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Platini attacks owners of Man Utd and Liverpool.


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Oooooo!!  Somebody's in the huff because because he didn't get his Champions League reforms through  :rant: ;D


nothing more than a stupid asshole with double standards, harping on about the bollocks that he's doing yet at the same time encouraging the growth of the Champions League to the elitist few for monetary reasons.


If he really wanted to put the game before before money, he'd encourage the doing away with the Champions League group group system bollocks. And the UEFA Cup proposals.


He's as big a wanker as Trevor Brooking is at the FA. Both of whom have their current position because of their prestige as players. Which - as an aside but relevant point - completely blows a hole in the theory that some idiots have that people who know about football make better footballing based appointments / decisons - I'm talking specifically about people who think apponting these DOF's can somehow guarantee that whoever appoints such a thing can guarantee success and a good appointment.


Yes, Baggy, I mean you.  You never did reply to the point I made that if everybody appoints a DOF, how can they all win the premiership or the FA Cup  mackems.gif


Fantastically hilarious. Especially in view of the fact that your very own Spurs have got nowhere near winning either, despite employing your dream setup  mackems.gif




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Anyone else get the impression that this guy just isn't up to the job? I don't think he's more than just a glamorous name that said all the right things to get elected. He comes out with all these sweeping statements, but doesn't show any kind of ability to get anything done.


He also seems to have an anti-Premiership and anti-big club agenda, but the game has changed and he has to work in partnership with people, not against them.


Agreed - totally out of touch ; what do people expect, though ? He's French, and everything American is bad to them - he has probably got no proof whatsoever that these guys wish to do these things. They have come into English Football because they like it and may be able to make money out of it whilst enjoying themselves. If they wanted all these ad-breaks etc., they would have stayed in the States & got involved with NFL or Soccer.

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Oooooo!!  Somebody's in the huff because because he didn't get his Champions League reforms through  :rant: ;D


nothing more than a stupid asshole with double standards, harping on about the bollocks that he's doing yet at the same time encouraging the growth of the Champions League to the elitist few for monetary reasons.


If he really wanted to put the game before before money, he'd encourage the doing away with the Champions League group group system bollocks. And the UEFA Cup proposals.


He's as big a wanker as Trevor Brooking is at the FA. Both of whom have their current position because of their prestige as players. Which - as an aside but relevant point - completely blows a hole in the theory that some idiots have that people who know about football make better footballing based appointments / decisons - I'm talking specifically about people who think apponting these DOF's can somehow guarantee that whoever appoints such a thing can guarantee success and a good appointment.


Yes, Baggy, I mean you.  You never did reply to the point I made that if everybody appoints a DOF, how can they all win the premiership or the FA Cup  mackems.gif


Fantastically hilarious. Especially in view of the fact that your very own Spurs have got nowhere near winning either, despite employing your dream setup  mackems.gif





I replied to you here, you even quoted it > http://www.newcastle-online.com/nufcforum/index.php?topic=46402.msg1058132#msg1058132


Spurs are not doing too well so they sacked the man responsible, they've still got the same people running the scouting system, a fantastic youth academy who have been snapping up some top talent from the UK and abroad and have just appointed a top coach in Ramos, not to mention they've never been as financially secure with a record turnover.


We can't complain, Allardyce took over a club with one scout, a joke of a youth academy, nearly £100 million in debt and losing on average £1.5 million a month, that doesn't matter though as at least the chairman backed the manager though eh? That's all that matters isn't it? Whether it's Glenn "He knows the area" Roeder, Graeme "Top Boss" Souness and Sam "I've wanted him since Robson" Allardyce, you wanted him since Robson yet 12 games in you're "on the brink of admitting I was wrong about Sam"


With support like you he can't go wrong.

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I'm talking specifically about people who think apponting these DOF's can somehow guarantee that whoever appoints such a thing can guarantee success and a good appointment.


I don't remember saying it guarantee's sucess? Perhaps you can find a quote from me on here where I've said that? (not off your shitty Hoawaythetoon forum where you can edit it)


So that's this you've lied about, me not replying to you even though you quoted me, being Leazes Mag on toontastic for months, HTL not being your brother, claiming you always thought Boumsong was shit until a post was found where you thought he was composed, good on the ball and better than you expected. The list goes on and on.


