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If not Sam, who then?

Guest Knightrider

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For those who want rid,  or don't think he's the right man. And none of this "not my job to pick the manager shite" either.


I am willing to change my mind about him if someone can convince me his replacement will be much much better for us.




Surely there are any number of managers clearly better than Fat Sam. Do the rules of your game specify that this manager has to be without a job? Its just that two of our 3 last managers were at other clubs, so is all you want a list of managers who are better than Allardyce?


Only Souness came from another club, didn't he? I include all managers back to Keegan in that, an' all.


sorry, current and one before last. Cos lets not pretend Allardyce was randomly out of work.

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Guest Knightrider

For those who want rid,  or don't think he's the right man. And none of this "not my job to pick the manager shite" either.


I am willing to change my mind about him if someone can convince me his replacement will be much much better for us.




Surely there are any number of managers clearly better than Fat Sam. Do the rules of your game specify that this manager has to be without a job? Its just that two of our 3 last managers were at other clubs, so is all you want a list of managers who are better than Allardyce?


I'd just like to see who people would swap him with and on what basis. So far some of the names suggested range between laughable to who? While others would only represent a sideways step. Who would you swap him with btw?

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For those who want rid,  or don't think he's the right man. And none of this "not my job to pick the manager shite" either.


I am willing to change my mind about him if someone can convince me his replacement will be much much better for us.




Surely there are any number of managers clearly better than Fat Sam. Do the rules of your game specify that this manager has to be without a job? Its just that two of our 3 last managers were at other clubs, so is all you want a list of managers who are better than Allardyce?


Only Souness came from another club, didn't he? I include all managers back to Keegan in that, an' all.


sorry, current and one before last. Cos lets not pretend Allardyce was randomly out of work.


Oh, you old cynic you. I genuinely think he was, actually, Shepherd saw the opening and took it.


The funny thing is - hold on, it's not fucking funny at all actually - that even Souness was on the verge of being sacked before we PAID Blackburn for his "services"...

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Guest Mcdonald36

Championship with Paris Saint German.


So take away his 5 trophies at Liverpool and league titles at Lyon and Paris St Germain, what has Houillier ever done for us...

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Guest Knightrider

Take away Houllier's trophies with Liverpool and Lyon and what has he won?!??1


My point still stands, everything people are complaining about with the current manager LFC fans were doing the same with Houllier, in between those 5 trophies of course. Like I said he's a good manager but I don't think he'd be NUFC material. I know LFC fans who would hate to see him join us because of what we'd do to him if he failed and ask any Red and they'll likely tell you Houllier would do just that here.

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For those who want rid,  or don't think he's the right man. And none of this "not my job to pick the manager shite" either.


I am willing to change my mind about him if someone can convince me his replacement will be much much better for us.




Surely there are any number of managers clearly better than Fat Sam. Do the rules of your game specify that this manager has to be without a job? Its just that two of our 3 last managers were at other clubs, so is all you want a list of managers who are better than Allardyce?


I'd just like to see who people would swap him with and on what basis. So far some of the names suggested range between laughable to who? While others would only represent a sideways step. Who would you swap him with btw?


I disagree abotu the sideways step, absolutley and fundamentally. I think Allardyce is an awful manager for us, and there are a number of better options even in the PL (although they are also at medium sized clubs like us, so might be hard to prise away). Nonetheless, i think that a "sideways" step would be Roeder or Souness, because thats the level Fat Sam is on.


A step UP would be the likes of Hughes, Moyes, Redknapp (i hate him, but he's better than Allardyce), O'Neill, Eriksson, etc. I'm not saying they'd be easy to get, or would even come at all, but they are all better than Allardyce.


From Europe, it depends what we intend to do. If we intend to grasp the opportunity and push on, then we need a good coach, like a Houllier etc. Or a bigger name that we have to throw money at.


The simple fact is -  Allardyce is not good enough, he's proven himself to be an imbecile with transfers, team selection, formation and tactics, and someone who cannot learn from his mistakes. Oh, and he's doing the "x player did great" thing that we saw with our last 2 managers, in blatant disregard to the actual truth. Time to get rid, get a GOOD manager in, and then allow them to build. 

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Guest Mcdonald36

Take away Houllier's trophies with Liverpool and Lyon and what has he won?!??1


Like I said he's a good manager but I don't think he'd be NUFC material.


I just can't get my head around that statement.


So what is NUFC material, someone who doesn't win things?


Well we've got one of those right now.

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Take away Houllier's trophies with Liverpool and Lyon and what has he won?!??1


My point still stands, everything people are complaining about with the current manager LFC fans were doing the same with Houllier, in between those 5 trophies of course. Like I said he's a good manager but I don't think he'd be NUFC material. I know LFC fans who would hate to see him join us because of what we'd do to him if he failed and ask any Red and they'll likely tell you Houllier would do just that here.


