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If not Sam, who then?

Guest Knightrider

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Dalglish, less than 4 months at Celtic after over 2 years out of the game since leaving Newcastle.


Gullit, 5 years out of management after leaving Newcastle before a failed season at Feyenoord. Currently LA Galaxy celebrity manager.


My point was they weren't exactly hot property after their careers ended here. So in our search for the next manager how many would be put off by the track record of hiring and firing that went on here.


One thing I am pretty sure of, if Mort and Ashley set about finding a new manager they're unlikely to make a mistake and he will be given time. I'm looking forward to it already. :)






How can you be sure of that? Ashley loves Smith and Mort is a lawyer. Why does that lead you to believe that they are shit hot at choosing football managers?




You speak the truth though. As far as I am aware, Mort and Ashley have never had to make a footballing decision thus far, at least not without consulting Sam and the other coaches. They haven't had enough time to build up a decent portfolio of contacts in the football world.


There is no evidence to suggest that the board can make the right decision, just as there is no evidence that they can't.


If a managerial appointment had to be made soon, I can see it either being Shearer, whoever was second choice to Juande Ramos at Spurs under the advice of Paul Kemsley, or someone Ashley has stumbled across on Wikipedia.

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All managers have a natural shelf life.  Some managers have success wherever and others have it at some clubs and not others.  Sometimes, a manager is hugely successful at one club and never repeats that elsewhere.


I wondered how many managers are still working in the Premier League that were managing there 5 years ago and I reckon there are only 4 that are still with the same clubs Wenger, Ferguson, Moyes and Redknapp (albeit with a break inbetween).  7 others have previously managed at other Premier League clubs - O'Neill, Allardyce, Megson, Curbishley, Jewell, Coppell and Bruce.


I wonder if Sam has just come to the end of his natural shelf life as a manager and what at one time seemed to be a very advanced and forward approach is now just run of the mill stuff for most clubs. 


If he had come here when the Club first tried then it might have been a different story.







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I dont think so.  His methods behind the scenes are advanced from where we were.  But, numbers and science doesn't win you football matches (obviously!).  I thought (perhaps wrongly) that when Sam came, it would enable him to further his own methods.  Take what he had done with bolton a few steps further.  At the moment, I'm becoming more convinced that this "strategy" just will not fit with this club.  Not only that, but I think he is perhaps trying to replicate what he had at bolton and not necessarily take it further.  I dont really see him trying to do anything extra that maybe he didnt get at bolton.  With no disrespect to Bolton, that club and those fans were perhaps satisfied with what he brought them and his mentality from that expected the same here. 


I think that if the results were the same but the football was better then things wouldn't seem so bad.  Or, if the results had been better but the football pretty much the same, again things wouldnt seem so bad.  But, because the football is as bad as it is, the style as it is and the results as bad as they are (we may be 11th, same as this time last season but we're 7 points behind team for team on last season) then this being the worst combination as so we have the situation as it is. 


What can you see improving?  The style?  No.  This is his style.  Results? Doubtful.  Not at the moment at least.  We have a much harder second half to the season so if anything, Id see us slipping further down the table as teams like Spurs and Reading leapfrog us.


I actually think Sam would do well at a smaller club with lower expectations.  But long term for this club?  I just cant see it.

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We should have gone for Sven instead of Allardyce.


If we get rid of Allardyce now we really need to go for quality.


Thomas Schaaf has done wonders at Werder Bremen, maybe he could be good for us. Michael Laudrup is an other good option imo. Plays good attractive football, something we are starving for.


Houllier or Van Gaal could also be good for us.

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Guest assyriantoon

The fact is, that with Shearer looming in the backround, Allardyce always needed to produce a very strong opening season regardless of money spent and the time given to previous managers. I think he should be given more time because our last few managers were given more time. I don't think Robson set the world alight in his first two seasons.


Perhaps we have to now give the job to Shearer because I think with him waiting in the shadows no manager will be given a fair opportunity. I'm not saying he is the best man for the job but I am saying that he is the only man who will be realistically given the time to show he is capable. I wouldn't mind laying off sam if we had a proven top class manager that the club were going to get in, like Van Gaal, but the reality is that we will almost definantly give the job to Big Al and I guess it is a case of better sooner then later because ultimately we will end up with him in charge.