Yet when someone finds a post where you claimed Souness was a top boss and better than Keegan after a decent start here you expect everyone to believe it was edited and 3 good lads in Scottish Mag, Shearergol and Craig are all lying for each other, they're lying and we all should believe a serial bullshitter like you?



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Oooooo!!  Somebody's in the huff because because he didn't get his Champions League reforms through  :rant: ;D


nothing more than a stupid asshole with double standards, harping on about the bollocks that he's doing yet at the same time encouraging the growth of the Champions League to the elitist few for monetary reasons.


If he really wanted to put the game before before money, he'd encourage the doing away with the Champions League group group system bollocks. And the UEFA Cup proposals.


He's as big a w****** as Trevor Brooking is at the FA. Both of whom have their current position because of their prestige as players. Which - as an aside but relevant point - completely blows a hole in the theory that some idiots have that people who know about football make better footballing based appointments / decisons - I'm talking specifically about people who think apponting these DOF's can somehow guarantee that whoever appoints such a thing can guarantee success and a good appointment.


Yes, Baggy, I mean you.  You never did reply to the point I made that if everybody appoints a DOF, how can they all win the premiership or the FA Cup  mackems.gif


Fantastically hilarious. Especially in view of the fact that your very own Spurs have got nowhere near winning either, despite employing your dream setup  mackems.gif





Am not being funny, but is it just me or have you managed to change a thread about Platini lambasting foriegn ownership into a personal slanging match about Directors of football? How long did it take for you to think of a way to do this?


I like the way you call out alot of people on this board for not replying to your mails...is that served with a big tablespoon of irony or what?!?




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Guest rebel_yell12

Have the American owners made any gestures of this kind?  I hadn't caught any suggestions of advert breaks or the like from either Liverpool or ManUre.  It seems to me that some f***ing French fry has his knickers in a twist over something he thinks the Americans might be considering at some point in the vague "near future".  F****ing hell.  Another idiot claiming to know another man's motivations -- I doubt Platini knows these new owners personally or has some inside information about what they want (besides profit, like every other owner) from the clubs.  More than likely, the Americans saw the profits possible in the EPL, just as it is, and jumped on the bandwagon, as they say.  No need to make massive changes, there's tonnes of money being made by the owners as it stands right now. 


Yes, of course, Americans are all greedy bastards -- I find that statement f***ing ridiculous.  Americans are the most generous people I've ever been around (I live amongst them now), got charities out their asses over here and always off to save Africa or India from some natural disaster or some sh** as well.  The anti-American sh** from Platini and on this thread is offensive and...ethnicist?  What the f*** do you call Americans?  They aren't a race, more like four or five races mushed all together.  Not an ethnicity either -- most people here are some weird mix of things like Italian-Polish-Greek or somesuch.  Give the Americans a chance before you f*** slag them off for crap they've not even done, or made any suggestions of ever doing in the future. 

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His point that these owners should invest in American 'soccer' if they actually liked football is right.


The thing about the adverts every 15 minutes is complete and utter bollocks and will NEVER happen! American football does not stop every 15 minutes so coke can do an advert - they stop at random intervals to CHANGE THEIR LINE UPS ROUND! They have to switch their entire teams from offensive to defensive players when their attack is over, so when this happens they just stick adverts on because nothing is happening!


Im starting to wonder who is more of an idiot, Platini or Blatter. Blatters got the experience of being an idiot, but Platini is storming up on the outside with some ridiculous comments lately.

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Where did the Glazers & Hicks & co say they want to bring ad breaks in and want to control football?



I can see it in their eyes.  bluerazz.gif


Basically Platini is the French version of Anal Oliver making shit up to sound important.


Face it, the guy is a legendary prick, sooner he goes the better.

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Where did the Glazers & Hicks & co say they want to bring ad breaks in and want to control football?



I can see it in their eyes.  bluerazz.gif


Basically Platini is the French version of Anal Oliver making shit up to sound important.


Face it, the guy is a legendary prick, sooner he goes the better.