Butyou think Fat Sam IS NUFC material?

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i dont think sam's going anywhere until at least the end of this season, it seems mort's intelligent enough to know that unless we're seriously looking like getting relegated then sacking him would just create another problem to sort out mid-season, its in their best interests to wait and appoint their own choice end of season, should they wish to, depending on how much money they want to put in, of course

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Guest Knightrider

For those who want rid,  or don't think he's the right man. And none of this "not my job to pick the manager shite" either.


I am willing to change my mind about him if someone can convince me his replacement will be much much better for us.




Surely there are any number of managers clearly better than Fat Sam. Do the rules of your game specify that this manager has to be without a job? Its just that two of our 3 last managers were at other clubs, so is all you want a list of managers who are better than Allardyce?


I'd just like to see who people would swap him with and on what basis. So far some of the names suggested range between laughable to who? While others would only represent a sideways step. Who would you swap him with btw?


I disagree abotu the sideways step, absolutley and fundamentally. I think Allardyce is an awful manager for us, and there are a number of better options even in the PL (although they are also at medium sized clubs like us, so might be hard to prise away). Nonetheless, i think that a "sideways" step would be Roeder or Souness, because thats the level Fat Sam is on.


A step UP would be the likes of Hughes, Moyes, Redknapp (i hate him, but he's better than Allardyce), O'Neill, Eriksson, etc. I'm not saying they'd be easy to get, or would even come at all, but they are all better than Allardyce.


From Europe, it depends what we intend to do. If we intend to grasp the opportunity and push on, then we need a good coach, like a Houllier etc. Or a bigger name that we have to throw money at.


The simple fact is -  Allardyce is not good enough, he's proven himself to be an imbecile with transfers, team selection, formation and tactics, and someone who cannot learn from his mistakes. Oh, and he's doing the "x player did great" thing that we saw with our last 2 managers, in blatant disregard to the actual truth. Time to get rid, get a GOOD manager in, and then allow them to build. 


Check their respective records, I think you'll find Allardyce is, statistically anyway, a better manager than the likes of Hughes and Moyes. I'd be devastated if we swapped Sam for any of those managers personally.


If we are to get rid I want an exceptional manager to justify the whole craziness of sacking this one who going off your logic, isn't doing too bad a job given that the majority of our players are shite and we are shite...


Anyway, I just know that if we did replace him with Moyes or Hughes and they too started the season like Sam has, we'd be having the very same discussion we're all having now, guaranteed.

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Guest toonlass

Take away Houllier's trophies with Liverpool and Lyon and what has he won?!??1


take away liverpool and lyon and who has he managed? :D


PSG and he won the championship with them too.

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For those who want rid,  or don't think he's the right man. And none of this "not my job to pick the manager s****" either.


I am willing to change my mind about him if someone can convince me his replacement will be much much better for us.




Surely there are any number of managers clearly better than Fat Sam. Do the rules of your game specify that this manager has to be without a job? Its just that two of our 3 last managers were at other clubs, so is all you want a list of managers who are better than Allardyce?


I'd just like to see who people would swap him with and on what basis. So far some of the names suggested range between laughable to who? While others would only represent a sideways step. Who would you swap him with btw?


I disagree abotu the sideways step, absolutley and fundamentally. I think Allardyce is an awful manager for us, and there are a number of better options even in the PL (although they are also at medium sized clubs like us, so might be hard to prise away). Nonetheless, i think that a "sideways" step would be Roeder or Souness, because thats the level Fat Sam is on.


A step UP would be the likes of Hughes, Moyes, Redknapp (i hate him, but he's better than Allardyce), O'Neill, Eriksson, etc. I'm not saying they'd be easy to get, or would even come at all, but they are all better than Allardyce.


From Europe, it depends what we intend to do. If we intend to grasp the opportunity and push on, then we need a good coach, like a Houllier etc. Or a bigger name that we have to throw money at.


The simple fact is -  Allardyce is not good enough, he's proven himself to be an imbecile with transfers, team selection, formation and tactics, and someone who cannot learn from his mistakes. Oh, and he's doing the "x player did great" thing that we saw with our last 2 managers, in blatant disregard to the actual truth. Time to get rid, get a GOOD manager in, and then allow them to build. 


Check their respective records, I think you'll find Allardyce is, statistically anyway, a better manager than the likes of Hughes and Moyes. I'd be devastated if we swapped Sam for any of those managers personally.


If we are to get rid I want an exceptional manager to justify the whole craziness of sacking this one who going off your logic, isn't doing too bad a job given that the majority of our players are s**** and we are s****...


Anyway, I just know that if we did replace him with Moyes or Hughes and they too started the season like Sam has, we'd be having the very same discussion we're all having now, guaranteed.



