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Rallying call


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I say this all most everytime but this time it's going to to take some effort. Arry's an average manager, no two ways about it.


We are an average club, no two ways about it.


I expected no one above Harry's class. If it is him I wish him all the best and hope he can cope with the pressure (which Sir Bobby likened to his time in Spain in his autobiography).


The problem with the club is unrealistic expectations, I know Sam was struggling but who is to say with more time he wouldn't have changed us around? Lets hope whoever comes in gets support, backing and most important of all respect from fans and players alike.

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IF our new manager turns out to be Harry Redknapp we must get behind him and the club. Give them a chance and hope (with funding) they make a good go of it.


We may not agree with it but we rarely do and a fractious atmosphere round the place is not going to improve things. Nothing would be worse for the future of NUFC than trying to get rid of Redknapp before he has had a chance (and yes i do believe Allardyce had enough of a chance).


f*** Redknapp and f*** you.


Who knows what Redknapp can achieve with backing ? I know this could be said of the previous but that wasn't going to happen and the rights and wrongs of it will only get in the way now.


Are we Newcastle UNITED ? or are we going to continue letting ourselves be a spectacle for the medias ridicule ?






f*** Redknapp and f*** you

we really ought to have a minimum age limit on here
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I will not support or back anything that is not aimed at lifting the fortunes of the club.  Redknapp will not (I am convinced) achieve this, at best he'll consolidate us between 13th and 8th on the table.  As such I will not support him nor back him.  I will support my club the best way I know how by pointing out when we are doing something stupid.




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I will not support or back anything that is not aimed at lifting the fortunes of the club.  Redknapp will not (I am convinced) achieve this, at best he'll consolidate us between 13th and 8th on the table.  As such I will not support him nor back him.  I will support my club the best way I know how by pointing out when we are doing something stupid.







No world class manager would ever walk into this mess. Simple as that really.

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IF our new manager turns out to be Harry Redknapp we must get behind him and the club. Give them a chance and hope (with funding) they make a good go of it.


We may not agree with it but we rarely do and a fractious atmosphere round the place is not going to improve things. Nothing would be worse for the future of NUFC than trying to get rid of Redknapp before he has had a chance (and yes i do believe Allardyce had enough of a chance).


f*** Redknapp and f*** you.


Who knows what Redknapp can achieve with backing ? I know this could be said of the previous but that wasn't going to happen and the rights and wrongs of it will only get in the way now.


Are we Newcastle UNITED ? or are we going to continue letting ourselves be a spectacle for the medias ridicule ?






f*** Redknapp and f*** you

we really ought to have a minimum age limit on here




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Fuck off. It's Harry, the one who commits bung, who is never a top class manager, and the one who always unrest his own team.


He has already proved that money cannot bring him any success like Liverpool did and please give me any argument that he can bring us back to top 4.


People calling BS's head and supporting this guy is simply a group of wanker. It makes no sense at all.

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I will not support or back anything that is not aimed at lifting the fortunes of the club.  Redknapp will not (I am convinced) achieve this, at best he'll consolidate us between 13th and 8th on the table.  As such I will not support him nor back him.  I will support my club the best way I know how by pointing out when we are doing something stupid.







No world class manager would ever walk into this mess. Simple as that really.


Yep, your spot on.  But why are we "a shit midtable side"?  I say, because we have had shit midtable management, at the club and footballing level.


Now, I am still prepared to say that I think Ashley and Mort could be a dramatic improvement in the management at the club level, but we are still hiring shit midtable football managers.


So, whats the remedy.... don't hire shit midtable managers.  Pretty simple really.  There are plenty of clubs over the years, throughout the world, who have been strugglers but when the right club management offered the right conditions they brought in a quality football manager and turned their fortunes around.  Managers will come to a club like ours if we offer the right package, the right transfer kitty and the right authority over the squad.  So lets do that and stop being a shit midtable club!

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I will not support or back anything that is not aimed at lifting the fortunes of the club.  Redknapp will not (I am convinced) achieve this, at best he'll consolidate us between 13th and 8th on the table.  As such I will not support him nor back him.  I will support my club the best way I know how by pointing out when we are doing something stupid.







No world class manager would ever walk into this mess. Simple as that really.


Yep, your spot on.  But why are we "a s*** midtable side"?  I say, because we have had s*** midtable management, at the club and footballing level.