Tell me TT what has America touched that it hasn't totally ruined?

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Our American owner has shown more respect for the club, its history, its role in the community, and the game in general, in 12 months than our previous very English owner did in 30 years.


Platini is a cock of the highest order. Still, one should probably expect such blatant anti-American crap from a Frenchman.


I also love this suggestion that the new foreign owners are all bad for the game, which implies that the old generation were all warm hearted philanthropists, FFS.


Ellis, Bates, Shepherd, Swales and co. All clearly not in it for themselves, and not interested in lining their own pockets.

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Where did the Glazers & Hicks & co say they want to bring ad breaks in and want to control football?



I can see it in their eyes.  bluerazz.gif


Basically Platini is the French version of Anal Oliver making shit up to sound important.


Face it, the guy is a legendary prick, sooner he goes the better.


Tell me TT what has America touched that it hasn't totally ruined?


Those kind of questions and the assumptions of Platini belong in places such as this, not him talking openly about it without cause or substance to anyone who will listen to the cunt. To point the finger at someone who's done nothing wrong is beyond a joke for someone in his power, he's bad at his job, and is trying to strangle football.



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Where did the Glazers & Hicks & co say they want to bring ad breaks in and want to control football?



I can see it in their eyes.  bluerazz.gif


Basically Platini is the French version of Anal Oliver making shit up to sound important.


Face it, the guy is a legendary prick, sooner he goes the better.


Tell me TT what has America touched that it hasn't totally ruined?


Those kind of questions and the assumptions of Platini belong in places such as this, not him talking openly about it without cause or substance to anyone who will listen to the cunt. To point the finger at someone who's done nothing wrong is beyond a joke for someone in his power, he's bad at his job, and is trying to strangle football.





The Glazers managed to purchase Man U for instance by hocking the club upto its neck....I'm not even sure it's legal.

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Where did the Glazers & Hicks & co say they want to bring ad breaks in and want to control football?



I can see it in their eyes.  bluerazz.gif


Basically Platini is the French version of Anal Oliver making shit up to sound important.


Face it, the guy is a legendary prick, sooner he goes the better.


Tell me TT what has America touched that it hasn't totally ruined?


Those kind of questions and the assumptions of Platini belong in places such as this, not him talking openly about it without cause or substance to anyone who will listen to the cunt. To point the finger at someone who's done nothing wrong is beyond a joke for someone in his power, he's bad at his job, and is trying to strangle football.





The Glazers managed to purchase Man U for instance by hocking the club upto its neck....I'm not even sure it's legal.


But thats saying a thief is a murderer.


If he came out and expressed his concern at the way Manu have been purchased then fine, but to say something totally untrue is abuse of his power.


Managers get fined for critisising bad decisions, he wants sacking from his post for spouting lies.

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Where did the Glazers & Hicks & co say they want to bring ad breaks in and want to control football?



I can see it in their eyes.  bluerazz.gif


Basically Platini is the French version of Anal Oliver making shit up to sound important.


Face it, the guy is a legendary prick, sooner he goes the better.


Tell me TT what has America touched that it hasn't totally ruined?


Those kind of questions and the assumptions of Platini belong in places such as this, not him talking openly about it without cause or substance to anyone who will listen to the cunt. To point the finger at someone who's done nothing wrong is beyond a joke for someone in his power, he's bad at his job, and is trying to strangle football.





The Glazers managed to purchase Man U for instance by hocking the club upto its neck....I'm not even sure it's legal.


But thats saying a thief is a murderer.


If he came out and expressed his concern at the way Manu have been purchased then fine, but to say something totally untrue is abuse of his power.


Managers get fined for critisising bad decisions, he wants sacking from his post for spouting lies.



I agree he doesn't express himself very well but so far he's tried to redress the monopoly the big clubs are trying to create around the CL (or the breakaway league which I think they are eyeing) and the danger of over commercialisation of football by foreigners with no feel for the game.