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Guest Knightrider

Take away Houllier's trophies with Liverpool and Lyon and what has he won?!??1


Like I said he's a good manager but I don't think he'd be NUFC material.


I just can't get my head around that statement.


So what is NUFC material, someone who doesn't win things?


Well we've got one of those right now.


I honestly don't know who is NUFC material, I thought Sam would be but he's being judged after less than 20 games and already up for the chop.


If I had to pick any manager out there now, regardless of name or experience or whether we could attract them, I couldn't pick anyone who I'd think, aye, he's the one.


That's the kind of job it's now become, the kind of job fans have helped make it. An impossible job. In my opinion anyway.

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Guest Knightrider

Take away Houllier's trophies with Liverpool and Lyon and what has he won?!??1


take away liverpool and lyon and who has he managed? :D




What do I win?

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Guest Mcdonald36

That's the kind of job it's now become, the kind of job fans have helped make it. An impossible job. In my opinion anyway.


It isn't an impossible job, we just keep hiring average managers.

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Guest Knightrider

Take away Houllier's trophies with Liverpool and Lyon and what has he won?!??1


My point still stands, everything people are complaining about with the current manager LFC fans were doing the same with Houllier, in between those 5 trophies of course. Like I said he's a good manager but I don't think he'd be NUFC material. I know LFC fans who would hate to see him join us because of what we'd do to him if he failed and ask any Red and they'll likely tell you Houllier would do just that here.


Butyou think Fat Sam IS NUFC material?


I did aye as did most, even those who didn't particularly want him or rate him.


20 games in though and things have changed. God knows what's happened in those 20 games though to turn things because from where I sit we are doing just as I expected and are placed in the table where I expect a mid-table club to be at this stage in a new era.


I'm quite relaxed about things personally, I rate the manager, I like him, I want him to succeed and I think giving time and money he will do, even with what has happened since he took over which isn't anything disastrous btw. A few poor performances and results are nothing alarming as that's been the common denominator of the past 3 years.

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For those who want rid,  or don't think he's the right man. And none of this "not my job to pick the manager shite" either.


I am willing to change my mind about him if someone can convince me his replacement will be much much better for us.




Surely there are any number of managers clearly better than Fat Sam. Do the rules of your game specify that this manager has to be without a job? Its just that two of our 3 last managers were at other clubs, so is all you want a list of managers who are better than Allardyce?


I'd just like to see who people would swap him with and on what basis. So far some of the names suggested range between laughable to who? While others would only represent a sideways step. Who would you swap him with btw?


I disagree abotu the sideways step, absolutley and fundamentally. I think Allardyce is an awful manager for us, and there are a number of better options even in the PL (although they are also at medium sized clubs like us, so might be hard to prise away). Nonetheless, i think that a "sideways" step would be Roeder or Souness, because thats the level Fat Sam is on.


A step UP would be the likes of Hughes, Moyes, Redknapp (i hate him, but he's better than Allardyce), O'Neill, Eriksson, etc. I'm not saying they'd be easy to get, or would even come at all, but they are all better than Allardyce.


From Europe, it depends what we intend to do. If we intend to grasp the opportunity and push on, then we need a good coach, like a Houllier etc. Or a bigger name that we have to throw money at.


The simple fact is -  Allardyce is not good enough, he's proven himself to be an imbecile with transfers, team selection, formation and tactics, and someone who cannot learn from his mistakes. Oh, and he's doing the "x player did great" thing that we saw with our last 2 managers, in blatant disregard to the actual truth. Time to get rid, get a GOOD manager in, and then allow them to build.  


Check their respective records, I think you'll find Allardyce is, statistically anyway, a better manager than the likes of Hughes and Moyes. I'd be devastated if we swapped Sam for any of those managers personally.


If we are to get rid I want an exceptional manager to justify the whole craziness of sacking this one who going off your logic, isn't doing too bad a job given that the majority of our players are shite and we are shite...


Anyway, I just know that if we did replace him with Moyes or Hughes and they too started the season like Sam has, we'd be having the very same discussion we're all having now, guaranteed.


I disagree. I think its vital that we give the right manager time. the RIGHT manager. And the current one and the last 2 have been so clearly not the right manager that its laughable.

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I'm not interested in Moyes or Hughes as I don't see them doing anything Allardyce won't do. Both have produced hard working functional teams which are eventually going to be limited. There's no point in sacking Sam unless we have enough inside knowledge to produce a Wenger or Ramos type appointment. That takes real insight and patience so no hurry just yet for me.



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I'd just like to see who people would swap him with and on what basis. So far some of the names suggested range between laughable to who?


Mine was tongue cheek & I was trying to look cool by showing my  general knowledge of the global game but he still better than anyone else's suggestions.

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I think Moyes is a better manager than Allardyce or Hughes. Quite underrated and written off as someone who just employs a team of grafters.

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