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Sir Bobby on his way out of football


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If anyone thinks SBR came to NUFC to save this failing club then you are indeed deluded.


SBR has one master and that master is MONEY

:lol: I'm laughing at you by the way...

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I feel like i know the man (feels like a grand-dad in a way), always has an innate amiable charm about him. I honestly can't believe some of these comments; the day we sacked him was the beginning of a meteoric fall that we still haven't recovered from.


It was well under way by then.

I completely utterly STRONGLY disagree. ON the contrary he should have been allowed to manage the season he was sacked in till the end of it and I'm sure he would have got us in much much much better shape than SouMess got us into (14th in the table). From what I remember SBR saying that he wanted to finish at NUFC at the end of that season with AS hanging off his boots.

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I feel like i know the man (feels like a grand-dad in a way), always has an innate amiable charm about him. I honestly can't believe some of these comments; the day we sacked him was the beginning of a meteoric fall that we still haven't recovered from.


It was well under way by then.

I completely utterly STRONGLY disagree. ON the contrary he should have been allowed to manage the season he was sacked in till the end of it and I'm sure he would have got us in much much much better shape than SouMess got us into (14th in the table). From what I remember SBR saying that he wanted to leave NUFC at the end of that season with AS.


Bobby was sacked after 4 games with us in 16th, the season before after 4 games we were 17th and finished 5th, he was sacked by two people who knew nothing about football.




The season before we were 19th after 4 games and finished 3rd.

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I feel like i know the man (feels like a grand-dad in a way), always has an innate amiable charm about him. I honestly can't believe some of these comments; the day we sacked him was the beginning of a meteoric fall that we still haven't recovered from.


It was well under way by then.

I completely utterly STRONGLY disagree. ON the contrary he should have been allowed to manage the season he was sacked in till the end of it and I'm sure he would have got us in much much much better shape than SouMess got us into (14th in the table). From what I remember SBR saying that he wanted to leave NUFC at the end of that season with AS.


Bobby was sacked after 4 games with us in 16th, the season before after 4 games we were 17th and finished 5th, he was sacked by two people who knew nothing about football.


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I feel like i know the man (feels like a grand-dad in a way), always has an innate amiable charm about him. I honestly can't believe some of these comments; the day we sacked him was the beginning of a meteoric fall that we still haven't recovered from.


It was well under way by then.

I completely utterly STRONGLY disagree. ON the contrary he should have been allowed to manage the season he was sacked in till the end of it and I'm sure he would have got us in much much much better shape than SouMess got us into (14th in the table). From what I remember SBR saying that he wanted to leave NUFC at the end of that season with AS.


Bobby was sacked after 4 games with us in 16th, the season before after 4 games we were 17th and finished 5th, he was sacked by two people who knew nothing about football.




The season before we were 19th after 4 games and finished 3rd.



We might've been a cemented top 4 side by now :(


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I feel like i know the man (feels like a grand-dad in a way), always has an innate amiable charm about him. I honestly can't believe some of these comments; the day we sacked him was the beginning of a meteoric fall that we still haven't recovered from.


It was well under way by then.

I completely utterly STRONGLY disagree. ON the contrary he should have been allowed to manage the season he was sacked in till the end of it and I'm sure he would have got us in much much much better shape than SouMess got us into (14th in the table). From what I remember SBR saying that he wanted to leave NUFC at the end of that season with AS.


Bobby was sacked after 4 games with us in 16th, the season before after 4 games we were 17th and finished 5th, he was sacked by two people who knew nothing about football.




The season before we were 19th after 4 games and finished 3rd.


yet douglas hall KNEW we were getting relegated that season had we stuck with robson, "there was nothing more certain" in the words of the gibraltan.

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I personally admire SBR and will freely accept that some of the football played under him was exciting to watch (Bellamy and Robert his prized signings - not many will accept them two as good/popular signings though eh?) Feyenoord was likely the best game I've ever been to.


But you must also accept that Robson didn't come cheap - he 'lost' the dressing room and there is a very solid argument that he might have gone a lot sooner. Think of the Partizan defeat, losing to WBA (a division below) at home after playing a weakened team. Fourth place was there for the taking yet from Christmas of his final full season he couldn't get the results to get us 4th (Liverpool got 4th and ....) Typically Shepherd and Hall f***** up his sacking - he should have been asked to leave at the end of the previous season without a doubt that was there biggest mistake.


I really think that folk put on their rose tinted glasses where SBR was concerned and fail to see the whole picture yet I'll accept that over his whole career he proved he was a good manager and unfortunately for us we couldn't get him post Keegan.


My memory of his last full season was one with too many games drawn which he needed to put right, he needed to turn them into wins.  What we ended up with was an arse that replaced him and turned the draws into defeats.


Agreed. He was actually in the middle of re-building what looked like a very, very promising squad. Ambrose looked decent, Taylor was coming through then aswell. And he'd just brought Milner and N'Zogbia in; Bellamy was still fairly young, too. We were heading in the right direction - the 'return of the entertainers' team was passing its sell by date and that was obvious in the 03/04 season. So he changed things for the better. Kluivert and Butt would probably have been good under Bobby, too.


Crazy sacking - he should have atleast had the rest of that season to see if he could rejuvinate us (which he would have done).

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Guest KeithKettleborough

The handling of his departure was a disgrace but I was not shedding any tears at the time as there seemed to be many things not quite right at the club then.


However since then I wish he had stayed longer and was given at least til the end of the season to see what he could do.


I felt we played well in his last game at Villa and but for a terrible refereeing decision when the keeper should have been sent off, we would probably have won that game. Certainly the team has been far less exciting since he departed.


Perhaps the biggest problem for Bobby was that he had realised that Shearer needed to be replaced and certainly Kluivert and Bellamy looked good that day. In hindsite maybe the fact that Al was gonna get less games was the deciding factor in making Freddy fire Bobby and I always feel that Shearer played a far bigger part in what was going on than we have been told. Removing the teams hero was gonna cost a lot more in lost seats etc than sacking the manager I imagine and i think it was rumoured that Bobby had already tried to get liverpool to take Al.


There were obviously other things going on which influenced the sacking but I will always believe that the demotion of Shearer by Bobby (looking back probably right in footballing terms) was a major factor in him losing his job.

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The handling of his departure was a disgrace but I was not shedding any tears at the time.


However since then I wish he had stayed longer and was given at least til the end of the season to see what he could do.


I felt we played well in his last game at Villa and but for a terrible refereeing decision when the keeper should have been sent off, we would probably have won that game.


Perhaps the biggest problem for Bobby was that he had realised that Shearer needed to be replaced and certainly Kluivert and Bellamy looked good that day. In hindsite maybe the fact that Al was gonna get less games was the deciding factor in making Freddy fire Bobby and I always feel that Shearer played a far bigger part in what was going on than we have been told.


There were obviously other things going on which influenced the sacking but I will always believe that the demotion of Shearer by Bobby (looking back probably right in footballing terms) was a major factor in him losing his job.


The ref also cost us 3 points against Boro in our first game when the ball was handled into the net.  I didn't shed any tears either, I was angry about it because I felt it was the wrong decision, it was a knee-jerk decision which didn't need making at that time.


It was a poor decision and we've paid for it ever since, the fans lost out while those who made that rash decision have prospered financially, we're the only losers, the fans and Bobby.

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