The French have done a fantastic job in protecting their culture against the American wave and we've failed if you look at our decimated cinema and other media (large chunks now american/foreign owned), I'd like to hear him out in this context he and his country have done a lot better than us in understanding the cultural danger of over Americanisation. Vive la France! :cheesy:

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Guest Tiger Tony

As a Liverpool fan I may be biased but quite frankly it is clear Twatini and that sidekick cunt who slagged our fans off with some made up 25 incidents William Gaylord have an agenda against English clubs.


3 CL finalists in last 3 years. Liverpool twice and Arsenal. In addition Chelsea semi finalists 2004, 2005, 2007. Man U semi finalists 2007. 3 out of 4 semi finalists in 2007 from premiership. If that was serie A or la Liga then nothing would be said, as they have had a similar stranglehold in the past. What about Real Madrid? Bankrupt, £200 million in debt and the government then buys their training ground for you guessed it £200 million, then gives them another one. Nothing said then is there. But when English clubs are ruling the roost collectively he does not like it, what a tit. Anyone who can't spot this gobshites agenda really needs to smell the coffee! This cup winners nonsense was further indicative of this wankers motives.


There has always been an agenda. The Heysel ban. Fair enough we were not blameless but after getting totally ambushed in Rome the year before (for those that don't already know we beat Roma in the final in their own stadium!) where coaches were attacked, loads stabbed, beaten up etc we weren't going to stand for it off Iti's again. Tey attacked us with rocks and fireworks and all sorts in a stadium we said was unsafe and was falling apart. But of course WE got ALL the blame because we are an English club. Call me cynical but anyone telling me there was not a bit of a set up is havin a laugh. UEFA knew that stadium was unsafe, they knew what went on in Rome, they knew the segregation was inadequate, they knew a disaster was going to happen. In the previous 8 years the European cup was won by an English team 7 times, including a record 6 in a row between 1977-1982 between Liverpool, Forest and Villa.


BUT Turks can stab people to death, Italians can murder police officers, almost blinding a player by throwing a lit flare at him, throw mopeds of the top tier of a stand, stab visiting fans every time. Roma in particular and Juve (stabbings when Leeds played there 2000, Liverpool 2001 and 2002, Man U 2007, Arsenal a few years ago too, Juve countless times v Man U and did their best to get at us in 2005 but for once the Italian police did the job they are fuckin paid to do!) Also Greeks can behave similarly and also any other fans across Europe, as long as you are not English you can murder people, attack opposition players and fans with coins/bottles etc and stab the fuck out of opposition fans and also make as many racist chants as you want and all you get is a nominal fine. But when English fans rise to provocation, for example we returned all the shite Juve threw at us first and we get the same fuckin fine! Unbelievable. Also foreign police are allowed to beat up English fans as they see fit, including women and children.


UEFA are cunts and they deserve to die as far as I am concerned. Always had the same agenda with the national team, trying to get them banned. I am not saying the England fans or English club fans are whiter than white. Given the amount of ale we consume compared to Europeans we can be lairy/boisterous etc but can anyone honestly say I am not right and there is not a clear agenda against English clubs from this cunt/organisation as there always has been? If England almost got banned for booing the Turkish national anthem at a qualifier at Sunderland a few years back then how come Spain and half the Balkan countries are not banned by now. THATS FUCKIN RIGHT, they aren't English! Also I hasten to add Turkey booed our anthem in the return game, did they get fined, did they shite!


And don't even get me started on the CL final ticket allocation. That is the one good thing Twatini has said so far, his only common sense proposal. All future CL finals to be held in 75000+ stadiums with 75% going to the 2 finalists. Meaning a minimum of 28000 each. Of course Athens wasn't UEFAs fault in the slightest. It was quite reasonable to give us 17000 while 30000 were allocated to corporates and nonces. Also the ticket checking and security was a farce. Not excusing the fans who robbed off their own and the lads who forced fences/gates etc especially so when you bear in mind whose fans lost lives at Hillsborough.


I did see some of this first hand in Athens, but all that needed to happen to highlight the problems UEFA created by hijacking our tickets. Big difference between Athens and Istanbul was everyone had a ticket in Istanbul as none of the corporate nonces went and all the locals sold on. But Athens was just waiting to happen because of the ticket situation. If we had 28 000 it still would not be enough, but it would not have been half as bad as it was! It was moody in Athens because of this and in the holiday resorts and islands in the run up to the final. WELL DONE UEFA.