Now, I am still prepared to say that I think Ashley and Mort could be a dramatic improvement in the management at the club level, but we are still hiring s*** midtable football managers.


So, whats the remedy.... don't hire s*** midtable managers.  Pretty simple really.  There are plenty of clubs over the years, throughout the world, who have been strugglers but when the right club management offered the right conditions they brought in a quality football manager and turned their fortunes around.  Managers will come to a club like ours if we offer the right package, the right transfer kitty and the right authority over the squad.  So lets do that and stop being a s*** midtable club!


Name an example of such a manager then.

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I will not support or back anything that is not aimed at lifting the fortunes of the club.  Redknapp will not (I am convinced) achieve this, at best he'll consolidate us between 13th and 8th on the table.  As such I will not support him nor back him.  I will support my club the best way I know how by pointing out when we are doing something stupid.







No world class manager would ever walk into this mess. Simple as that really.


Yep, your spot on.  But why are we "a s*** midtable side"?  I say, because we have had s*** midtable management, at the club and footballing level.


Now, I am still prepared to say that I think Ashley and Mort could be a dramatic improvement in the management at the club level, but we are still hiring s*** midtable football managers.


So, whats the remedy.... don't hire s*** midtable managers.  Pretty simple really.  There are plenty of clubs over the years, throughout the world, who have been strugglers but when the right club management offered the right conditions they brought in a quality football manager and turned their fortunes around.  Managers will come to a club like ours if we offer the right package, the right transfer kitty and the right authority over the squad.  So lets do that and stop being a s*** midtable club!


Name an example of such a manager then.


Well, arguably the most recent example would be Man City with Sven.


Yeah, Sven struggled with England, but prior to that he had a very good record and since he joined Man City, who put in the right conditions, he's done really well by them.

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I'm simply too fed up with the same old bullshit. If he comes I will neither boo him or support him, I simply won't be there anymore.


Fine. For me, if nothing else I'm looking forward to see what he can do with the squad, see if they can actully play some football.  We might have had a chance to bring in a 'world class' manager had Robson's departure been handled better, but now it would be a fantastic surprise and not expected as seems to be the case with a lot of people on here.

I'm cool with Redknapp, not because he excites me that much as a manager, but at least he knows how to play the game and that for me is a positive step forward from the shit we've had to put up with under Allardyce. If Mourinho couldn't be persuaded, then how far down the list of managers would Redknapp have been realistically for most? Not too far in my mind. It just doesn't seem to be the disaster some are now suggesting, if he fails, then Ashley will hopefully learn from the experiance and another manager will get a chance.

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I will not support or back anything that is not aimed at lifting the fortunes of the club.  Redknapp will not (I am convinced) achieve this, at best he'll consolidate us between 13th and 8th on the table.  As such I will not support him nor back him.  I will support my club the best way I know how by pointing out when we are doing something stupid.







No world class manager would ever walk into this mess. Simple as that really.


Yep, your spot on.  But why are we "a s*** midtable side"?  I say, because we have had s*** midtable management, at the club and footballing level.


Now, I am still prepared to say that I think Ashley and Mort could be a dramatic improvement in the management at the club level, but we are still hiring s*** midtable football managers.


So, whats the remedy.... don't hire s*** midtable managers.  Pretty simple really.  There are plenty of clubs over the years, throughout the world, who have been strugglers but when the right club management offered the right conditions they brought in a quality football manager and turned their fortunes around.  Managers will come to a club like ours if we offer the right package, the right transfer kitty and the right authority over the squad.  So lets do that and stop being a s*** midtable club!


Name an example of such a manager then.


Well, arguably the most recent example would be Man City with Sven.


Yeah, Sven struggled with England, but prior to that he had a very good record and since he joined Man City, who put in the right conditions, he's done really well by them.


That was more down to chance that a manager of Sven's quality was unemployed. I see where you are coming from though.


For us, unemployed high class managers are Lippi and I doubt the pressure here is his cup of tea. :)

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Redknapp wouldn't have been on my list. I'm not saying he's really bad, I just don't think he's a step forward.


I can already see us being unhappy with him for the next two year until he's sacked, then we will start all over again. If we're going to hire a new manager, you might as well go all out and splash the cash on someone you would be willing to stick with for the period of his contract.


You can say "oh well we couldn't attract this guy or this guy" but I don't care, I'm not happy with second best and I never will be, I'll make no apology for wanting someone better either.




