastle 0.


:lol: He "lost" his touch in customs on his way over from Milan tbf.  That's assuming he had one in Italy.


Sorry Gemmill, but that's an absolute load of s****


His touch is f****** dreadful.  Even some of the people that claim he's class will concede that.


Its quite obvious that he was talking about his scoring touch not his first touch.


As for your opinion on Martins, I'm basically speechless...  :idiot2:


Good.  I won't have to hear any more from you.

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Cliché ALERT


I'd rather Martins was getting into the positions in the first place to miss them than not getting there at all, like Shola. He'll score some of them.


You can blame Allardyce for Martin losing his touch. The amount of time he's been warming the bench while we wait for "White Elephant" Owen to blow up again.....

Besides - I said it would be Arsenal Reserves 2 Newcastle 0.


:lol: He "lost" his touch in customs on his way over from Milan tbf.  That's assuming he had one in Italy.


Sorry Gemmill, but that's an absolute load of s****


His touch is f****** dreadful.  Even some of the people that claim he's class will concede that.


Its quite obvious that he was talking about his scoring touch not his first touch.


As for your opinion on Martins, I'm basically speechless...  :idiot2:


He was one of the idiots who backed Souness to the very end so I wouldn't read too much into it.

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God some right doom mongers on here, we beat one of our rivals on Sunday then lose to a team full of quality youngesters playing at home with no pressure and a huge number of fans behind them and we're suddenly s***.


f*** a duck, we win a game we're f****** immense, we lose one and we're relegation fodder.


You've been posting on here long enough to know that the majority on here only exist at one end or the other of the Newcastle Online Delirium Spectrum.  Tonight is the turn of "deliriously unhappy". 


The sensible few capable of thought beyond this base level usually get drowned out by the mongs.


Martins is still s*** though.

Better than Milner though.


Yes of course he is Pie :lol:

Glad you saw the light  :lol: (another one for you) We gonna have that pint at the next match then or you not going again?


Sounds like you're "offering him out" to me.....


He's a hypocrite too? Its been a great night for him on the board  :lol:

Hypocrite? Mr Rants and Opinions who has acknowledged he has opinions on things he never sees? You might want to think that through  :lol: See above point with reference to the pint.

I'd happily meet you for a pint. I'll be in the trent beforehand next time i'm up. Come upstairs around 1 hour before kick off. Dark shaved head, fabulously good looking, you wont miss me.

If I'm not busy at xmas I'll happily do so.  :smitten:

You not going to Everton or Spurs?

Of course. Which ground are you sitting in for those? The Velodrome? Chaban Delmas? Parc des Princes? I hear the view from there is outstanding. Perhaps you could give us an update on what happens using your bullshit magical bullshit goggles?

I thought you wanted a pint? You've got the details, see you then. Bring your arsehole character with you too, sure you'll go down a storm.


Taking the piss out of someone for living abroad is immense humour btw. The only reason you know those stadiums is because of the rugby too. 

Really? You just made all of that up. I have seen football matches at all as it happens. Never seen Newcastle at one though other than Monaco which I didnt mention - long time ago. Liverpool vs PSG (Parc - free ticket 1996 or 7 iirc in the cup) and PSG in Bordeaux and Marseille (free tickets). I have also lived abroad. However, I didn't feel the need to tell people I had seen something I hadn't. Basically, I never felt the need to bullshit. Stop wriggling. You made something up and look to have little integrity? Thats your problem. You buying? You never did say which ground you would be watching the next home game from.


Uter snore-fest.


I said he should have scored a goal, that was the impression i got off the commentator and from then Gemmill. So the statement "Martins should have scored the chance in the second half" does it stand up to scrutiny with the facts? Was it a valid thing to say? You're the one that cant and wont walk away from this with integrity as everyone else can see what a prick you are being. Now you want to show off about seeing some games abroad to back up the fact that you have seen some stadium names on tv recently? Whatever, this nonsense does you no favours, the only reason i'm replying to you is to keep you occupied replying to me so the rest of the board can enjoy posting without you being a cock.


Oh and btw, admitting you've only been to one game with us abroad just kicked you straight off the super-fan list. Even a lad who only goes to french stadiums has seen far more of our away trips. In fact i'd hazard a f*** load more  :lol:

A fine attempt to cover up your bullshit but Gemmills comments came after your faux pas. Unless you're going to add time-travel to the litany of nonsense you have spouted. As for how many games in France I have been to? Who cares? It was simply a response to yet more of your fabrication. I have seen games there? Then you try to tell me I haven't. Amazing.