Anyway Platini is a deluded biased cunt as is William Gaillard. How these people can run football is beyond me!

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As a Liverpool fan I may be biased but quite frankly it is clear Twatini and that sidekick cunt who slagged our fans off with some made up 25 incidents William Gaylord have an agenda against English clubs.


3 CL finalists in last 3 years. Liverpool twice and Arsenal. In addition Chelsea semi finalists 2004, 2005, 2007. Man U semi finalists 2007. 3 out of 4 semi finalists in 2007 from premiership. If that was serie A or la Liga then nothing would be said, as they have had a similar stranglehold in the past. What about Real Madrid? Bankrupt, £200 million in debt and the government then buys their training ground for you guessed it £200 million, then gives them another one. Nothing said then is there. But when English clubs are ruling the roost collectively he does not like it, what a tit. Anyone who can't spot this gobshites agenda really needs to smell the coffee! This cup winners nonsense was further indicative of this wankers motives.


There has always been an agenda. The Heysel ban. Fair enough we were not blameless but after getting totally ambushed in Rome the year before (for those that don't already know we beat Roma in the final in their own stadium!) where coaches were attacked, loads stabbed, beaten up etc we weren't going to stand for it off Iti's again. Tey attacked us with rocks and fireworks and all sorts in a stadium we said was unsafe and was falling apart. But of course WE got ALL the blame because we are an English club. Call me cynical but anyone telling me there was not a bit of a set up is havin a laugh. UEFA knew that stadium was unsafe, they knew what went on in Rome, they knew the segregation was inadequate, they knew a disaster was going to happen. In the previous 8 years the European cup was won by an English team 7 times, including a record 6 in a row between 1977-1982 between Liverpool, Forest and Villa.


BUT Turks can stab people to death, Italians can murder police officers, almost blinding a player by throwing a lit flare at him, throw mopeds of the top tier of a stand, stab visiting fans every time. Roma in particular and Juve (stabbings when Leeds played there 2000, Liverpool 2001 and 2002, Man U 2007, Arsenal a few years ago too, Juve countless times v Man U and did their best to get at us in 2005 but for once the Italian police did the job they are fuckin paid to do!) Also Greeks can behave similarly and also any other fans across Europe, as long as you are not English you can murder people, attack opposition players and fans with coins/bottles etc and stab the fuck out of opposition fans and also make as many racist chants as you want and all you get is a nominal fine. But when English fans rise to provocation, for example we returned all the shite Juve threw at us first and we get the same fuckin fine! Unbelievable. Also foreign police are allowed to beat up English fans as they see fit, including women and children.


UEFA are cunts and they deserve to die as far as I am concerned. Always had the same agenda with the national team, trying to get them banned. I am not saying the England fans or English club fans are whiter than white. Given the amount of ale we consume compared to Europeans we can be lairy/boisterous etc but can anyone honestly say I am not right and there is not a clear agenda against English clubs from this cunt/organisation as there always has been? If England almost got banned for booing the Turkish national anthem at a qualifier at Sunderland a few years back then how come Spain and half the Balkan countries are not banned by now. THATS FUCKIN RIGHT, they aren't English! Also I hasten to add Turkey booed our anthem in the return game, did they get fined, did they shite!


And don't even get me started on the CL final ticket allocation. That is the one good thing Twatini has said so far, his only common sense proposal. All future CL finals to be held in 75000+ stadiums with 75% going to the 2 finalists. Meaning a minimum of 28000 each. Of course Athens wasn't UEFAs fault in the slightest. It was quite reasonable to give us 17000 while 30000 were allocated to corporates and nonces. Also the ticket checking and security was a farce. Not excusing the fans who robbed off their own and the lads who forced fences/gates etc especially so when you bear in mind whose fans lost lives at Hillsborough.