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Guest assyriantoon

Because in the end every Newcastle fan knows he will end up here. Because the vast MAJORITY of the people in the crowd say so. Remember I don't want him, I just think that we have to have him.

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Why, because the papers and some moronic elements of the crowd say so? 


It is mostly the press, unfortunately a sizeable proportion of our fans seem to agree. Untested, could be a disaster but we may as well get it out of the way as until we have, every time a successor isn't doing too well out will come the Shearer brigade. Ridiculous, short-sighted, unfair, but true.


On the plus side, the best football we have played in the last few years was when Roeder/Shearer were in charge. Maybe he is the messiah

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  I don't think another pragmastic manager like Hollier will do any good for us. I think though Klinsman might be the man e belives in attacking football and he have that mentalliity of Keagan opponents should be worried about us we need that and lots of flair players.

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So who do you think is most likely to get the job if Big Sam is sacked? (Not who is best for job)

I don't think it'll be Shearer. I don't know who it'll be but someone with a proven track record would be my guess. Apppointing Shearer seems too much of a risk.

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So who do you think is most likely to get the job if Big Sam is sacked? (Not who is best for job)

I don't think it'll be Shearer. I don't know who it'll be but someone with a proven track record would be my guess. Apppointing Shearer seems too much of a risk.


That's the sensible, logical way to approach this impending appointment.


This is Newcastle United.

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Guest Knightrider

I cannot believe how people on this site are arguing as to who is worse, Souness or Allardyce...


For goodness' SAKE - Souness HAS GONE - END OF..


Allardyce was appointed to do a better job than any manager since SBR ; has he done that? NO..


Does he show any signs of being able to do that ? NO..(This is THE crucial point..)


Are the team, despite all the changes in the Summer, better than during the past 2 seasons ? NO..


Are the fans happy ? NO..


Do they have faith in the manager ? NO..


Does this manager look/feel comfortable at SJP? NO..


Are we going to win matches against teams like Liverpool(Away), Man U(at home), or Chelsea(at home) with what is passing for Premiership football by this team ? NO..


Will this manager, and the way the team plays, be able to attract BETTER players in summer ? NO..


Are the fans prepared to wait possibly 4 years to get European Football ? NO..


Do we need better players to improve? YES..


Will the better players on the current staff start getting restless about being at a club not progressing? YES...


Have we played mainly moderate to poor opposition in the first half season ?  YES...


Can we now get back to the point, which is ; If not Big Sam, then who..?


Speak for yourself...

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Guest Mcdonald36

Gerard Houllier is a good shout if Allardyce goes.


Very good manager and can attract top players. Not sure his style and philosophy will be to our fans' liking, but I doubt they'll care if we're winning things.

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Guest Knightrider

Take away Houllier's 5 trophies and everything we are arguing about today is what LFC fans were arguing about under Houllier. He's a good manager of course but like many I don't think he's NUFC material.

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For those who want rid,  or don't think he's the right man. And none of this "not my job to pick the manager shite" either.


I am willing to change my mind about him if someone can convince me his replacement will be much much better for us.




Surely there are any number of managers clearly better than Fat Sam. Do the rules of your game specify that this manager has to be without a job? Its just that two of our 3 last managers were at other clubs, so is all you want a list of managers who are better than Allardyce?

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Take away Houllier's 5 trophies and everything we are arguing about today is what LFC fans were arguing about under Houllier. He's a good manager of course but like many I don't think he's NUFC material.



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I seriously doubt Sam will be sacked for the next couple of seasons.


Lets hope, for the sake of our club, that you are wrong. I'd liek to know why you think he won't be though. And Parky's old Roeder one of "he has a contract, he's staying" will be met with the derision it deserves.

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For those who want rid,  or don't think he's the right man. And none of this "not my job to pick the manager shite" either.


I am willing to change my mind about him if someone can convince me his replacement will be much much better for us.




Surely there are any number of managers clearly better than Fat Sam. Do the rules of your game specify that this manager has to be without a job? Its just that two of our 3 last managers were at other clubs, so is all you want a list of managers who are better than Allardyce?


Only Souness came from another club, didn't he? I include all managers back to Keegan in that, an' all.

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Guest Mcdonald36

Take away Houllier's 5 trophies and everything we are arguing about today is what LFC fans were arguing about under Houllier. He's a good manager of course but like many I don't think he's NUFC material.





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