You have sadly acted like a pubescent kid who dreamt something and posted it as fact. On several occasions. If thats what floats your boat then fine. Don't do it in future though. There are enough people on the board who make stuff up. The only reason you have responded is your wounded pride and to dig your way out of the hole your has bullshit got you in. Sorry if pointing it out dented any integrity you feel you may have had. Nb: Please feel free to tell me where I have and haven't been from your seat in the Gallowgate tonight. Wrap up warm though.

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We seemed to do all right until the last two subs, loss of formation perhaps?


Nah, we were getting battered throughout. Pressure told in the end, I think.


N'Zoggy never got going, Milner looks jaded. Why he subbed Milner for Butt and not Geremi baffled me though.

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God some right doom mongers on here, we beat one of our rivals on Sunday then lose to a team full of quality youngesters playing at home with no pressure and a huge number of fans behind them and we're suddenly s***.


f*** a duck, we win a game we're f****** immense, we lose one and we're relegation fodder.


You've been posting on here long enough to know that the majority on here only exist at one end or the other of the Newcastle Online Delirium Spectrum.  Tonight is the turn of "deliriously unhappy". 


The sensible few capable of thought beyond this base level usually get drowned out by the mongs.


Martins is still s*** though.

Better than Milner though.


Yes of course he is Pie :lol:

Glad you saw the light  :lol: (another one for you) We gonna have that pint at the next match then or you not going again?


Sounds like you're "offering him out" to me.....


He's a hypocrite too? Its been a great night for him on the board  :lol:

Hypocrite? Mr Rants and Opinions who has acknowledged he has opinions on things he never sees? You might want to think that through  :lol: See above point with reference to the pint.

I'd happily meet you for a pint. I'll be in the trent beforehand next time i'm up. Come upstairs around 1 hour before kick off. Dark shaved head, fabulously good looking, you wont miss me.

If I'm not busy at xmas I'll happily do so.  :smitten:

You not going to Everton or Spurs?

Of course. Which ground are you sitting in for those? The Velodrome? Chaban Delmas? Parc des Princes? I hear the view from there is outstanding. Perhaps you could give us an update on what happens using your bullshit magical bullshit goggles?

I thought you wanted a pint? You've got the details, see you then. Bring your arsehole character with you too, sure you'll go down a storm.


Taking the piss out of someone for living abroad is immense humour btw. The only reason you know those stadiums is because of the rugby too. 

Really? You just made all of that up. I have seen football matches at all as it happens. Never seen Newcastle at one though other than Monaco which I didnt mention - long time ago. Liverpool vs PSG (Parc - free ticket 1996 or 7 iirc in the cup) and PSG in Bordeaux and Marseille (free tickets). I have also lived abroad. However, I didn't feel the need to tell people I had seen something I hadn't. Basically, I never felt the need to bullshit. Stop wriggling. You made something up and look to have little integrity? Thats your problem. You buying? You never did say which ground you would be watching the next home game from.


Uter snore-fest.


I said he should have scored a goal, that was the impression i got off the commentator and from then Gemmill. So the statement "Martins should have scored the chance in the second half" does it stand up to scrutiny with the facts? Was it a valid thing to say? You're the one that cant and wont walk away from this with integrity as everyone else can see what a prick you are being. Now you want to show off about seeing some games abroad to back up the fact that you have seen some stadium names on tv recently? Whatever, this nonsense does you no favours, the only reason i'm replying to you is to keep you occupied replying to me so the rest of the board can enjoy posting without you being a cock.


Oh and btw, admitting you've only been to one game with us abroad just kicked you straight off the super-fan list. Even a lad who only goes to french stadiums has seen far more of our away trips. In fact i'd hazard a f*** load more  :lol:

A fine attempt to cover up your bullshit but Gemmills comments came after your faux pas. Unless you're going to add time-travel to the litany of nonsense you have spouted. As for how many games in France I have been to? Who cares? It was simply a response to yet more of your fabrication. I have seen games there? Then you try to tell me I haven't. Amazing.

You have sadly acted like a pubescent kid who dreamt something and posted it as fact. On several occasions. If thats what floats your boat then fine. Don't do it in future though. There are enough people on the board who make stuff up. The only reason you have responded is your wounded pride and to dig your way out of the hole your has bullshit got you in. Sorry if pointing it out dented any integrity you feel you may have had. Nb: Please feel free to tell me where I have and haven't been from your seat in the Gallowgate tonight. Wrap up warm though.


Did Martin's miss an easy chance tonight or not?


People post in this thread what commentators say so people can follow what is happening. Did the commentator say he had missed a sitter?


Simple questions. If the answer to those questions is yes then basically all your responses are utter drivel.

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God some right doom mongers on here, we beat one of our rivals on Sunday then lose to a team full of quality youngesters playing at home with no pressure and a huge number of fans behind them and we're suddenly s***.


f*** a duck, we win a game we're f****** immense, we lose one and we're relegation fodder.


