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Simple yes or no answers required. (Mine are all no for the record)





Is this good enough?


Is he doing all he can with what he's got?


Are you happy with the performance from the players?


Are you happy with the formations & tactics?


Are you happy with the results so far?


Will he get it right given time?


Has the club progressed?


Is our near future with the manager?


Have you felt proud at any time this season?

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My opinion is changing fast, soley because the first half at Wigan has been prob the worst half we have had in a long time and its been the story of Big Sam's reign so far. I am willing to let him change things but if the whole season is like this he will have to go in the summer.

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He's lost me.


This, Derby & Fulham turned me.


His reign is going to be short, the % of fans who dislike everything about him is rising far too fast for him to remain in a job by the end of the season, its only a matter of time before he get sacked now. Its what he deserves, he's simply either fuking up on purpose or he's not good enough and is too stubborn to see his one style of football doesn't work every time.



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Guest The Libertine

currently 9th. not good enough. i want 4th or above. he's had 6 months FFS!!!!1 i won the league on champ man after 4!!!!



some people really have delusions of grandeur or a severe bout of amnesia.

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currently 9th. not good enough. i want 4th or above. he's had 6 months FFS!!!!1 i won the league on champ man after 4!!!!



some people really have delusions of grandeur or a severe bout of amnesia.


Because that's exactly what i said wasn't it you muppet.



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Is this good enough?




Is he doing all he can with what he's got?


Yes. I inteprete this question as is him trying his best.


Are you happy with the performance from the players?


Majority yes.


Are you happy with the formations & tactics?


No but he is the manager and he is the boss.


Are you happy with the results so far?




Will he get it right given time?




Has the club progressed?




Is our near future with the manager?




Have you felt proud at any time this season?



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Guest The Libertine

currently 9th. not good enough. i want 4th or above. he's had 6 months FFS!!!!1 i won the league on champ man after 4!!!!



some people really have delusions of grandeur or a severe bout of amnesia.


Because that's exactly what i said wasn't it you muppet.




it actually answers a lot of those questions. 9th, bigger picture and all that.

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Guest johnson293

currently 9th. not good enough. i want 4th or above. he's had 6 months FFS!!!!1 i won the league on champ man after 4!!!!



some people really have delusions of grandeur or a severe bout of amnesia.

Sam is good enough and he needs time.


I Agree with Both of the above (in bold), TBH!

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currently 9th. not good enough. i want 4th or above. he's had 6 months FFS!!!!1 i won the league on champ man after 4!!!!



some people really have delusions of grandeur or a severe bout of amnesia.


Because that's exactly what i said wasn't it you muppet.




Its not what you said but its showing the same typical Newcastle fan impatience.

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Despite all of those questions there, how could you not have been proud after the Arsenal match?


So we had one good game, stemming from our ability to disrupt teams who actually try and play proper football with our ugly style.


Oh joy.


As for the questions...


I think we have progressed in some ways, but not really enough to make up for how resounding a no you have to answer the other questions with.


He may get it right in time, but I'm becoming less and less convinced.

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currently 9th. not good enough. i want 4th or above. he's had 6 months FFS!!!!1 i won the league on champ man after 4!!!!



some people really have delusions of grandeur or a severe bout of amnesia.


Because that's exactly what i said wasn't it you muppet.




it actually answers a lot of those questions. 9th, bigger picture and all that.


I can see the bigger picture, but when you start painting with your eyes closed then don't expect a masterpiece.



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Guest The Libertine


Is this good enough?




Is he doing all he can with what he's got?




Are you happy with the performance from the players?




Are you happy with the formations & tactics?




Are you happy with the results so far?




Will he get it right given time?


progress from the last 2 managers is obvious.


Has the club progressed?




Is our near future with the manager?


yes. 9th.


Have you felt proud at any time this season?


more so in 6 months than the last few years probably.


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he's simply either fuking up on purpose


Look at his reaction to the goals against Fulham and Birmingham. He wants to win.


After Allardyce was appointed, one poster (HTT) predicted that Allardyce's stubbornessand long term approach would make him very unpopular with a large portion of NUFC fans, particularly those whom are stubborn or impatient. This is pretty much coming true now, not trying to be patronising or anything, just acknowledging that Allardyce has a personality that will make many fans dislike him.


In my point of view, us this season equals Aston Villa last season. Last season, Villa were producing very poor and mediocre stuff. This season, they are one of the teams that I want to watch. Allardyce needs more time, he has inherited a team with awful balance, and it can be difficult to realise this if you are coming in from the outside.

