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Mort Expects Arrivals


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Sounds like when you tried to rope me into talking about Dyer.


In all seriousness. I fail to see why people kick up such a fuss, and have it in for people who have ambition for the football club and are prepared to show it. [i'm talking about the board, in case you don't realise]


However, Dire was a talented player. I was watching his early few years a few days ago on video, and a Birmingham supporter who I knew at the time we bought him assured me that he would play for England and be a good player, sprung to mind.


Fact is though, he failed to fulfull it due to a shit attitude, injury problems, and in the end, the club are better off without him because there was basically no way back for him.




We should of sold him to Manu when we had the chance, for everyones sake.


Players like Dyer thought very little of the club, at Manu there would be no way but down, he'd of shipped up under Fergie no problem and would of been lethal.


I see Dyer the same as i see Cole, if we didn't of sold Cole to Manu and kept him he'd of turned into an injury prone lazy dickhead as well, he was heading that way.

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FWIW we bought two strikers with lots of Premier League experience, a midfielder that likes a shot or two and another who looked the epitome of coolness in keeping possession pre-season to go with the four defenders and youngster.


As always, Allardyce's problem is that he's not making it work.


That is true, but I think now that, looking at our forward players en-bloc, we lack certain types of player. For instance, Viduka has almost zero mobility, Martins can't control possession, Owen has hardly played and even when he does, has always been a player who feeds off his partner. We have no outlet. We have no mobility. We have no desire to create situations, or better still force situations. We have no player to support the front players consistently, the only player with dribbling ability and pace is playing left back most of the time. We almost need a complete overhaul of all our forwards and midfield players now.


And the sad thing is, the REALLY sad thing, is that Craig Bellamy supplied almost all of these things we are lacking badly.





Absolutley. Ive said ths before but i rarely see any of our wingers looking to make runs past the full back. Duff the other night when he got fouled by the Onuhua before their goal was the first time i saw one of our wingers try and get behind the full back.This is key for a creative midfilder to be effective, look how many times Petrov and Ireland looked to get behind the defence. This is the main reason why i dont think having a creative midfielder will have that much of a dramatic effect because the outlets arent great.


As regard to the defence, i think the problem lies primarily with the protection of the defence. Most games this season the defenders seem to have decent games yet we still conceed, this suggest 2 things to me, that the partnership is ineffective and that the defence is exposed too much to the attacking teams. I dont think Butt is providing good enough protection, even against man city i thought that Elano found himself with too much time in advanced positions a little too often. No one was picking his run up from deep for his goal, a responsiblity of the DM in my opinion.

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Absolutley. Ive said ths before but i rarely see any of our wingers looking to make runs past the full back. Duff the other night when he got fouled by the Onuhua before their goal was the first time i saw one of our wingers try and get behind the full back.This is key for a creative midfilder to be effective, look how many times Petrov and Ireland looked to get behind the defence. This is the main reason why i dont think having a creative midfielder will have that much of a dramatic effect because the outlets arent great.


I've been telling people since the Summer the need for pace in the team, we've got nobody out wide who can get in behind the defence and the way Allardyce sets the team up means we've got no midfielder to arrive late in the box either.


It's just aimless long balls pumped forward to two isolated strikers.



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N'Zogbia and Enrique on the left, Duff and Beye on the right, with Martins consistently up top in a 'proper' striker's role being utilised properly, could solve a few problems we have with pace. That's a bit too simple though. :D I've also noticed Faye has a decent turn of pace, he beat his man more than once during the Chelsea and City games. Granted, with an unorthodox style - merely using strength to hang onto the ball and simply muscle his way through, but it worked.


I don't think we especially have a lack of pace in our squad just, like many crucial things, we're (Sam's) not utilising it properly.

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If "avoiding relegation" is your definition of sky high expectation, then does that mean that you are pretty happy with things so far? If not, then why?


People dont seem to except that the past 4 years were part of our history, i seem to get the impression that people regard the past 4 years as something of a blip.


I dont, i see it as the current state of our club, i get the impression that people see us as a team who should be challenging for European places, something which has actually been quite sporadic throught our recent history.


It depends how you view the club at the moment alot of the fans seem to think we could be finishing in the top 6, especially after the signings we've made. The signings havent turned out too well at the moment and people are using the expectation that a top 6 finish was a possibility as a valid reason for lambasting the position that we find ourselves in.


Sam looks to be on the verge and its purely down to the fact that people expect us to be in a better position than we are at the mo, but why? 

Becasue of the expectations that had arisen from the Keegan era, and more recently the SBR era, in fact its the expectations of the Keegan era which ended up getting SBR sacked. How can we sustain any level of success without any stability.