You've been posting on here long enough to know that the majority on here only exist at one end or the other of the Newcastle Online Delirium Spectrum.  Tonight is the turn of "deliriously unhappy". 


The sensible few capable of thought beyond this base level usually get drowned out by the mongs.


Martins is still s*** though.

Better than Milner though.


Yes of course he is Pie :lol:

Glad you saw the light  :lol: (another one for you) We gonna have that pint at the next match then or you not going again?


Sounds like you're "offering him out" to me.....


He's a hypocrite too? Its been a great night for him on the board  :lol:

Hypocrite? Mr Rants and Opinions who has acknowledged he has opinions on things he never sees? You might want to think that through  :lol: See above point with reference to the pint.

I'd happily meet you for a pint. I'll be in the trent beforehand next time i'm up. Come upstairs around 1 hour before kick off. Dark shaved head, fabulously good looking, you wont miss me.

If I'm not busy at xmas I'll happily do so.  :smitten:

You not going to Everton or Spurs?

Of course. Which ground are you sitting in for those? The Velodrome? Chaban Delmas? Parc des Princes? I hear the view from there is outstanding. Perhaps you could give us an update on what happens using your bullshit magical bullshit goggles?

I thought you wanted a pint? You've got the details, see you then. Bring your arsehole character with you too, sure you'll go down a storm.


Taking the piss out of someone for living abroad is immense humour btw. The only reason you know those stadiums is because of the rugby too. 

Really? You just made all of that up. I have seen football matches at all as it happens. Never seen Newcastle at one though other than Monaco which I didnt mention - long time ago. Liverpool vs PSG (Parc - free ticket 1996 or 7 iirc in the cup) and PSG in Bordeaux and Marseille (free tickets). I have also lived abroad. However, I didn't feel the need to tell people I had seen something I hadn't. Basically, I never felt the need to bullshit. Stop wriggling. You made something up and look to have little integrity? Thats your problem. You buying? You never did say which ground you would be watching the next home game from.


Uter snore-fest.


I said he should have scored a goal, that was the impression i got off the commentator and from then Gemmill. So the statement "Martins should have scored the chance in the second half" does it stand up to scrutiny with the facts? Was it a valid thing to say? You're the one that cant and wont walk away from this with integrity as everyone else can see what a prick you are being. Now you want to show off about seeing some games abroad to back up the fact that you have seen some stadium names on tv recently? Whatever, this nonsense does you no favours, the only reason i'm replying to you is to keep you occupied replying to me so the rest of the board can enjoy posting without you being a cock.


Oh and btw, admitting you've only been to one game with us abroad just kicked you straight off the super-fan list. Even a lad who only goes to french stadiums has seen far more of our away trips. In fact i'd hazard a f*** load more  :lol:

A fine attempt to cover up your bullshit but Gemmills comments came after your faux pas. Unless you're going to add time-travel to the litany of nonsense you have spouted. As for how many games in France I have been to? Who cares? It was simply a response to yet more of your fabrication. I have seen games there? Then you try to tell me I haven't. Amazing.

You have sadly acted like a pubescent kid who dreamt something and posted it as fact. On several occasions. If thats what floats your boat then fine. Don't do it in future though. There are enough people on the board who make stuff up. The only reason you have responded is your wounded pride and to dig your way out of the hole your has bullshit got you in. Sorry if pointing it out dented any integrity you feel you may have had. Nb: Please feel free to tell me where I have and haven't been from your seat in the Gallowgate tonight. Wrap up warm though.


Did Martin's miss an easy chance tonight or not?


People post in this thread what commentators say so people can follow what is happening. Did the commentator say he had missed a sitter?


Simple questions. If the answer to those questions is yes then basically all your responses are utter drivel.



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I've definitely upset Baggio. 


Not really, I'm more upset we got beat by a bunch of kids tbh.

I'm not that fussed tbh. Just resigned to the fact that we need an awful lot of work. Not something I wasn't aware of. Arsenal's kids are good. Our kids range from decent to adequate. It's like 1999 when Bobby took over in some respects.

A couple of years earlier we had looked decent then we slumped. The players Bobby took over were certainly likely to get a game in our side though - Given, Shearer, Speed, Dyer, Solano. There again our defence is better than his was. Going forward though he had 3 of his first choice midfield already there.

It took 2 years to pull the squad round. Unless you subscribe to the 'Craig Bellamy played on his own against 11 men and whupped every teams ass' theory.

There is a lot of work to do and it'll be hard at times 'cos other teams have moved on so much. It might take longer this time.

Some of our lot are average to good at very best. Very few of them are outstanding (Given, Owen?). Certainly Speed, Dyer and Solano put in better performances over those years than any of our current midfield are capable of. Plus they complemented each other, unlike our present lot.