I did see some of this first hand in Athens, but all that needed to happen to highlight the problems UEFA created by hijacking our tickets. Big difference between Athens and Istanbul was everyone had a ticket in Istanbul as none of the corporate nonces went and all the locals sold on. But Athens was just waiting to happen because of the ticket situation. If we had 28 000 it still would not be enough, but it would not have been half as bad as it was! It was moody in Athens because of this and in the holiday resorts and islands in the run up to the final. WELL DONE UEFA.


Anyway Platini is a deluded biased cunt as is William Gaillard. How these people can run football is beyond me!


Well said.  :clap:

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Guest Tiger Tony

PS - there will be a shitload of stupid posts coming now about Liverpool (bet your house on it), so I'd take cover if I were you. And try not to bite.

Not really bothered. Just this agenda has against English clubs collectively is unbelievable. He even said the other day, or as good as, that he hopes another Europeancountry puts a decent 2018 bid so he can persuade his cronies not to vote for England. What a knob! :rant:

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Oooooo!!  Somebody's in the huff because because he didn't get his Champions League reforms through  :rant: ;D


nothing more than a stupid asshole with double standards, harping on about the bollocks that he's doing yet at the same time encouraging the growth of the Champions League to the elitist few for monetary reasons.


If he really wanted to put the game before before money, he'd encourage the doing away with the Champions League group group system bollocks. And the UEFA Cup proposals.


He's as big a wanker as Trevor Brooking is at the FA. Both of whom have their current position because of their prestige as players. Which - as an aside but relevant point - completely blows a hole in the theory that some idiots have that people who know about football make better footballing based appointments / decisons - I'm talking specifically about people who think apponting these DOF's can somehow guarantee that whoever appoints such a thing can guarantee success and a good appointment.


Yes, Baggy, I mean you.  You never did reply to the point I made that if everybody appoints a DOF, how can they all win the premiership or the FA Cup  mackems.gif


Fantastically hilarious. Especially in view of the fact that your very own Spurs have got nowhere near winning either, despite employing your dream setup  mackems.gif





I replied to you here, you even quoted it > http://www.newcastle-online.com/nufcforum/index.php?topic=46402.msg1058132#msg1058132


Spurs are not doing too well so they sacked the man responsible, they've still got the same people running the scouting system, a fantastic youth academy who have been snapping up some top talent from the UK and abroad and have just appointed a top coach in Ramos, not to mention they've never been as financially secure with a record turnover.


We can't complain, Allardyce took over a club with one scout, a joke of a youth academy, nearly £100 million in debt and losing on average £1.5 million a month, that doesn't matter though as at least the chairman backed the manager though eh? That's all that matters isn't it? Whether it's Glenn "He knows the area" Roeder, Graeme "Top Boss" Souness and Sam "I've wanted him since Robson" Allardyce, you wanted him since Robson yet 12 games in you're "on the brink of admitting I was wrong about Sam"


With support like you he can't go wrong.


You're right, supporting the club for 43 years, its all been my fault. No doubt you think the last 15 years have been so mediocre, you do nowt else but moan on like a daft little girl. I'd like to know how many games you have seen the toon play Baggy ?


Shame we haven't always had players like your idol Kieron Dyer eh  :idiot2:


and a setup like Spurs  mackems.gif , what a shame they sacked the manager of their foolproof system that couldn't fail, just like I've always told you is what happens.



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I'm talking specifically about people who think apponting these DOF's can somehow guarantee that whoever appoints such a thing can guarantee success and a good appointment.


I don't remember saying it guarantee's sucess? Perhaps you can find a quote from me on here where I've said that? (not off your shitty Hoawaythetoon forum where you can edit it)


So that's this you've lied about, me not replying to you even though you quoted me, being Leazes Mag on toontastic for months, HTL not being your brother, claiming you always thought Boumsong was shit until a post was found where you thought he was composed, good on the ball and better than you expected. The list goes on and on.


Yet when someone finds a post where you claimed Souness was a top boss and better than Keegan after a decent start here you expect everyone to believe it was edited and 3 good lads in Scottish Mag, Shearergol and Craig are all lying for each other, they're lying and we all should believe a serial bullshitter like you?




you mean the shitty forum that you agreed to become a mod on  mackems.gif


Why don't you try and set up a board of your own Baggy, if its so simple, and you're so clever  mackems.gif

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