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Is this good enough?




Is he doing all he can with what he's got?




Are you happy with the performance from the players?




Are you happy with the formations & tactics?




Are you happy with the results so far?




Will he get it right given time?


progress from the last 2 managers is obvious.


Has the club progressed?




Is our near future with the manager?


yes. 9th.


Have you felt proud at any time this season?


more so in 6 months than the last few years probably.



Do you think we'll finish 9th if we continue with such a deplorable quality of football?


Please keep in mind we've had by far and away the easiest part of our fixture list so far this year and it face away games to almost all the top teams in the remaining part of the season.

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Guest johnson293

Despite all of those questions there, how could you not have been proud after the Arsenal match?


So we had one good game, stemming from our ability to disrupt teams who actually try and play proper football with our ugly style.


Oh joy.


As for the questions...


I think we have progressed in some ways, but not really enough to make up for how resounding a no you have to answer the other questions with.


He may get it right in time, but I'm becoming less and less convinced.


So if we get rid - who would you like to see come in, and how long does the next manager get?


I mean, Sam is just about to complete his 7th month at the club, and 4th of the season.


How long does the next managre have to get us higher than 9th?


And which is more important to most supporters - playing good but maybe not getting results and being lower half of the table, or playing bad and getting resutls here and there, but being in the top half of the table?

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Guest The Libertine


Is this good enough?




Is he doing all he can with what he's got?




Are you happy with the performance from the players?




Are you happy with the formations & tactics?




Are you happy with the results so far?




Will he get it right given time?


progress from the last 2 managers is obvious.


Has the club progressed?




Is our near future with the manager?


yes. 9th.


Have you felt proud at any time this season?


more so in 6 months than the last few years probably.



Do you think we'll finish 9th if we continue with such a deplorable quality of football?


Please keep in mind we've had by far and away the easiest part of our fixture list so far this year and it face away games to almost all the top teams in the remaining part of the season.


im a 10th/11th man myself, but in the context of this thread, where would you see us finishing if we had the either of the last 2 managers in charge now?


we wouldnt be 9th.

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Despite all of those questions there, how could you not have been proud after the Arsenal match?


So we had one good game, stemming from our ability to disrupt teams who actually try and play proper football with our ugly style.


Oh joy.


As for the questions...


I think we have progressed in some ways, but not really enough to make up for how resounding a no you have to answer the other questions with.


He may get it right in time, but I'm becoming less and less convinced.


So we get rid - who would you like to see come in, and how long does the next manager get?


I mean, Sam is just about to complete his 7th month at the club, and 4th of the season.


How long does the next managre have to get us higher than 9th?


And which is more important to most supporters - playing good but maybe not getting results and being lower half of the table, or playing bad and getting resutls here and there, but being in the top half of the table?


I'd not sack him now btw, give him until the end of the season at least. But we're not making steady progress at all, which is all I expected.


The players look as confused now as they did at the season's start, I'm not seeing any indication that anything Sam is doing is even beginning to click.


Is this not justifiable cause for concern?


And we won't eep getting results playing bad for long, surely you can see this?

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he's simply either fuking up on purpose


Look at his reaction to the goals against Fulham and Birmingham. He wants to win.


After Allardyce was appointed, one poster (HTT) predicted that Allardyce's stubbornessand long term approach would make him very unpopular with a large portion of NUFC fans, particularly those whom are stubborn or impatient. This is pretty much coming true now, not trying to be patronising or anything, just acknowledging that Allardyce has a personality that will make many fans dislike him.


In my point of view, us this season equals Aston Villa last season. Last season, Villa were producing very poor and mediocre stuff. This season, they are one of the teams that I want to watch. Allardyce needs more time, he has inherited a team with awful balance, and it can be difficult to realise this if you are coming in from the outside.


So because one poster is of an opinion it must be true? That's not patronising, just ridiculous. 


You say his long term approach? Does that mean planning and building for the future? Is that why the majority of his signings are doing their final swansong?


His stubbornness will cost him his job, like it or not he's to manage now and for the future, you've got to do both, not neglect either. The formations and tactics he's playing do not work now, and more than ever we need to show the club is progressing so we can attract better players in the future, especially since teams around us are is much better shape and standing that were going to have to go down the same old Newcastle route of paying over the odds in wages just to attract average players. Thats what happens when you don't play for the now as well as for the future, if thats good enough for you and you excuse it because he's stubborn then so be it, its not good enough for me, and won't be good enough for those players of quality when they decide who to sign from when coming to the Premiership.