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God some right doom mongers on here, we beat one of our rivals on Sunday then lose to a team full of quality youngesters playing at home with no pressure and a huge number of fans behind them and we're suddenly s***.


f*** a duck, we win a game we're f****** immense, we lose one and we're relegation fodder.


You've been posting on here long enough to know that the majority on here only exist at one end or the other of the Newcastle Online Delirium Spectrum.  Tonight is the turn of "deliriously unhappy". 


The sensible few capable of thought beyond this base level usually get drowned out by the mongs.


Martins is still s*** though.

Better than Milner though.


Yes of course he is Pie :lol:

Glad you saw the light  :lol: (another one for you) We gonna have that pint at the next match then or you not going again?


Sounds like you're "offering him out" to me.....


He's a hypocrite too? Its been a great night for him on the board  :lol:

Hypocrite? Mr Rants and Opinions who has acknowledged he has opinions on things he never sees? You might want to think that through  :lol: See above point with reference to the pint.

I'd happily meet you for a pint. I'll be in the trent beforehand next time i'm up. Come upstairs around 1 hour before kick off. Dark shaved head, fabulously good looking, you wont miss me.

If I'm not busy at xmas I'll happily do so.  :smitten:

You not going to Everton or Spurs?

Of course. Which ground are you sitting in for those? The Velodrome? Chaban Delmas? Parc des Princes? I hear the view from there is outstanding. Perhaps you could give us an update on what happens using your bullshit magical bullshit goggles?

I thought you wanted a pint? You've got the details, see you then. Bring your arsehole character with you too, sure you'll go down a storm.


Taking the piss out of someone for living abroad is immense humour btw. The only reason you know those stadiums is because of the rugby too. 

Really? You just made all of that up. I have seen football matches at all as it happens. Never seen Newcastle at one though other than Monaco which I didnt mention - long time ago. Liverpool vs PSG (Parc - free ticket 1996 or 7 iirc in the cup) and PSG in Bordeaux and Marseille (free tickets). I have also lived abroad. However, I didn't feel the need to tell people I had seen something I hadn't. Basically, I never felt the need to bullshit. Stop wriggling. You made something up and look to have little integrity? Thats your problem. You buying? You never did say which ground you would be watching the next home game from.


Uter snore-fest.


I said he should have scored a goal, that was the impression i got off the commentator and from then Gemmill. So the statement "Martins should have scored the chance in the second half" does it stand up to scrutiny with the facts? Was it a valid thing to say? You're the one that cant and wont walk away from this with integrity as everyone else can see what a prick you are being. Now you want to show off about seeing some games abroad to back up the fact that you have seen some stadium names on tv recently? Whatever, this nonsense does you no favours, the only reason i'm replying to you is to keep you occupied replying to me so the rest of the board can enjoy posting without you being a cock.


Oh and btw, admitting you've only been to one game with us abroad just kicked you straight off the super-fan list. Even a lad who only goes to french stadiums has seen far more of our away trips. In fact i'd hazard a f*** load more  :lol:

A fine attempt to cover up your bullshit but Gemmills comments came after your faux pas. Unless you're going to add time-travel to the litany of nonsense you have spouted. As for how many games in France I have been to? Who cares? It was simply a response to yet more of your fabrication. I have seen games there? Then you try to tell me I haven't. Amazing.

You have sadly acted like a pubescent kid who dreamt something and posted it as fact. On several occasions. If thats what floats your boat then fine. Don't do it in future though. There are enough people on the board who make stuff up. The only reason you have responded is your wounded pride and to dig your way out of the hole your has bullshit got you in. Sorry if pointing it out dented any integrity you feel you may have had. Nb: Please feel free to tell me where I have and haven't been from your seat in the Gallowgate tonight. Wrap up warm though.


Did Martin's miss an easy chance tonight or not?


People post in this thread what commentators say so people can follow what is happening. Did the commentator say he had missed a sitter?


Simple questions. If the answer to those questions is yes then basically all your responses are utter drivel.

No idea, you had a better view than me apparently  :razz:
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Yep. Rounded off Fabianski, tapped it as if his peg leg just fell off and I was celebrating before he even shot as even Ameobi could of scored that. Ameobi made Martins very frustrated tonight, and I hope Ameobi gets sold to fucking Doncaster.

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So i was right he should have scored and Pie is talking through his arse.

You saw it from your seat in the Gallowgate, why you asking him? You do seem to have a bee in your bonnet. Why could that be?

Nb: I never made a judgement as to whether he had missed a sitter or not! I simply pointed out that you had extraordinary vision given the way you reported it!

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So i was right he should have scored and Pie is talking through his arse.

You saw it from your seat in the Gallowgate, why you asking him? You do seem to have a bee in your bonnet. Why could that be?

Should he have scored though, thats the question??


You keep replying to me.

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