I dont understand how people dont see how attempting to break into the top4 (our eventual goal) should be a slow process.


Hope you have been "enlightened" oh ignorant one.





I think this thread should now be closed and made a sticky after that classic piece of tripe above.


were i to play devils advocate and ask what gave it its tripe like qualities, what would your response be?


My response would be that if you can't see the obvious for yourself it isn't worth my time explaining. I imagine by now you've read posts from others of the same belief as myself. Ask one of them, they may have more patience with your type than I have.




mate, its a forum, i ask you very nicely to explain your reasoning and you come back with that, you just make yourself look like a dick to be honest, you've got this good cop bad cop split personality in your posting where you try and come across as the voice of reason but with posts like this you reveal yourself to be an extremely arrogant, small minded fool


i've been nothing but civil towards you and you continue to say things like you dont have patience with my 'type' and that i'm not capable of discussion, yet with your constant sniping and ignoring direct questions it seems that you're the one incapable of debate


i've had enough, get f*****





Whey aye.....

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"The returns of Damien Duff, Shay Given and Michael Owen from long-term injuries, as a result of the hard work of the backroom staff and the players themselves, have also been very important to us.


"With these players added to some high-quality players already at the club, I think we all expected the team to be doing better on the pitch than it has been.


Classic football spin, while talking about signings mention the return of the long term sick. Do some people actually buy this shit? I am surprised he didnt go the whole hog and say "Its like signing 3 new players"

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"The returns of Damien Duff, Shay Given and Michael Owen from long-term injuries, as a result of the hard work of the backroom staff and the players themselves, have also been very important to us.


"With these players added to some high-quality players already at the club, I think we all expected the team to be doing better on the pitch than it has been.


Classic football spin, while talking about signings mention the return of the long term sick. Do some people actually buy this shit? I am surprised he didnt go the whole hog and say "Its like signing 3 new players"


Is it better for them to remain unavailable? :idiot2:

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"The returns of Damien Duff, Shay Given and Michael Owen from long-term injuries, as a result of the hard work of the backroom staff and the players themselves, have also been very important to us.


"With these players added to some high-quality players already at the club, I think we all expected the team to be doing better on the pitch than it has been.


Classic football spin, while talking about signings mention the return of the long term sick. Do some people actually buy this s***? I am surprised he didnt go the whole hog and say "Its like signing 3 new players"


Is it better for them to remain unavailable? :idiot2: 


No, do you? :idiot2:

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"The returns of Damien Duff, Shay Given and Michael Owen from long-term injuries, as a result of the hard work of the backroom staff and the players themselves, have also been very important to us.


"With these players added to some high-quality players already at the club, I think we all expected the team to be doing better on the pitch than it has been.


Classic football spin, while talking about signings mention the return of the long term sick. Do some people actually buy this s***? I am surprised he didnt go the whole hog and say "Its like signing 3 new players"


So what do you think he means when he mentions Duff et al? Are you trying to say that he's implying "that we dont need new players because of the returns of ....."


Pretty cynical view considering he's openly said and actually bid for a couple of players.



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How is it spin then?


As you say he talks a lot of sense in the OP & by your response to my post, I can tell I will only be wasting my time posting how I read it.




Go on.


With these players added to some high-quality players already at the club
Duff, Given & Owen were alredy at the club, these are not being added to anything.
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I think everyone expected results to improve when the likes of Given, Owen and maybe Duff were fit.


Yes so do I.


That's what he's saying though isn't he?


When these 3 came back from injury to add to the players already fit he expected better results than we've had.

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There's no point second guessing Mort really. I don't think we'll spend much in this window and he's already started lowering expectations reg this window. Unless we sell that is.


I hope we get rid of Martins and get someone else in.

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You're reading 'added' literally IMO. I read it as 'as well as'.


Well you would say that you bought the spin :thup: O0


I am sure NE5 & HTL will understand what I mean :razz:


No, I wouldn't say that at all. ;)


I think you're being overly cynical, and that's something coming from me.

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There's no point second guessing Mort really. I don't think we'll spend much in this window and he's already started lowering expectations reg this window. Unless we sell that is.


I hope we get rid of Martins and get someone else in.


this is precisely the vibe that is being given off, but people are in denial of it.



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You're reading 'added' literally IMO. I read it as 'as well as'.


Well you would say that you bought the spin :thup: O0


I am sure NE5 & HTL will understand what I mean :razz:


No, I wouldn't say that at all. ;)


I think you're being overly cynical, and that's something coming from me.


I understand what is being said ref these players, but agree with parky too that it is spadework for lowering expectations.



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