Actually, now that I'm a bit more relaxed and this terrible news is sinking in, I think I'll just wait to see what happens. I think I better stay away from this forum and newsnow too, It's driving me crazy! :p

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I will not support or back anything that is not aimed at lifting the fortunes of the club.  Redknapp will not (I am convinced) achieve this, at best he'll consolidate us between 13th and 8th on the table.  As such I will not support him nor back him.  I will support my club the best way I know how by pointing out when we are doing something stupid.







No world class manager would ever walk into this mess. Simple as that really.


Yep, your spot on.  But why are we "a s*** midtable side"?  I say, because we have had s*** midtable management, at the club and footballing level.


Now, I am still prepared to say that I think Ashley and Mort could be a dramatic improvement in the management at the club level, but we are still hiring s*** midtable football managers.


So, whats the remedy.... don't hire s*** midtable managers.  Pretty simple really.  There are plenty of clubs over the years, throughout the world, who have been strugglers but when the right club management offered the right conditions they brought in a quality football manager and turned their fortunes around.  Managers will come to a club like ours if we offer the right package, the right transfer kitty and the right authority over the squad.  So lets do that and stop being a s*** midtable club!


Name an example of such a manager then.


Well, arguably the most recent example would be Man City with Sven.


Yeah, Sven struggled with England, but prior to that he had a very good record and since he joined Man City, who put in the right conditions, he's done really well by them.


That was more down to chance that a manager of Sven's quality was unemployed. I see where you are coming from though.


For us, unemployed high class managers are Lippi and I doubt the pressure here is his cup of tea. :)


Sure, so lets put in an interim guy until the Summer and get the quality we need (and deserve).  At least there wont be any expectations of the interim guy and we then have the time to really work on the management issue.

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Guest The Libertine
I will support my club the best way I know how by pointing out when we are doing something stupid.


a mentality shared by many newcastle fans. keep doing that, its worked great so far  :thup:

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I will support my club the best way I know how by pointing out when we are doing something stupid.


a mentality shared by many newcastle fans. keep doing that, its worked great so far  :thup:


(assuming you were being sarcastic....)

So how's saying nothing and supporting the manager working out for ya then...... goin' great is it?

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Guest The Libertine

I will support my club the best way I know how by pointing out when we are doing something stupid.


a mentality shared by many newcastle fans. keep doing that, its worked great so far  :thup:


(assuming you were being sarcastic....)

So how's saying nothing and supporting the manager working out for ya then...... goin' great is it?


the last time the board/the fans supported a manager for any decent length of time we did really well. champions league, actually. then the vultures appeared for no real reason and it was goodbye bobby, hello mediocrity. 

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I will support my club the best way I know how by pointing out when we are doing something stupid.


a mentality shared by many newcastle fans. keep doing that, its worked great so far  :thup:


(assuming you were being sarcastic....)

So how's saying nothing and supporting the manager working out for ya then...... goin' great is it?


the last time the board/the fans supported a manager for any decent length of time we did really well. champions league, actually. then the vultures appeared for no real reason and it was goodbye bobby, hello mediocrity. 


so you are saying we would have done well if we had supported souness or roeder for a decent length of time?

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Guest The Libertine

I will support my club the best way I know how by pointing out when we are doing something stupid.


a mentality shared by many newcastle fans. keep doing that, its worked great so far  :thup:


(assuming you were being sarcastic....)

So how's saying nothing and supporting the manager working out for ya then...... goin' great is it?


the last time the board/the fans supported a manager for any decent length of time we did really well. champions league, actually. then the vultures appeared for no real reason and it was goodbye bobby, hello mediocrity. 


so you are saying we would have done well if we had supported souness or roeder for a decent length of time?


no, the world and its dog knew they were not good enough.

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I will support my club the best way I know how by pointing out when we are doing something stupid.


a mentality shared by many newcastle fans. keep doing that, its worked great so far  :thup:


(assuming you were being sarcastic....)

So how's saying nothing and supporting the manager working out for ya then...... goin' great is it?


the last time the board/the fans supported a manager for any decent length of time we did really well. champions league, actually. then the vultures appeared for no real reason and it was goodbye bobby, hello mediocrity. 


so you are saying we would have done well if we had supported souness or roeder for a decent length of time?


no, the world and its dog knew they were not good enough.

I dunno about the world but the dog knew :laugh:

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