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Is this good enough?




Is he doing all he can with what he's got?




Are you happy with the performance from the players?




Are you happy with the formations & tactics?




Are you happy with the results so far?




Will he get it right given time?


progress from the last 2 managers is obvious.


Has the club progressed?




Is our near future with the manager?


yes. 9th.


Have you felt proud at any time this season?


more so in 6 months than the last few years probably.



Do you think we'll finish 9th if we continue with such a deplorable quality of football?


Please keep in mind we've had by far and away the easiest part of our fixture list so far this year and it face away games to almost all the top teams in the remaining part of the season.


im a 10th/11th man myself, but in the context of this thread, where would you see us finishing if we had the either of the last 2 managers in charge now?


we wouldnt be 9th.


That's very arguable tbh, even if SA is a better manager than our previous two.


What exactly about us this season has been so impressive that our previous managers couldn't have replicated it?

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Despite all of those questions there, how could you not have been proud after the Arsenal match?


So we had one good game, stemming from our ability to disrupt teams who actually try and play proper football with our ugly style.


Oh joy.


As for the questions...


I think we have progressed in some ways, but not really enough to make up for how resounding a no you have to answer the other questions with.


He may get it right in time, but I'm becoming less and less convinced.


So we get rid - who would you like to see come in, and how long does the next manager get?


I mean, Sam is just about to complete his 7th month at the club, and 4th of the season.


How long does the next managre have to get us higher than 9th?


And which is more important to most supporters - playing good but maybe not getting results and being lower half of the table, or playing bad and getting resutls here and there, but being in the top half of the table?


I'd not sack him now btw, give him until the end of the season at least. But we're not making steady progress at all, which is all I expected.


The players look as confused now as they did at the season's start, I'm not seeing any indication that anything Sam is doing is even beginning to click.


Is this not justifiable cause for concern?


And we won't eep getting results playing bad for long, surely you can see this?


Some people are so concerned not to repeat the mistakes of old, and to back the manager and give support that they are happy to let a full season coast by without any real sign of progression.


What's happened this season is worrying, and its certainly going to get worse with our fixture list unless we sign some really fuking brilliant players in Jan, not to mention the ANC bodies fuking off, we are fuked.


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Is this good enough? No


Is he doing all he can with what he's got? No


Are you happy with the performance from the players? No


Are you happy with the formations & tactics? No


Are you happy with the results so far? No


Will he get it right given time? Yes


Has the club progressed? Yes


Is our near future with the manager? Yes


Have you felt proud at any time this season? No

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Guest The Libertine


Is this good enough?




Is he doing all he can with what he's got?




Are you happy with the performance from the players?




Are you happy with the formations & tactics?




Are you happy with the results so far?




Will he get it right given time?


progress from the last 2 managers is obvious.


Has the club progressed?




Is our near future with the manager?


yes. 9th.


Have you felt proud at any time this season?


more so in 6 months than the last few years probably.



Do you think we'll finish 9th if we continue with such a deplorable quality of football?


Please keep in mind we've had by far and away the easiest part of our fixture list so far this year and it face away games to almost all the top teams in the remaining part of the season.


im a 10th/11th man myself, but in the context of this thread, where would you see us finishing if we had the either of the last 2 managers in charge now?


we wouldnt be 9th.


That's very arguable tbh, even if SA is a better manager than our previous two.


What exactly about us this season has been so impressive that our previous managers couldn't have replicated it?


i might have mentioned it before, but its the 9th part.


i remember a thread from a while ago which said something like "would you care if we played badly and won?" and its was a landslide victory for "no" and we've won more than we've lost so far.

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he's simply either fuking up on purpose


Look at his reaction to the goals against Fulham and Birmingham. He wants to win.


After Allardyce was appointed, one poster (HTT) predicted that Allardyce's stubbornessand long term approach would make him very unpopular with a large portion of NUFC fans, particularly those whom are stubborn or impatient. This is pretty much coming true now, not trying to be patronising or anything, just acknowledging that Allardyce has a personality that will make many fans dislike him.


In my point of view, us this season equals Aston Villa last season. Last season, Villa were producing very poor and mediocre stuff. This season, they are one of the teams that I want to watch. Allardyce needs more time, he has inherited a team with awful balance, and it can be difficult to realise this if you are coming in from the outside.


So because one poster is of an opinion it must be true? That's not patronising, just ridiculous.


It was not an opinion, it was a prediction, and whether its right or wrong, this prediction has certainly come true.

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